Diary Burn out.

I'm starting up 'round 2' of MFP logging. I quit the first time b/c I got burnt out on logging my food. I love to cook. Many nights they are new and intricate recipes and I find that entering the recipes is tedious, especially when I have to do them every night. I would search for comparable foods in the database but don't find them. Or, I would use something in the database knowing that it was not exactly correct, thus, not tracking my food just right. How can I avoid the burn out again?


  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    Will power is the only thing that works when it comes to logging.

    I'm not sure of how you are going to deal with logging all the recipes you are going to prepare, it may be tedious but is well worth it..
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    I try to introduce one new recipe a week, and remake other recipes/eat leftovers the other days.

    115 days logging on here.

    3 months logging on another site before that.
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    My friend can't stand logging, so she simply literally cut her meal in half. She would serve herself a normal portion and then put half into the fridge for the following day. It's not particularly scientific, but she lost weight. Over time she got used to the smaller portions and now eats them as a matter of course. Of course that won't work if you either eat more then twice your daily calories or eat almost normal portions and thus half of your normal food would leave you with way too few calories overall.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    Yes... that must be a pain. Searching the database for generic versions may not be as accurate but hopefully will prevent you getting fed up of logging?
  • tallmansix
    It's not easy but as they say, 'no pain - no gain'

    I find it really tedious. My pet hate with logging is buying the 'reduced for quick sale' food that is close to use-by date. The shops cover the original bar-codes and I spend time peeling off the reduced bar-code.

    In the end though, if you are determined to get results, it should be just seen as part of the whole process of losing weight. Without careful logging it won't work.
  • Guinivere
    Guinivere Posts: 357 Member
    Whilst my new recipe is cooking I scan all the barcodes of the food I used or type in quantity if just veg. Then it's already done by the time I eat it and is recorded as my new recipe so I can keep using it.
  • Kr1ptonite
    Kr1ptonite Posts: 789 Member
    I pretty much eat the same thing every week, for months on end. So it not so much of a issue for me. But i can understand if you are changing on a regular it would be a pain.
  • FixIngMe13
    FixIngMe13 Posts: 405 Member
    My friend can't stand logging, so she simply literally cut her meal in half. She would serve herself a normal portion and then put half into the fridge for the following day. It's not particularly scientific, but she lost weight. Over time she got used to the smaller portions and now eats them as a matter of course. Of course that won't work if you either eat more then twice your daily calories or eat almost normal portions and thus half of your normal food would leave you with way too few calories overall.

    This is exactly how I have lost weight. I don't log my foods, because I also got burnt out and well, to be honest, I got obsessed about the little things and the scale. It was very stressful for me personally. Cutting portion sizes worked amazingly for me. Left me wiggle room for snacks also.
  • gogoyubarino
    gogoyubarino Posts: 104 Member
    I totally understand where you're coming from. I love cooking and I am often in the kitchen making something new. I have been logging for over a year now and the only thing that has worked for me is to overcompensate my calories. I find something similar and go for more than I have eaten. The diary for me is not really about counting calories to the last amount but about being accountable- about writing everything that goes into my mouth, about thinking about everything that goes into my mouth. I'm by no means saying that this is the best way but it has worked for me.

    I also work out 5 out of 7 days to give me that extra room to move around in my calorie intake without it being a huge problem. I've lost almost 22 kg in the last year doing it my way.