Do you reward yourself?

Everyday that I have a great eating day and have a great workout I reward myself with a glass of dark chocolate almond milk.
Do you reward yourself? If so, what do you reward yourself with?


  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    Nope. But I have some form of dessert, usually a cup of frozen greek yogurt or 12 ounces of chocolate milk or something of the sort, every single night because I've fit it into my calories and macros. It's just part of my diet, not a "reward." The only things I might reward myself with would be non-food-related: new jeans, new shirt, new shoes, new hair color, pedicure, girls' night out, etc.
    JADEPH0EN1X Posts: 162 Member
    When I finally got back under the 100 kg mark I bought myself a plant .
  • ky_pry
    ky_pry Posts: 13 Member
    I do those things as well.
    I love rewards!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
  • crackur
    crackur Posts: 473 Member
    great rewards

    I reward myself with new ink! I got two more I want done......just got to make and reach new goals.......fresh ink last week.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I like rewards too.

    I don't really think food is a good reward...but I guess in some ways my weekend treats are food rewards for the healthy eating I do during the week. I don't binge or anything but I usually get a Lindt chocolate stick on Friday night or split an ice cream with my fiancé.

    But as for "real" rewards...I've done a few things. New exercise pants, jump rope, basketball, new athletic shoes. Most recently I hit my all-time adult low weight and right now I'm almost at 40 lb lost since joining MFP, so this week I bought myself a new pair of red Warby Parker glasses I don't really need, but want.
  • Tessyloowhoo
    Hell yeah... I am so proud of myself for everything i am achieving!

    Most of the time it is with new workout music from itunes....
    Also when i get to my UGW i am going to have photographs taken by a professional !

  • Annerk1
    Annerk1 Posts: 372 Member
    Not typically, but I just fell below my original goal, so I'll reward myself with a decedent muffin this weekend.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    My reward is being healthier and more reward is being able to run or cycle or swim faster today than i could last week or the week before reward is being able to push and pull more weight now than I could a month reward is my quarterly blood work coming back better than it did the previous reward is having a better body composition and looking better and more fit by the day.

    I've never really understood this concept of "rewarding" oneself with material things for doing something that you're just supposed to do anyway.
  • DymonNdaRgh40
    DymonNdaRgh40 Posts: 661 Member
    My rewards are facials and massages. I'm thinking of a tattoo but I have to build up the nerve.
  • mikeykhan2003
    I understand the folks that say "it's enough of a reward to be healthier", but I definitely do. I have goals set at 25 lbs that I use to "unlock" new activities (spinning, yoga, martial arts, whatever), and a reward as well. Small road trips, concert/sports events, papa johns (the only actual food reward) and when I hit my major target (especially if it's by July next year I'm going to go to

    And then do a pub crawl called the mumble mile; then finish off my trip with a couple of days in London and a few days in the south of Spain!

    I knwo that's a huge trip, but after losing 200 lbs I feel like I would deserve to enjoy my new health in an epic way.
  • ky_pry
    ky_pry Posts: 13 Member
    I only used my dark chocolate almond milk as an example. I love it.... LOVE LOVE LOVE it.... So it always feels just as good as buying myself something material.....
    My next "material" reward when I hit my next goal is a trip VS :)
  • ky_pry
    ky_pry Posts: 13 Member
    I understand the folks that say "it's enough of a reward to be healthier", but I definitely do. I have goals set at 25 lbs that I use to "unlock" new activities (spinning, yoga, martial arts, whatever), and a reward as well. Small road trips, concert/sports events, papa johns (the only actual food reward) and when I hit my major target (especially if it's by July next year I'm going to go to

    And then do a pub crawl called the mumble mile; then finish off my trip with a couple of days in London and a few days in the south of Spain!

    I knwo that's a huge trip, but after losing 200 lbs I feel like I would deserve to enjoy my new health in an epic way.

  • crackur
    crackur Posts: 473 Member
    My reward is being healthier and more reward is being able to run or cycle or swim faster today than i could last week or the week before reward is being able to push and pull more weight now than I could a month reward is my quarterly blood work coming back better than it did the previous reward is having a better body composition and looking better and more fit by the day.

    I've never really understood this concept of "rewarding" oneself with material things for doing something that you're just supposed to do anyway.
    supposed to do........what a broad ignorant statement......

    heard bout those shoes? of others? that people try to walk in?
  • ky_pry
    ky_pry Posts: 13 Member
    My reward is being healthier and more reward is being able to run or cycle or swim faster today than i could last week or the week before reward is being able to push and pull more weight now than I could a month reward is my quarterly blood work coming back better than it did the previous reward is having a better body composition and looking better and more fit by the day.

    I've never really understood this concept of "rewarding" oneself with material things for doing something that you're just supposed to do anyway.

    That is awesome as well.....
    We all have our things:)
  • crackur
    crackur Posts: 473 Member
    My rewards are facials and massages. I'm thinking of a tattoo but I have to build up the nerve.
    tattoos are only great rewards if they represent or mean something to you.......I have I guess a few/many and more to come but make them important and therefore reaching your goal to receive the reward is that much sweeter.
  • Tessyloowhoo

    I've never really understood this concept of "rewarding" oneself with material things for doing something that you're just supposed to do anyway.

    Actually i was never "supposed" to do anything i am achieving... i was "supposed" to be wheel chair bound and dependent on medication...
    So if i am proud of myself for really pushing myself on a run or during a lifting session ... you can bet i am going to reward myself with a new workout song for 99cents
  • jennyruellebricker
    For every pound I lose per week I put $2 in an envelope. When I get to the half way mark I will be able to go shopping for fun.
  • crackur
    crackur Posts: 473 Member

    I've never really understood this concept of "rewarding" oneself with material things for doing something that you're just supposed to do anyway.

    Actually i was never "supposed" to do anything i am achieving... i was "supposed" to be wheel chair bound and dependent on medication...
    So if i am proud of myself for really pushing myself on a run or during a lifting session ... you can bet i am going to reward myself with a new workout song for 99cents
    damn skippy...........I'm proud of you!
  • ky_pry
    ky_pry Posts: 13 Member

    I've never really understood this concept of "rewarding" oneself with material things for doing something that you're just supposed to do anyway.

    Actually i was never "supposed" to do anything i am achieving... i was "supposed" to be wheel chair bound and dependent on medication...
    So if i am proud of myself for really pushing myself on a run or during a lifting session ... you can bet i am going to reward myself with a new workout song for 99cents
    damn skippy...........I'm proud of you!

    ME TOO!