Hi guys and gals from a newbie

Hi I am really struggling to motivate myself so would love like minded folks to get in touch. I am a really supportive person and want to help others if I can. Thank you in advance!


  • Dandman1990
    Dandman1990 Posts: 196 Member
    I have some real issues with self-motivation too. I rarely get past a week! I'd be happy to offer encouragement and share ideas (and possibly even a bit of caps lock ranting when things go wrong) if you want. :tongue:
  • aniqa_saeed
    Hiii i am new too!!!!i too lack motivation on some days but this bmr and tdee is confusing me. I hope you can help me if you get it.so my calorie allowance is 1400. Do i eat back my exercise calories or is this total with everything included???im trying to set myself 2 week goals to help encourage myself.....
  • FriedOkraPlease
    FriedOkraPlease Posts: 13 Member

    I'm also new to MFP and need some help with motivation and accountability. I'm here to lose 100 pounds and have a long way to go, but I'm going to DO IT!! I plan to log in daily and will be here to encourage and support you.

    Please add me as a Fitness Friend if you want to.

    Thank you.

  • 12VioletT
    Hello everyone so happy I found this place. My name is Violet I'm 71 years old and need to loose a lot of weight. I do have some medical problems the worst being autoimmune desease, I know I didn't spell that right, and other problems that I won't go I to. I have never been this big and really do need to loose it off. I'm going on the 1200 calorie diet from here but have a lot of trouble understanding how to count the calories on my own. Do any of you have this problem too? Yes, I have trouble staying motivated when exercising. Maybe we can all help each other, Lord I sure hope so.
  • togienurse
    togienurse Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I am new to this too. I signed up a long time ago but just started applying myself to this about 3 weeks ago. I would love some new friends to share with. I have about 88 pounds to lose. Thanks