Im SO annoyed =(

I havn't eaten chocolate, cheese or crisps in over 4 weeks. I've been sticking to 1200-1300 calories a day and been going to the gym at least 6 times a week. I thought i'd weigh myself to see how much i've lost... I've put on a pound! I feel like screaming!


  • bronze60
    bronze60 Posts: 2 Member
    I get that too and it's soooo frustrating. Here are some key questions that might help you figure it out:
    Are you doing fat-burning cardio for at least 2 of your gym days? (~70% of max heart rate for an hour)
    Are you drinking lots of water?
    Are your clothes feeling looser?
  • lonypony
    lonypony Posts: 130 Member
    Perhaps you are not eating enough. I know this sounds silly, but really its true. Have you looked at your settings and made sure you have put in correctly your weekly exercise goals and also don't do the maximum weight loss. Try a lesser weight, rejig your calories so you eat more and I bet it will work. By adding more calories, I don't mean go back to eating chocolate and chips. Try an energy bar or an extra apple or banana.
  • MsLisaB
    MsLisaB Posts: 256
    Don't be too upset. The increase could be due to an increase in lean muscle mass. You may have still lost body fat but as muscle weighs more than fat on a volume for volume basis it is possible to see an increase on the scales as your body composition changes. Scales are evil by the way :devil:

    Have you noticed any changes in the way your clothes fit? Or how you look? If you haven't yet, start taking your measurements. Then you'll have something else to compare other than the number on the scale. You may have already lost inches off your waist and/or hips and not even realise it :smile:
  • katkat987
    katkat987 Posts: 100 Member
    I've been doing a low HR workout on the cycling machine, then cardio on the elliptical. I have water wth me all the time, im definitely drink enough. My clothes dont feel any looser and i dont look any different.

    I'm on the settings to lose 1 pound per week, and i eat a large breakfast, have healthy snacks throughout the day, have a light lunch, average dinner and don't eat after 8.

    But the bad news is im going to have to lay off the gym a bit because i'm struggling with my breathing atm and am having trouble getting a doctors appointment. My stupid inhaler ran out =/
  • Maggie1960
    Don't despair - it could be any number of things, including time of the month, your general health (get your breathing sorted out as soon as you can). Ditch the scales for a week or two and use a tape measure instead.
  • katkat987
    katkat987 Posts: 100 Member
    Haha i don't own scales for this exact reason. I use the one at the gym cause it gives me a little print off with my height, weight, BMI etc and the date. I'm only weighing myself every 2 or 3 weeks, but i will be investing in a tape measure x
  • Maggie1960
    I get SO disheartened when the scales don't move downwards, yet I know it's working because my clothes are looser and my cheekbones are reappearing slowly. So now I only weigh myself every 14 days and record my measurements weekly instead - it's far more encouraging and those jeans I bought for inspiration WILL fit me one day soon!:drinker:
  • katkat987
    katkat987 Posts: 100 Member
    Haha i can't buy jeans for inspiration, i have big hips so i dont know if its physically possibly for me to fit into anything smaller. Damn the childbearing hips =(
  • MsLisaB
    MsLisaB Posts: 256
    I also just noticed you're trying to lose 10lb. I'm at about a similar number (11lb) but started higher (20lb) and have noticed my weight loss is very slow now. 0.6lb last week and nothing the week before. Once you get your breathing under control try doing some interval training. It might just give your body the kick it needs. Swimming may be worth a try too and may also help with your breathing.
  • katkat987
    katkat987 Posts: 100 Member
    I can't do swimming because there isn't a swimming pool near me at uni. But i was planning on doing cycling and swimming when i go home to see my boyfriend. Im thinking off starting up some of the free gym classes so i get a bit more variety with my exercise. And instead of having tuesday off from the gym (i have lectures all day and have no energy) I could do pilates =)
  • Teresa652
    Teresa652 Posts: 217 Member
    You probably aren't eating enough. You have to eat the calories that your burned during exercising..
  • DigitalRain
    I agree, you are not eating enough calories. Whether you like it or not your body MUST have enough fuel to function normally. 1200 calories is not enough if you are as active as you say. You are probably runniing on empty by the end of the day.

    Eat and increase the calories. I bet the lbs will start dropping off.
  • squishyfishy
    This happens to me all the time when I up my exercise, I need to eat my full calorie allowance and at least half the cals earned from exercise to see any loss at all and even then I tend to gain or staythe same for 3/4 weeks then suddenly lose 4/5lbs. Don't despair just experimant with eating a bit more and see how you get on in a couple of weeks.
  • katkat987
    katkat987 Posts: 100 Member
    Right.. well im going to head off to the shops and stock up on some more food (im out of my precious bananas).

    I think i discovered where some of that weight may come from.. my monthly friend has just arrived for the 3rd time in 4 weeks.. I thought periods were meant to come every 28 days haha
  • squishyfishy
    I wish lol I had 2 in 3 weeks! My weight can fluctuate by as much as 5lbs at TOTM so I'd give it another week and see what the scales say. Good luck.
  • katkat987
    katkat987 Posts: 100 Member
    Haha it wouldnt suprise me if i had another one next week. Plus some of them last about 2 days and others up to about 3 weeks! And then i can go 2 months without any.. I have been to the doctors about it so at least i know there's no underlying problem. It's just my implant confusing my body haha