Do You Travel Often?

Hi there, I'm doing a project for my entrepreneurship course in college and would love for you guys to answer a couple of questions for me!

I'll keep it short...

Basically our fake business idea is to create a fitness travel kit that would include a yoga mat, resistance bands, and inflatable dumbbells (with water) which also comes with an instructional DVD. It's meant for people who like to keep in shape while away from home - obviously extreme bodybuilders would have no use for this so we're targeting the non bodybuilder fitness crowd.

So if any of you would like to help us out, we would appreciate it if you answered these five questions!

1) How much would you pay for a fitness kit?
2) While traveling, how do you manage to stay on top of your workout routine - if at all?
3) What do you mostly travel for? i.e Work/Vacation
4) Do you currently use resistance bands? If no - why not?
5) And finally, are you aware of any current fitness kits made for travelling? If yes - which one(s)?

Hopefully some of you will be so kind to participate, thanks!

Ps. We're aware of the alternatives out there (gyms in hotels etc..). We would just like some feedback.


  • Anyone?
  • anothermop
    anothermop Posts: 187 Member
    I travel a lot for work. (Average of 40 weeks/year over the last 15 yrs.)

    2 things:
    I would never fill the dumbbells with water.
    I have bands at home but I never take them.

    I have P90X and Insanity videos, so I've loaded the non-lifting ones on my iPod. I switch between those, run, swim, or use the elliptical machine when I'm on the road.

    Good luck
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member

    Basically our fake business idea is to create a fitness travel kit that would include a yoga mat, resistance bands, and inflatable dumbbells (with water) which also comes with an instructional DVD. It's meant for people who like to keep in shape while away from home - obviously extreme bodybuilders would have no use for this so we're targeting the non bodybuilder fitness crowd.

    So if any of you would like to help us out, we would appreciate it if you answered these five questions!

    1) How much would you pay for a fitness kit?
    2) While traveling, how do you manage to stay on top of your workout routine - if at all?
    3) What do you mostly travel for? i.e Work/Vacation
    4) Do you currently use resistance bands? If no - why not?
    5) And finally, are you aware of any current fitness kits made for travelling? If yes - which one(s)?

    Hopefully some of you will be so kind to participate, thanks!

    Ps. We're aware of the alternatives out there (gyms in hotels etc..). We would just like some feedback.

    The water dumbells sound like a lot of work - and messy.

    1. approx $20ish
    2. Depends on where I'm traveling, how long and who with. If I go with my son I'm more likely to work out than if I go with friends. With my son we either go to the hotel gym or we're LA Fitness members so if there is one in the area we might go to it.
    3. Personal travel - vacation or visiting family
    4. I have resistance bands - I don't really use them. No real reason not to.
    5. I've seen some travel fitness kits but I don't remember the exact brand or price.
  • I am on the road monday through thursday every week (going on about 5 years)

    1. Depending on what's included I'd probably pay somewhere between $20-$40
    2. I stay on top of my fitness usually in hotel "gyms" weights and treadmills for the most part, although I'd like to do some more yoga if I had a travel mat.
    3. I travel for business 80% of the time.
    4. I don't currently use resistance bands, mostly because I don't have them...I'd probably use them if I had them
    5. I haven't actively searched for any kits...I know some companies that make travel yoga mats and bands but not specifically.

    Hope this helps!

  • imhungry2012
    imhungry2012 Posts: 240 Member
    1) How much would you pay for a fitness kit?
    I probaby would not pay for a fitness kit. I opt to bring a work out DVD with me on the road, use the hotel gym and/or my Nike Training Club app that was free. Also, I rarely check a bag so space is tight anyways...depending on how much space the kit would take up make be another deciding factor.

    2) While traveling, how do you manage to stay on top of your workout routine - if at all?
    Minimum is cardio in the hotel fitness center or outside jog. If the hotel has dumbells I will use my Nike Training Club app and do 1 or 2 30 minute routines. I dont have a ton of extra time for what I travel for but always try to squeez in something. You can do good old push ups anywhere.

    3) What do you mostly travel for? i.e Work/Vacation
    Mostly for work. Depending on how long I am traveling for on vacation dictates if I will work out or not...typically I include active activities on vacations instead of working out. I travel so frequently for work that I try not to go more than 2 days in a row without a workout.

    4) Do you currently use resistance bands? If no - why not?
    No, never have tried them. Am not opposed to them, just not something I have ever used.

    5) And finally, are you aware of any current fitness kits made for travelling? If yes - which one(s)?
    Just iPhone apps that help when traveling. As I mentioned, Nike Traning Club as well as Nike +, MFP, MapMyRun

    Good Luck, sounds fun!
  • ttippie2000
    ttippie2000 Posts: 412 Member
    I'd recommend adding a foam roller that is plastic and hollow and can fit some other stuff inside it. I've taken rollers like this on the road and they really help get the blood flowing after you've been sitting on a plan for 8 or 10 hours.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Well hello there! As it turns out I'm a mentor at a local college (for students involved in their Center for Women's Entrepreneurial Leadership) so I'm happy to help out. :)

    1) How much would you pay for a fitness kit? I would pay $30-40. I've been thinking of getting a folding yoga mat that would pack well in my suitcase (and they seem to be in that price range for a good one). So any kind of fitness kit that would travel would have to be in the same price range and about the same size.

    2) While traveling, how do you manage to stay on top of your workout routine - if at all? I do. It is a must for me. I travel a lot for work in the spring and fall. I try to make the healthiest food decisions while traveling. I will say though it is REALLY hard to stay on track food-wise because someone else is paying for the food when it comes to work trips. I'm more likely to order a 2nd drink or actually order dessert. I try to do something active every day while traveling for work.

    When traveling for fun I don't need to do traditional workouts. I'm usually eating more but I'm also getting more activity in (hiking, walking etc.) and I will typically maintain or lose weight while on vacation. It's common for us to hike 3-4 hours/day while on vacation.

    3) What do you mostly travel for? i.e Work/Vacation. Mostly for work but I do travel every other weekend for fun (we spend 2 weekends/month in our vacation home). That's a lot of miles (and air miles) each year.

    4) Do you currently use resistance bands? If no - why not? No. But I know that Martha Stewart always packs them on her business trips. :) I don't have a reason why not...I guess because when I travel I'm doing yoga and other types of body weight training or hitting a gym near my hotel for cardio.

    5) And finally, are you aware of any current fitness kits made for travelling? If yes - which one(s)? Nothing outside of the travel yoga mat. I have not looked in to anything else. The travel yoga mat would save me on mat rental fees when I travel. :)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    do your own research.....rather than posting on here...
  • This is perfect, you've all been a great help.

    Thank you for taking the time to respond!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I used to travel roughly 25 weeks out of the year for business...

    1) not much...maybe $20...but this really wouldn't be my bag I don't think.

    2) most hotels I stayed at when traveling for business have rather nice fitness rooms, pools, etc

    3) business

    4) I do use resistance bands for some assistance work for my weight lifting

    5) JC's Fitness Travel Kit...seems like a rip-off at $60 to me, but I'm not really into DVD training and what not.

    Just a couple comments...I think the water dumbbells seem more like a novelty item than an actual fitness item..I personally couldn't ever see myself actually going through the trouble of filling them up and using them. Resistance bands are fine...but I can get resistance bands anywhere. What will the DVD instruct me to do? What kind of workout?

    To be perfectly honest, I always had access to pretty decent fitness rooms while on the road and most hotels I've stayed out while out on business have had pools as well. I would honestly opt to use these facilities with state of the art equipment to DVD's and resistance bands. On those rare occasions when I didn't have access to a fitness room, good old fashioned body weight workouts and using my resistance bands was fine for the week.

    When traveling for vacation, I don't get too fussed about my fitness...I usually go for a jog or something because I love jogging in a new place and it's a great way to start the morning...but other than that, I'm really pretty much busy vacationing...which usually means I'm walking a lot, doing some scuba diving, hiking, etc...I'll bust out a few push-ups before bed if I need to.

    Good luck with your project. I had a similar project in my entrepreneurial studies class many moons ago.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    do your own research.....rather than posting on here...

    Posting on here is a perfect place for this type of research (especially for a class). It's a great way to get a variety of responders (different ages, location, backgrounds) since MFP is a Global community.

    OP, don't be offended by this answer. This responder does not understand or appreciate what you are trying to accomplish.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    This is perfect, you've all been a great help.

    Thank you for taking the time to respond!

    I think people might be hesitant to respond because you don't have much of a profile setup (it's okay since you are new). It's always a good idea to have a profile photo and some of your profile filled out. Otherwise, it looks like you are just on here for reasons outside of using the program as it was designed.

    Just playing Devil's Advocate for a moment. I know some folks are scared away from responding if the OP does not look "real".
  • This is perfect, you've all been a great help.

    Thank you for taking the time to respond!

    I think people might be hesitant to respond because you don't have much of a profile setup (it's okay since you are new). It's always a good idea to have a profile photo and some of your profile filled out. Otherwise, it looks like you are just on here for reasons outside of using the program as it was designed.

    Just playing Devil's Advocate for a moment. I know some folks are scared away from responding if the OP does not look "real".
    Ya I knew I would have troubles getting a good response for that exact reason. But thankfully I've gotten more than I was expecting.