Desperate cry for support

stressd1mom Posts: 151 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
Have you ever been so sad & discouraged that you just wanted to give up? I am so heartbroken, gut wrenched & soul crushed by someone who means so much to me. I am ready to give up on myself, quit MFP & gain back the 30 lbs I have lost so far. I am not sure why I am even trying anymore. Has anyone else felt as low as I do right now?


  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    I was in your shoes this morning. I have been working really hard and I lost a grand total of .2 lb over the last week. As a matter of fact, it's the exact same weight I had after eating dinner last night, which makes me ao frustrated because I just knew for sure I'd have lost at least a pound this week.

    But after my pity party, I decided that I wouldn't be dragged down and I was going to jump back in fighting!

    Everyone has setbacks and everyone gets fed up from time to time, but you can do it, just stick with it and take it one day (or one hour!) at a time. Lots of love!
  • rokikio
    rokikio Posts: 92
    Yes, I feel like that several times a week. But you are losing this weight for yourself, not for anyone else. You can do it. Just try to stay positive and surround yourself with positive people. It helps tremendously.
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    It is at times stressing for me on terms that I keep loosing weight but I barely see where it's coming from and even though I have lost 38 lbs the BMI still says I'm majorly obese.. I have another 58 lbs to go before I'm even considered overweight... It sucks and it's depressing knowing I've been working so hard for weeks and still being considered fat.

    People are still looking at me like I'm overweight when I walk and I am self consicious.. but what helps me to keep going?

    I remember, I'm doing it for myself, not to be beautiful for others, I'm doing it so I can be healthy, walk farther and enjoy a more healthy and normal life. It's more about how you feel than how you look.. and even though I am still majorly overweight I have more energy and I realize that even though it's going to take forever.. even a year to get down to "slightly overweight" and lower, it can happen if I keep to it and each day that goes by I am stronger and healthier for it.
  • TammyK777
    TammyK777 Posts: 230 Member
    sounds like my day yesterday! guess what, the sun still came up this morning and it's a new day! doesn't mean the troubles are all gone, but it means new possibilities. stick with it, YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • I have been there done that, and dont care to go through it again.. All I can say is dont give up, realize that its only you that can make yourself happy, and you have come so far, a thirty pound loss is GREAT!!!!!, I lost that much and regretted when I gained it back, so just breathe and say to yourself you can do it and find your own happiness.
  • I've been in your position and I feel your pain. You are depressed and maybe you need to find a trusted friend or someone unknown to you to let go some of your anger, grief, etc. Find your inner strength at this time and continue perservering. Read some psalms from the bible to try and give you some peace. Don't give up on yourself just because you've been hurt and don't throw in the towel. Continue doing \your normal routine, talk with someone, and continue going. Nothing is so terrible that you have to completely lose yourself along with whatever caused the hurt.
  • gecho
    gecho Posts: 426 Member
    Yes I have been depressed and wanted to give up but I was almost 200lbs. You can't give up. You lost 30 lbs and thats great, you can do it. You don't need to lose weight or get fit for anyone but you. Specially not for someone who hurts you. Whoever that person is, well as hard as it may be you have to just ignore their lack of support. This is when you need something like MFP. Your friends here can be your support.

    Please don't give up. Keep doing what your doing until you get where you need you to be, health wise, emotionaly & mentally.

    I'm not very good at being a motivational speaker but i hope this gives you a little encouragement.:flowerforyou:
  • raelbee
    raelbee Posts: 219
    The sadness and disappointment are passing feelings. You will feel better. It may take a little while, but please know that these feelings pass. When they do, you are still going to want to lose the weight and get healthy. Latch on to that. Let your desire to change your life drive you, and be your purpose. Help those feelings move along quicker by working out and using exercise as your comfort. It will help you in the moment by releasing those feel-good endorphins, and in the long run by getting you closer to your goal.

    Take good care, and please don't let someone else derail you. You can do this.
  • sallyLunn
    sallyLunn Posts: 381
    Don't let someone else suck out your will to live.
  • countindowntothin
    countindowntothin Posts: 201 Member
    Alot of times after feeling hurt and betrayed by someone close to me, I get very angry! Take that anger out on a punching bag and you wont believe how great you feel! It doesn't take away the hurt, but that's what your firends here are for! We love you and know what your going through! If you need a friend to talk to, that's what were here for!
  • elsa11170
    elsa11170 Posts: 83 Member
    Is it over a man?? You wrote "heartbroken, gut wrenched & soul crushed by someone who means so much to me" If a man broke your heart all I can say is in time you will get over him and the hurt will pass. If a friend disappointed you in someway don't have that discourage you. Everything always gets better in time. Don't give up on mfp!!! Get your body to the way you want it and then I promise you will feel soooo much better about yourself. The journey to get there can be hard at times but the end result is worth it. Keep at it, don't give up!!!!
  • I felt that way stepping on the scale today also. Unfortunatly I am just starting (again) and have a long way to go. This week I only lost .5 lbs and because I am just starting, I thought it would come off faster in the beginning. Boy was I wrong. I do so good all day until my husband comes home from work, then we eat late, around 8 or 9. Then we may have bed time snacks. I fell for that 2-3 times this week. I am so weak! I need to learn to have more self control and eat early, even if it is without him. Hang in there, I will do the same. Keep posting when you are feeling down, I feel it is encouraging to read what others have to say.
  • dbrady102
    dbrady102 Posts: 139 Member
    Whoever this person is - don't let them cause you even more pain by giving up because of what they did. Think of how much better you feel physically after losing 30 lbs and keep going. It will get better. Everyone has days where they are feeling overwhelmed emotionally. Please don't let this derail you. You would only regret it later. But if you push through this for yourself, I promise you, you will feel so much better and be so proud of yourself! Hang in there and remember there are people there for you.
  • Yes! My boss at my last job, whom I respected greatly, yelled at me about something I had done, but had gotten twisted when it was communicated back to her. She called me a "*****" and really yelled at me without even taking a moment to ask me what had happened or give me a chance to explain. I was distraught and heartbroken. I thought she was a really good manager before that happened. I wanted to quit everything!!! But then after a couple of sleepless nights, I decided that the worst thing I could do would be to give up. Jobs come and go, but I will always be me and I have to live with the me and my choices. I did leave that job, but only because my hubby was transferred, I wasn't going to let her bad opinion of me ruin me. I did a great job there and I heard back from coworkers that I am missed and that I made a difference. During that time I held fast to my exercise and nutrition plan. I did have a couple of days that I ate badly, but I didn't let her define me as a quitter! You too, can get through this. I don't know what happened to you, but I do know it hurt. Don't let the hurt or this person's misjudgement define you. I would bet that you have been misunderstood and you of all people can't give up on you!!! Stay strong, it's okay to feel the sadness, but don't let it take over you. Keep working on you, NO giving up, don't let the despair win!!! Go ahead and do your exercise for the day,
  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    I love these answers! What wonderful, supportive MFP friends you have!! Wow!!!
    The person who hurt you---that is their problem. So they carry some big bag of negativity around with them. Do not let them bring you into that bad atmosphere. You hang with us--read the positive responses on this site--learn new recipes--send out positive responses to other peoples' questions/statements. We can do this!! :drinker: (water)
  • FitnessTim
    FitnessTim Posts: 234 Member
    If I had a nickel for every time I failed to do what I set out to do, I would be rich. Failure is just a success that hasn't happened yet.

    You gained back the 30 pounds that you lost. If you never tried to lose weight at all you might be in bigger trouble. Since you lost it before you know you can lose it again so in a way you are better off now than you were before you started.

    Persistence is the key. Keep trying and don't give up. If you start to slip, don't consider it a complete failure. Access the situation and try to figure out what went wrong and then work on ways to avoid making the same mistakes again. Judging yourself is not going to help anything.

    If you keep trying, you will succeed. It does not matter how many setbacks you have on the way.

    In my job I have a motto: Fail early and fail often. What this means is that I know I'm going to make mistakes so I plan for them. I make plans to recover from my mistakes when the occur.

    Write down what you plan to do if you start to slip. Put the plan somewhere and review it on a regular basis. When you realize you are trouble, read your plan and take the appropriate actions.
  • Have you ever been so sad & discouraged that you just wanted to give up? I am so heartbroken, gut wrenched & soul crushed by someone who means so much to me. I am ready to give up on myself, quit MFP & gain back the 30 lbs I have lost so far. I am not sure why I am even trying anymore. Has anyone else felt as low as I do right now?

    YES!! Right at this very moment!! .... To some extent .... I have a lot of stress that entered my life when my husband died just over 3 yrs ago (he was 49). I won't add to your issue by boring you with details, and I don't want you to get the wrong impression from what I'm about to say .... If I didn't have my faith in God I would have caved A LONG time ago!! My friends here on MFP are an invaluable source of support and encouragement, and I thank God for this blessing every day I log on here!! I can only tell you from a general point of view that you are here because you made a decision at some point that a NEW LIFE was not only wanted, but NEEDED!! And so the journey began!! Gaining back the 30lbs will definitely make you MORE MISERABLE .... And I know that you're crying out in desperation for someone to tell you what you should do ... To explain how you should get out of the brush and weeds along the side of the path, and back onto the dirt .... Hon, I wish that I could. But .... I can tell you that, even though I have no clue about the details of your stress ..... You are not alone! I'm not here to tell you that God is my way, but that He is THE way that I get through .... I AM SO BLESSED!! i'm not here to convert you if you're not a Christian, and I'm only putting out that disclaimer because what I want you to know is that if you need a new friend I'll be happy to be added to your list. You can also inbox me ... I'm a good listener.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    I have been there this week in fact.letting all life`s problems get to me.Just wanted to go back where I thought I washappy,into the food.It was a temporay solution.I `ve worked too hard to give up on it.All the sweat and tears and pain for those lbs.No one or thing is taking that away from me.It`s good you reached out,you`re not alone.People on MYPare all struggling with some issues or another,but our goal is to be healthy.For us,no one elseYou can choose to do what you want,but for me,I`d be miserable gaining the wt back.I think you can do it.You`ve proven you can.You`ve lost wt already.Maybe look at where you were before you lost the wt and how you felt when you got to this point about yourself.There are people who care,surround yourself with the love and support of those people.
    Don`t take this as preaching,just trying to lend support and love to someon like me.
    Hope things get better and you keep going.
    This has helped me-Quitters never win and winners never quit.YOU ARE A WINNER!!!!!
  • stressd1mom
    stressd1mom Posts: 151 Member
    I want to thank each & every one of you for your kind words of support. It is truly what I needed. I started out this day still very weepy. I could only read a couple responses to start & I would start to cry. I am to the point where it is just a giant lump in my throat, but it isn't traveling up now. I will not use my personal problems as an excuse to give up on myself. I will actually use the pain that I feel to push myself that much harder. I can not thank you all enough for being there in one of my darkest hours.
  • I'm sorry you are having such a hard time right now.

    I understand you are down because of a person that means very much to you. But, you can't let this person interfere with your goals and most definitely not your health. You feel bad now, but if you let yourself slide back into old habits and old ways you will feel even worse.

    When I am going through a hard time, I find that exercising gets my mind off of it- if even only for a short while. Even if you go for a short walk, it might help to reset your feelings on giving up.

    Take care of you.
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