Most annoying things people assume.



  • zagon_the_ultimate
    When people assume that the 6" 7' guy fat guy is the mental equivalent of barney the dinosaur. Also when people assume that because I am naturally strong that I don’t enjoy intellectual pursuits. Or that because I have a semi hulking appearance that im mean or intimidating.

    Those three probably annoy me the most.
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    that i'm mute....and therefore a mime.

    i am not mute and the mimes are my French cousins.
  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member
    When stupid people talk to you and assume that you are as stupid as they are. Its like two idiots arguing with each other. Of coarse maybe I am assuming that person is as stupid as I am. :laugh:
  • Jleonra
    That I'm a push over because I avoid confrontations. Got me in trouble a couple of times at work. :mad: I avoid confrontations not because I'm a push over, I avoid confrontations because I'm an *kitten* when I get angry, Mr Hyde awakes and things get ugly.
  • NYCNika
    NYCNika Posts: 611 Member
    You seem like the type of person who would love the entertainment value of this blog:

    Ha ha. You assumed.

    He assumed right. It is entertaining!
  • bloominheck
    bloominheck Posts: 869 Member
    That I am intimidating because I am blunt when responding to questions and talk down to stupid people.

    I am actually very friendly.

    Naw you're just an *kitten* :smokin:
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    That everyone on earth thinks the same way that you do.
  • FrauHaas2013
    FrauHaas2013 Posts: 615 Member
    That only overweight people have health problems. (There are plenty of THIN people who have health problems, it's not just overweight people!)

    That if you're thin, you must be fit. (Thin people can be flabby!)

    That every overweight person is fat because they eat like pigs. (NOT TRUE!!! There are many different factors/situations that can contribute to weight gain.)
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    That because it's obvious that I lost weight people assume I should weigh 100lbs. When I tell them I'm 140, they look at me like "wow, she's good at hiding the weight".....

    It's called LIFTING, you ignorant d!ck.
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    ...That because I am a white guy from the south who drives a 4X4, I am a racist redneck.
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    That if I am in a bad mood it is because I am hungry. Sometimes, yes, that's it. However, sometimes I am in a bad mood because people do really stupid *kitten* and it irritates me.
  • opheliaphoenix
    opheliaphoenix Posts: 1,474 Member
    That I can't possibly get enough protein....

    As a vegetarian, I agree with this one...x100.

    Also, that I must be extremely lazy or stuff my face 24/7 because I'm a fat vegetarian. Also, another big one is that because I'm overweight and married to a soldier, that I'm probably a "dependapotamus". That one probably bothers me more than any other stereotype. :explode:

    I've also been told I was mistaken for being b!tchy or a snob just because I'm insanely shy and socially awkward at first. I'm one of the most laid-back and friendly people I know, so I really regret letting my social anxiety make me seem otherwise!
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    That I had weight loss surgery to "take the easy way out" or to avoid diet and exercise. I have to count calories, weigh/measure food intake and exercise daily to keep the weight coming off and once I get it off, I will have to do that the rest of my life to keep it off, JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER PERSON ON THE PLANET WHO IS SUCCESSFULLY LOSING AND KEEP IT OF. Weight loss surgery is a tool not a magic wand.
  • Dandman1990
    Dandman1990 Posts: 196 Member
    That because I'm 23 and at University and don't drink that I'm missing out on the oh-so-essential "Student Experience".
  • JewelsinBigD
    JewelsinBigD Posts: 661 Member
    That overweight people are unhealthy...this is so ridiculous - but this assumption is made all the time.
    The thinnest people I know are undergoing chemo...not exactly healthy. Healthy is MORE than a number on a scale or a dress size people. I know a lot of thin smokers...NOT HEALTHY.
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
  • ieshamhc93
    Forgot my MFP annoyance.

    People on the general diet and weightloss area that assume if a person logs 1200 calories than their body has defied all physics and gained 15 pounds from "starvation mode" and/or put on 15 pounds of muscle in one month by "replacing the fat with muscle"

    Defo This^^^^^^
  • ieshamhc93
    That because I'm 23 and at University and don't drink that I'm missing out on the oh-so-essential "Student Experience".

    This too. i'm 20 and clubbing and drinking just doesn't interest me,
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    That i'm just "naturally thin". Uhm, maintaining nearly the same size since I was 16 yrs old (I'm now going on 30) REQUIRES A LOT OF WORK AND BEING VERY CONSCIENTIOUS. (at least for me.)

    I could EASILY be three sizes bigger. I just simply don't allow it to happen. I *hate* it when someone says "I wish I was naturally thin like you..."
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    That because I'm tall I can "carry my weight well". :grumble: