Challenge Group Rockin Body/Hip Hop Abs - Starts Sept 30th

Do you love to dance for exercise?

My next challenge group starts up Monday, September 30th. We'll be using the Rockin Body and Hip Hop Abs workout programs.

Does this sound like you?

Send me a message and/or respond to this post and I'll get you the details.



  • Hi Angela!

    I purchased HHA a little over a month ago but didn't stick with it because of emotional eating reasons :( However, I want to give it another go so I'd definitely be up for joining the 9/30 challenge group!

  • flswimmommy
    I just purchased Rockin' Body! It came in the mail Monday. I'm up for the challenge. :)
  • YaraGowayed
    I just purchased both and I Was looking for reviews and I found this !! I am up to it :)