
paulcatlin Posts: 11 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
Hi all. I am just getting started on MFP. I bought a fitbit to track the calories. It is supposed to link up with MFP and report the calories. My question is, do I still record when I excerise or is it included with the fitbit report. I dont want to double things


  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member

    I do not use Fitbit. There are several MFP Groups around Fitbit.

    You can find them at "Groups" link in the dark blue banner above

    here is a link

    Good luck in your journey
  • paulcatlin
    paulcatlin Posts: 11 Member
    thank you
  • do not record your exercises in MFP.

    Use the fitbit to record the exercise, and only log food in MFP - the food will export to fitbit.

    Hope that helps.
  • I have a bit of trouble getting everything correct as well because I have a lot linked...
    What *seems* to work for me is linking Fitbit with MFP.
    If you're only walking, I think I'd just let Fitbit track you and not log anything else.

    Other activities I think you'd want to log. I believe I have Endomondo linked to Fitbit to track things like Cycling...

    But again, it is rather confusing as to what should be linked where and what to log where to get one accurate report...
  • brraanndi
    brraanndi Posts: 325 Member
    I track everything in MFP. It seems to work.

    Whatever you do, do not track exercises and food in both, it will lead to duplicate entries.

    There's tons of info on MFP and Fitbit to walk you through it.
  • quiltchickie
    quiltchickie Posts: 50 Member
    I just got my Fitbit Zip yesterday, and I'm having some of the same problems. I don't think I have a compatible phone (no iPhone, etc., just Straight Talk), but after I synched with my laptop none of my food, etc. converted over. Also a bit confused if my Fitbit logs my elliptical workout or not.

    The other weird thing is that it's showing I burned 1,339 calories today??

    I am really liking this little gadget because it is making me more aware of my activity. Just wish I could utilize everything available.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    If you link your Fitbit account to MFP you get times on the exercise logging - enter the times with the activity and it ignores Fitbit data for that time period, to avoid double-entry.
  • quiltchickie
    quiltchickie Posts: 50 Member
    Totally makes sense, thanks!
  • crimsontech
    crimsontech Posts: 234 Member
    Put all your food on MFP, and all your calories burned (exercise) on FitBit. Both websites will be complete and as correct as possible.

    Congrats on your purchase! You're gonna love it!!
  • quiltchickie
    quiltchickie Posts: 50 Member
    Put all your food on MFP, and all your calories burned (exercise) on FitBit. Both websites will be complete and as correct as possible.

    Congrats on your purchase! You're gonna love it!!

    OK, really dumb question but a for instance: tonight I took the dog for a walk & when I logged it into MFP it asked for a time, and length of walk. I then synched (via laptop) and it was transferred into my Fitbit. Should I be doing the opposite? I always log all of my food into MFP, btw.
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