Late night eating



  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I am currently working on a device that will lock your jaw and is set up on a timer that will unlock it in the morning. It kinda looks like the head piece from the movie saw but instead of ripping your jaw open it locks it down. Should be ready next spring. Otherwise I am screwed lol
  • When the late night munch monster attacks I hit it with light exercise like a couple laps around the block. Clears the mind. Good luck!

    I do squats, sit ups, chest dips and other strengthening exercises instead of having supper (which I seldom need and am never hungry for!) It gives me something to do in place of eating... Sometimes we just need to break the cycle of a bad habit. Good Luck!
  • I like to have a bowl of cereal with 1% milk at night or the slow churned varieties of ice cream! I have a houseful though so I buy the regular ice cream for the rest of them.
  • waltcote
    waltcote Posts: 372 Member
    Microwave popcorn with tabasco sauce ....mmmmm :devil:
  • Amberlynnek
    Amberlynnek Posts: 405 Member
    Are you a person that responds well to structure?

    I am extremely OCD and only responds to structure. If I don't plan and time slot things I fail miserably.

    So here are my tips.

    I make sure to work out directly after work which gets me home around 7;30 - 8. I eat dinner ( prepared earlier in the week - or can be quickly prepared within 30 minutes - salads, fish with veg, omeletters, you get it). I sit at a table and set an atmosphere and actually enjoy my dinner. The workout helps curb my post-work appetite.

    I am always hungriest in the late afternoon early evening too. Because of this, I try to plan my lunchs at 1-2pm instead of 11-12, it holds me over longer. After work I used to just sit down in front of the TV and munch on unhealthy things, now I plan my late night snack for 9:30pm a cup of tea with a splash of almond milk and a honey stick and then something a lil sweet. If I crave a candy bar, I cut the bar into thirds in and bag separately earlier in the week. And then I put 4 strawberries on a plate, some grapes, and then 1/3rd of the candy bar, sliced into small bites. If there is something else I am craving, I put a minute portion of that on as well. That way the majority of my snack is healthy and I still get to eat what I want. I don't know how you are, but I am a quantity person, so seeing the smaller bites of a candy bar on a plate make me feel like I am eating more. So I have my plate and tea and grab my dog and blanket and curl up with some TV before bed.

    Another little trick I used, I went to target and bought some cute plates/bowls etc for snacking - I found that atmosphere plays a huge role in my snack time.

    So even though this is extremely long, let me sum it up - structure, time slot, don't restrict, get cute plates - oh and try different popcorn recipes!

    Good luck!
  • My advice is either don't have your "trigger" foods in the house or buy them in portion controlled packages. Then, I would suggest planning for your late night eating by reserving calories for it.
  • According to my nutritionist it doesn't matter what time you eat as long as you have enough time to digest before bed! She says that's about three hours... as for healthy snacks that are sweet, I'd try any fruit that you like! I love watermelon and I can eat tons of it and still be low on the calorie side. :)

    I'm thinking about buying some mini ice cream cups and cones myself. I love ice cream and if I buy it in a tub, I'm likely to finish it off in a day or two lol.
  • laursoar
    laursoar Posts: 131 Member
    I always want a sweet snack at night. Many of my new favorite nighttime snacks involve bananas, often briefly frozen and combined with something else. I do a lot of PB2 and banana combos or sometimes throw in some unsweetened cocoa powder as well. You can make a "pudding" out of it or just kind of use it as a dip. If you have extra calorie room leftover, you can throw in some low cal milk (I like coconut) to make a chocolate peanut butter banana shake.
  • Jonesie86
    Jonesie86 Posts: 446 Member
    Some people say to drink water til your full, which leaves me unsatisfied lol. I try tea because it has some flavor and is warm, which actually makes me fill full like I've eaten, instead of just full of cold water. Maybe find a flavored tea, I love the Yogi brand and they have some good ones!!! Best of luck!
  • ToFatT0B3S1ck
    ToFatT0B3S1ck Posts: 194 Member
    Stay out of the kitchen.
  • jfauci
    jfauci Posts: 531 Member
    I'm an evening muncher too. I just make sure I leave myself enough calories to eat what I want at night.
  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    Eating sweets encourages... more sweet eating. Best way to deal with it is to cut them out. If you have to eat late, have some low glycemic fruit.
  • AA1ex
    AA1ex Posts: 223 Member
    I had to change my whole schedule where I went to bed earlier, even on weekends, and moved dinner to a later time. This in turn led to by the time the late night munchies came I was sound asleep. totally works for me since I prefer to workout in the mornings I have more energy to do so as well. Hope you find something that works for you!
  • Protein bars, Pepper Ridge BBQ Cracker Chips, Special K Sour Cream & Onion Cracker Chips, cereal and bananas, yogurt granola and berries, frozen yogurt, leftovers.

    I know I eat all night up until bed time so I do leave cals for night time snacking, but having better choices helps a bit because I can eat more cracker chips than I can chips because 40 cracker chips is only 160 cals :P
  • Since I am a late night muncher also, I am trying something I read in a magazine a while ago. I am giving my body 12 hours between my last meal and the first meal of the day. Example: if i eat at 8 pm, I know that I shouldn't eat again until 8 am next. I like the fact that I am learning what real hunger pangs feel like again. It has been a long time for me, since I am an emotional eater too! A new way of life is how I am choosing to describe my eating habits. I just have to get my mind and body on the same page, wink, wink! Lots of great ideas, keep striving to find what will work for you.
  • laurie7075
    laurie7075 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm so glad I chose this post out of the many regarding late night eating...and even happier that I saw this particular comment! I have been beating myself up for doing so well during the day and staying under my calorie goal and then giving in to cravings late at night. I work 3-11pm and tend to want to snack around midnight while I am in bed and up watching television. I have starting buying healthier snacks like multigrain organic chips, kashi bars, nuts, and things like that, but I still end up feeling I've blown it for the day (and also these snacks don't get recorded in my food diary because I have usually already submitted). So anyhow, what I'm getting at is that I love your statement about spacing it out for 12 hours before eating the next day. I am not a breakfast person at all....the only reason I even consume anything before lunch is because I want to have a little something in my stomach before working out late morning/early afternoon.