New runner-Leg cramping same place every time

I just started running on the treadmill 4-6 times a week, about a month ago. I go pretty easy, since I am a long time smoker, and have never been much of an athlete. I usually go 2-4 miles per session, but walk half of it. Basically 3-4mph for a minute or so, followed by running at 5-7mph for a minute, back down to 3-4, and so on. From the very beginning, I have been getting a cramp in my left leg, on the inside calf every time, usually 6-7 minutes into the session. I power through it, but it hurts and I feel like I could be performing much better if I could figure it out and eliminate it. I thought it might be my gait, my shoes- something, since it's always in the same spot. Any experience with this, or advice?


  • FitFabFlirty92
    FitFabFlirty92 Posts: 384 Member
    I haven't had that happen to me, but I did have weird foot pain and cramps when I first started because I wasn't wearing the right shoes. Have you been fitted for running shoes at a specialty store? They'll have you jog on a treadmill and film it so you can see exactly how you run, and they'll match you with a shoe that corrects any issues. Tell the person you talk to about the leg pain you're feeling, I'm sure they'll have some recommendations for you. If new running shoes don't help (and they'd still be worth the money, because every runner needs good shoes to help prevent injury), I'd suggest seeing a doctor.
  • Soapstone
    Soapstone Posts: 134 Member
    Admittedly, I'm wearing Reeboks I bought when I was pregnant with my daughter.....and she's 7!
  • FitFabFlirty92
    FitFabFlirty92 Posts: 384 Member
    Admittedly, I'm wearing Reeboks I bought when I was pregnant with my daughter.....and she's 7!

    Lol, oh dear! Yeah, it's time for an upgrade. There's something about the way you're landing on that leg when you run that's causing you pain, and a stabilizing running shoe will probably help with that. My first workout shoes were Reeboks too...they were so terrible for serious exercise it was ridiculous. xD Then I got K Swiss Tubes, but I got them in a size that wound up being too small by the time I started seriously running. Then I finally went to a running store and was sold a pair of Saucony Guide 6 shoes, which are perfect for me. :)
  • kckBxer396
    kckBxer396 Posts: 460 Member
    I'm going to guess shoes and/or form.I love running,but I have always taken it outside or to an indoor track.This always happens to me when I use a treadmill. I have to bump it up faster than I am comfortable with and sprint or it makes my legs,ankles/metatarsals hurt, even when I'm just walking. I always swing by the track or park to take my jog, stretch out, walk some,then set my own pace. I find that it hurts less. Powering through the pain on the treadmill makes the very front of my ankles, the side of my leg,and my shins really tender and sensitive, making walking and moving my feet excruciating for several days. If you absolutely have to use a treadmill, try other stuff to warm up some first. Whenever I have no choice (it's raining or I'm pinched for time) I do some stretches, squats, lunges, walk around the gym,and up up/down the stairs before my jog. Also, make sure you're wearing some nice socks. I wear thicker athletic socks when I know that I am going to be running.

    Also, I posted a similar post when I first joined the site. Someone suggest low iron, which I do have problems with. So, I take multi vitamins and make sure I am well hydrated. Make sure you're getting enough potassium as well. Hope this helps!