SBF2: Reboot boogaloo...wk of Oct 4.



  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, pebbs

    In a weird head space right now. Trying very hard not to put on my pouty pants. But, the fact that I've had either an aura or a headache for over a week now is a bit frustrating. (I've had bouts of relief, but nothing that sticks). I'm going to an acupuncturist today to see if I can at least treat some symptoms, while I'm waiting for CT scan and (depending on what that looks like) a specialist referral. Ugh. In the meantime, I feel a bit foggy, and just sort of floating forward (in a bad way, or at least it feels like that)

    Anyways, on my more positive notes for the day:

    dance class at 9 (the experiment "turn yourself into a morning person" continues to be a bit of a struggle...I'm beginning to hate my alarm clock)

    some work on my project for school (I've slacked off for a couple of days here, and need to quit it. It's hard to balance it in there now that I'm teaching again)

    two appointments, then home

    Depending on how the acupuncturist goes, I need to get my show together (any lyrics I don't have memorized, set lists, charts, etc) This should be finished by the end of the day.

    Also, I need to eat a darn vegetable (I had a goal to eat greens 5/7 days...if I don't do it every day left this week, I won't make it.)

    Everything is sparkly, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,787 Member
    I get up about the same time every day - around 7 - give or take 30 minutes - but I still hate setting the alarm clock for 7. One of many reasons I would hate a 8-5 job. I do have to set my alarm most days of the week, even now.

    Today - teach and go to yoga. I don't have a class planned for today, so I need to work on that. I need to figure out if iCal is keeping our computer from sleeping. Any ideas?

    Not having to set an alarm, boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Update: The maintenance guy called this morning. He said, "I don't know what you all did but you sure lit a fire under them." He's coming out tomorrow to patch all the holes inside behind all the appliances. Then he'll give the rodents a few days to realize they can't come back in, and he'll close up the outside next Tuesday. :bigsmile: Too bad we had to throw a temper tantrum to get them to do something. I sure hope this fixes it. And I still want to move. :tongue:
  • kenko
    kenko Posts: 4
    Your article is great! Such good information, thank you for posting it.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Good morning!
    Another beautiful day here.
    I am down another pound. I've lost about 4.5 so far. My goal was five before we go to Russia, so I think I'm gonna make it! People are noticing now too. :bigsmile: A girl at church that I hadn't seen in about three weeks said, "You look different." I said, well I'm wearing glasses. She said, "No, that's not it. Looks like you've lost some weight." :happy: The test will come when I try on my dress pants that I have to wear in about ten days. I really think that, even though I was eating too much and not getting results, working out for almost six months is part of the reason I am able to drop it off so quickly now. The muscle was there but I was still eating too much. I have had the muscle for awhile and now it's burning off what I have because I am not packing it in. Regardless of how it's working, it's working and that makes me happy!
    I have quite a bit of cleaning to do before the maintenance guy comes this morning. I cancelled all my stuff today so I can do stuff at home, like clean and maybe work on my car. I don't know what my work out will be today. I will probably be forced to eat out since my kitchen will be torn up, so I HAVE to work out. I was thinking I might go for a walk this morning, which will be slow because Alex will be on the tricycle. If I have time later today I will get on the treadmill.

    So glad for progress boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Progress is good, all glad that maintenance is coming to make your house not quite so a part of the outside.

    I'm debating if I'm going to weights class. My neck/shoulders are just killing, and the thought of doing a push-up is scary. I may take a day off, or just go for a walk instead, as the sun is shining. The acupuncturist was really cool, but I don't have any magic relief. I feel more mobile, but not cured (I'm kind of a mess...for now).

    So, the goals are:

    veggies! (I actually after a good start did terrible on this yesterday. I actually ate ice cream for dinner. It was just a wrong choices day all around....Blergh.)
    hydrate, as I'm feeling very water retention-y
    grocery shop, put dinner in the crock pot (to avoid bad dinner choices)
    big rehearsal
    rest (I need to remember to schedule rest...I've been slacking on this one, too.)

    and that's enough. Primary goal: no more ice cream for dinner. Ugh.

    Some days are bad days, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,787 Member
    I'm going to try to get alot done today. Husband and I are trying to figure out how we lost all of our free time. One big part went to exercise. We used to never exercise - except the occasional walk in a park. But add to that yoga and mediation, as well as yoga school for me and grad school for him, and the free time evaporates. My next weekend without any plans? December 18th :noway: One of us will be out of town every single weekend, except Halloween and Thanksgiving. I keep thinking, I need to manage my time more efficiently. I think there are too many times during the day when I'm waiting for something to happen - when I have 10 minutes before I need to leave, kind of thing.

    Anyway - after accomplishing the impossible today, I will walk and ride my bike :bigsmile: I've pretty much decided to skip yogasm, which is tonight. Friend and husband both backed out, and while I wouldn't mind doing the yoga alone, the other events wouldn't be as much fun. And, of course, the name of the event is enough to keep me away from the yoga part.

    Time management, boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,787 Member
    I did get alot done yesterday, so today I can work on developing the classes for the anxiety and depression sessions.

    I need to work on not checking my email as much though. Charlie (husband, 'bout time I gave him a name on this site) is deleting many aps from his phone, so he manages his time better.

    Today - teach yoga. I just walked yesterday, so I'll try to get that bike ride in today.

    More time management, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Today is yoga at home (I have the house entirely to myself, and can't resist the absolute quiet yoga).

    Other than that, I may try to get a manicure/pedicure and that's really about all for the day. I just feel like I need to re-group a bit, so I'm taking this opportunity to do it. I also need to spend some time with a couple of my songs for the show, but other than that, it's mellow out time. (I've felt super over-scheduled this week...nothing like your weeks though, Mary)

    On the upside, my shoulder/neck is much improved resting it yesterday worked!

    Mary, every few months or so I look at how I'm spending my time and think "what's helping and what isn't helping?" Then, I try to trim what's not and increase what is. It's probably just about time to do that again...there are so many things that creep in when we're not looking and rob us of time...

    Re-group, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    Had a busy morning. Internet was down so I haven't logged my food yet. I need to get right on that.
    Went to Bible study, came home hungry and ate too much for lunch. :ohwell: I'm gonna have to work it off this afternoon. I am feeling a little blah today because of AF. My system is screwed up. She's been off and on for about three weeks. Steve asked me this morning if maybe I am having a miscarriage. I don't want to go there. I assume it's from changing my exercise routine and the way I eat. I don't know.
    Today: work out (either walking and taebo or just taebo), log food, drink water, teach Alex to button a shirt, :wink: and I guess that's it.

    Happy Friday!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,787 Member
    Off to school today, including a night in SA. I always plan too much - between the 5pm I get out and the 10pm or so that I go to bed. Maybe not though - if I don't plan enough, I tend to goof off.

    San Antonio, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs:

    Yesterday was a fail exercise wise. I felt this weird urge to be quiet and still, so that's what I did. If it makes any sense, the acupuncture session seems to have knocked a few things loose. . .I feel a bit washed out. But, one day of quiet and still is enough, or at least that's what I'm telling myself.

    Today, it's gym zumba at 11, followed by just a bit of rehearsing and then on with the show.

    Get moving, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Hope everyone has a great weekend. :happy:

    So far mine hasn't started off that great, but it will get better. I woke up around five this morning thinking I was having a miscarriage. I don't know what's going. I have some bad cramps, which is why I thought that. Still hurting this morning and not feeling great since I cried and then fell asleep again. My body is so screwed up right now. I was hurting yesterday and got on the treadmill and that helped. So my aim today is to move. I also forgot to post that on Thursday I ran 3/4 of a mile. :smile: I think I will run when I can, but not push myself. Just when I feel up to it. I get some good cardio in otherwise.
    I have struggled with food the last few days. I think that's just from not feeling well and making things that are a little high carb, like brown rice pasta and potatoes. :noway: Not in the same meal. Just the same day.
    Goals for today: log food, drink water, clean house, teach Alex how to button a shirt (didn't get this done the other day), and I think I might work on my car. It's a beautiful day so I should be outside....even if it is in the garage. I might even walk some today.
    Pushing through the pain boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member

    I'm still feeling horrible. It's only gotten worse. :frown: I still don't know what's going on. May have to go to the doc this week if things don't clear up.
    I worked on my car a little yesterday but it didn't take long before I realized that I am missing parts and some of the work can't be done right now. That was a bummer. I did nothing else the rest of the day.
    Today I am in the nursery again. I should stay home in bed but I waited too long to call for a sub. Or maybe I just don't call because I'm prideful and stubborn. :tongue: I will have a helper part of the time so hopefully it won't be as bad. Maybe some kids won't be there. Isn't that a horrible thing to say?
    The rest of the day I am taking it easy, though I may walk on the treadmill to see if that helps.
    Longing for the couch or bed boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Oh, MM...I am worried for you. Go to the doc, please. :heart:

    Show was good last night, although I will never cease to be amazed at how one noisy chatterbox table will continue to talk in an otherwise listening atmosphere...There were a few things that were essentially high-wire acts musically. I wanted to be able to announce "due to the danger of this next stunt, the performers require absolute silence." :tongue: the best part is that they talked/yelled through the entire first set, demanded I sing happy birthday and then didn't tip the band.

    anyways, now it's on to the next thing...which is the huge presentation coming up November 5th...gaaaah! November is going to be quite full!

    Today I'm going to try zumba (it may or may not be cancelled due to what I call "metric thanksgiving"...) if it's cancelled I'll probably go for a walk, as it's supposed to be another lovely warm fall day, or clean my house in a cardio dance cleaning party (I wear the HRM and keep it above 70%. It is necessary to close the blinds in order to do this.)

    I reeeeeealllly need to get my eating in check this coming week. I think I'm going to have a sugar-free week. It creeps in when I'm not paying attention. And, I haven't been paying attention to it.

    Sneaky, creepy sugar, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,787 Member
    I say, though don't do, go to the doctor when in doubt - the choices are "we can't do anything about it" or "here's some medicine that will make it better".

    I pictured smegle saying "sneaky sugars, the sugars have the precious"

    Got back from a dizzying anatomy class. Ready for a nap - despite two walks.

    The sugars have the precious, boogaloo.