HCG Diet

superdad1725 Posts: 4
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Well I am 22 days into the HCG diet and I am down 25lbs. It has been surprisingly easy to do, although the diet does get a little boring. But its worth it when I see the end result. I have a great diet program to follow once I have completed my 1 month. The hard part is going to continue to eat in a healthy way and be more responsible. If anyone else has tried the HCG diet, let me know how it went.


  • ejoh40509
    ejoh40509 Posts: 30 Member
    What is the HCG Diet?
  • GingerDarlene
    GingerDarlene Posts: 164 Member
    What is HCG diet?
  • Is like a metobolic weightloss program? I was looking at something like that on the internet. It seems soo expensive and you would have to do HCG injections. Or am I talking about something totally different????
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss, but you need to transition into a more "normal" lifestyle otherwise you run the risk of putting the weight right back on.

    One of the biggest advantages of losing weight the "right way" which is gradually, is you are actually gaining knowledge, learning healthy habits, and changing the way you live. The journey is more important than the result for long-term weight loss. Anyone can go and lose 30 or 40 pounds by starving themselves, but not many lose it and never gain it back.

    Don't take this as an attack, you have a right to be proud of your weigh-loss just be careful because the transition into a doable lifestyle is key. You can't go back to what you were doing pre-HCG, and you also can't do HCG forever.
  • sandygettingfit
    sandygettingfit Posts: 69 Member
    I started the HCG diet August and lost 25 pounds in 5 weeks. I used the hcg drops. It was easy and it taught me to eat healthier non-processed foods.

    I still have 9 pounds to reach my goal weight of 145 and I'm using myfitness pal to lose them in a healthy way. I'm exercising, eating well (for the most part) and feel alot better about myself.

    I recommend the hcg diet to those that have more weight to lose. It worked for me and it's working for several of my co-workers. Some are doing injections, others are doing the homeopathic oral drops.
  • From Discovery Health.Com..."These diets gain quickly in popularity. The media faithfully reports the appearance of the new fad, the rising number of people adopting the diet and testimonials of success from satisfied, slimmed-down believers. But soon enough, there are reports of the dangers involved with unusual weight-loss schemes that often involve cutting out much-needed food groups, or eating only a certain food or food group. Then, follow-up stories trickle from unsatisfied customers, or from former believers who have since gained the weight back. More or less, by the time this cycle runs its course, it begins again with a new diet fad." http://health.howstuffworks.com/wellness/diet-fitness/weight-loss/hcg-diet.htm

    To me this sounds like a fad diet that does not help you adopt new life style choices that include counting calories and adding exercise. Fad diets usually are Yoyo diets... the weight comes back unless you find that balance in you life that equals calories in = calories burned.

    I also have issues with injecting hormones. As a healthcare worker, I have often wondered where all the breast cancer comes from in our young women today. I have heard many suggestions from healthcare professionals that include pesticides in spinach and strawberries to hormones in birth control pills. My own personal feelings are that until the HCG diet has a 5 year track record that addresses risks, it should be avoided.

    I know a lot of people swear by it. "It works" they say and a pound a day sounds wonderful but I think I'll stick to the way our bodies were designed and continue exercising and watching what I eat. As the old commercial from the 60's or 70's said, "It's not nice to fool mother nature."
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    I have a friend who did it but adding back in normal foods and a regular lifestyle was much harder for her than for me. So while my weight loss has been slower it's more likely to stay off.

    It might be worth it to jump start yourself but know that in the end you need to exercise and eat right to keep it off.
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Careful - there are deaths associated with this scary diet!
  • I agree with what you are saying, which is why I said the hard part is coming. I know that I can't go back to the way I was eating, that wouldn't make any sense. But with this diet, I am learning a lot about control and portions. It will be nice to add a new mix back into my diet, but with hard work and determination, I know I will keep it off.
  • Just remember, this diet was introduced in the late 60's. It has been around for many years. Its not the solution but its a start to the overall solution. I have to keep the weight off. This is just a starting block. But thanks for the concerns.
  • Great Job Sancon35. I am also using the drops! At least I have another supporter. Some people have to understand that this isn't a miracle drug. Its a starting point. Dieting and eating healthy is not an easy thing to do in todays society, but it gives us a chance to get some weight off and work hard to maintain it. Yes, we will have to excercise and have portion control thats the only way to keep it off.
  • The HCG diet is the easiest and safest way to lose weight as quickly as possible and keep it off. There is a very large thread elsewhere in this forum where many people report how well they're doing on it, both during the HCG diet phase as well as afterward. Just search for HCG and you'll find it.

    While HCG does help you lose weight very quickly, I personally believe the biggest benefit is to help you remove addictions to the junk food that got you fat in the first place. It's amazing how easy it is to eat well when you haven't had any high fructose corn syrup for over a month and lost 30+ pounds in the process.

    HCG has a 70 year track record behind it. It was developed by Dr. A.T.W. Simeons in the 1950s. The only reason you don't hear about it is because pharma crooks can't patent it and make a lot of money.

    If you're researching this, don't listen to people like Russell who are only on this site to promote their books. He and others like him are only interested in selling their useless programs.

    And Russell, I noticed how you removed my pro-HCG comment from your anti-hCG blog. I'm sure you removed plenty others as well. How's business?
  • dcal
    dcal Posts: 2
    I just started the HCG diet again. I tried a few months ago and wasn't ready yet. I am using Sensa in conjunction with it and feel no hunger. I have to agree with you. It may be scary but looking and feeling nothing like my old self is more scary. I am praying for my first 25 pounds! Good for you!!
  • 4lafz, please site 1 death directly associated with this diet. You're just spreading scare tactics.
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    The HCG diet is the easiest and safest way to lose weight as quickly as possible and keep it off. There is a very large thread elsewhere in this forum where many people report how well they're doing on it, both during the HCG diet phase as well as afterward. Just search for HCG and you'll find it.

    While HCG does help you lose weight very quickly, I personally believe the biggest benefit is to help you remove addictions to the junk food that got you fat in the first place. It's amazing how easy it is to eat well when you haven't had any high fructose corn syrup for over a month and lost 30+ pounds in the process.

    HCG has a 70 year track record behind it. It was developed by Dr. A.T.W. Simeons in the 1950s. The only reason you don't hear about it is because pharma crooks can't patent it and make a lot of money.

    If you're researching this, don't listen to people like Russell who are only on this site to promote their books. He and others like him are only interested in selling their useless programs.

    And Russell, I noticed how you removed my pro-HCG comment from your anti-hCG blog. I'm sure you removed plenty others as well. How's business?

    Did you say "safest" ???

    So eating 500 calories a day and taking pregnancy drugs is the "safest" way to lose weight. OMG you are an idiot. You lose all credibility right there man.

    I only removed your post because you resorted to childish name calling. You are obviously a seller of the product and have absolutely no idea of what you are talking about.

    Business is increasing, I've been featured in a few local newspapers, the word is getting out and I've never been more busy personal training.
    I'm also down 126lbs. I eat like whatever I want over the weekend, and my body-fat is down around 8%. Physically, I couldn't be better.
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    Be careful googling HCG, it's full of pages from the retailers of it. They locked up the HCG is dangerous pages, and the scam pages. You will not find good info about it. Check the real news articles, like on FOX, Good Morning America, ect.

    Basically it's 500 calories a day, and a pregnancy drug, and this dolt is calling it the "safest way to lose weight" You'd have to be a complete idiot to believe that. This diet preys on our frustration and desperation. I have been there before, I'd do anything to lose weight and HCG looks like a "magic solution" but it's another one of those things that is too good to be true. Sure you will lose weight, because you are only eating 500 calories a day!!!



  • Russ - U don't like it? Don't do it. Glad you had success doing it your way.

    It has been a miracle for me and I have never felt better.
    4lafz, please site 1 death directly associated with this diet. You're just spreading scare tactics.
    I second that.
    There is a risk of death associated with driving a car too. or flying. or walking across a street. Or breathing in an urban environment. etc . . .

    Like superdad said - this is the starting block. It takes perserverence and healthful eating to maintain weight loss no matter how the loss is achieved.

    Anyone seeking info or HCG diet encouragement may join us at:
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    I'd like to point out that every single ounce of the weight loss in my ticker is from the HCG diet and my bloodwork from my doctor is the best ever.

    If you don't like it, then don't do it, but at least have the decency to let others lose their weight however they see fit.
  • megsta21
    megsta21 Posts: 506 Member
    I'd like to point out that every single ounce of the weight loss in my ticker is from the HCG diet and my bloodwork from my doctor is the best ever.

    If you don't like it, then don't do it, but at least have the decency to let others lose their weight however they see fit.

    Did you ever stop to think that people say things because they are genuinely WORRIED about you?? Rather than attack them maybe say thank you but no thank you to their advice....

    It is not a personal attack... they are not attacking YOU... they have heard scary things about this "diet" and are passing on the info / warnings... I Say do whatever you want to do... just be careful.... and take everything with a grain of salt.... Including the diet.

    BTW... there is a HCG Forum around here somewhere... have a look-see for it to speak to like minded people.
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