Still same dress size

Has anyone else had the same problem as me - I have lost 1 and a half stones but am still the same size! How can this be? Ok, my clothes feel a bit looser but when I try on a size smaller they are still too tight. I hear of other stories of similar (and less) weight loss and they have gone down two sizes. What's happening? Anyone any ideas?


  • cdjs77
    cdjs77 Posts: 176 Member
    There are two reasons that I can think of: You started out at a higher weight and/or you haven't been doing enough strength training. If you started out at a higher weight/size you may need to lose more before you go down a size. I was a lower weight and only had to lose about 10 lbs to go down a size, but I had many friends who were significantly overweight who had to lose up to 20 lbs to go down a size. You should also include strength training in your workout routine if you haven't already and it will help maintain lean body mass. If you haven't been doing much strength training, you may have lost a lot of muscle, which is more dense, therefore leading to a higher weight loss but less size loss.
  • hollymartin90
    hollymartin90 Posts: 57 Member
    yeh this happened to me lost bout a stone from the start and was still the same size!(well on the bottom half anyway)now lost nearly 2 stone and am a size smaller ,think maybe it depends where u r losing weight from?I think no matter what i do i'll always have large hips so hard to go down a jean size
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    a friend of mine GAINED 17 pounds and is the same dress size and her jeans are actually looser... MUSCLE over FAT !! She lost FAT but GAINED more weight in MUSCLE.... muscle takes up less room by volume...thus the resulting lack of change in clothing size
  • runlilyrun
    As someone above said, if you're bigger it may take longer to change sizes - that's because the gaps between sizes are larger at the upper end of the spectrum. (Apparently big people don't need well-fitting clothes...)
  • terricherry2
    terricherry2 Posts: 222 Member
    I was in the same boat. I had to lose 28lb before I dropped a dress size. With me it was because the weight was spread out pretty evenly all over, so a big loss only made a tiny difference to each area. It's frustrating but worth it once you get there.
  • mabelbabel1
    mabelbabel1 Posts: 391 Member
    Each size for me is a minimum stone and a half, with a bit of overlap each end.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    It's been about 20 pounds per size for me, but this will depend on your body type. Plus, there is so much variation between brands and even different styles in the same brand anyway. If you look and feel better, does the label in the clothing really matter so much?
  • Swiftdogs
    Swiftdogs Posts: 328 Member
    A lot depends on your frame. My mother and I were built much alike, except she was model-skinny. I could wear a lot of her clothes even though I was probably 40 pounds heavier. I'm not really expecting to drop a size, just to have my clothes fit better.
  • RenshiG
    RenshiG Posts: 71 Member
    A lot depends on your frame. My mother and I were built much alike, except she was model-skinny. I could wear a lot of her clothes even though I was probably 40 pounds heavier. I'm not really expecting to drop a size, just to have my clothes fit better.

    Yes and in the reverse... I have gained 25lbs and still fit into the same pair of jeans... tight... very tight... but making it work..... So I guess I would have to lose about 30lbs to go down a size. Just depends on how you carry it, "which" weight you lose (muscle vs. fat vs. water), and also how the pants are cut, stretch, etc.

    BUT you are saying they are not as tight anymore!!!!!! So good job!!! :-)