I am new to this site

skaterbee Posts: 8
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
I am new to this site. I just started to workout and watch what i eat on monday. I have 4 kids and it is really hard to find time to do anything for myself. I need to lose alot of weight. I need some support from people. I have struggled for years with losing weight.


  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You've found a great place to keep you on track. Good luck!!
  • Thank you!!:smile:
  • asteppaway
    asteppaway Posts: 54 Member
    Welcome! Hope you find this site helpful on your journey! You can totally do this!
  • gemzy24
    gemzy24 Posts: 126 Member
    Hi and welcome i am also new to this site just joined today and i find it really helpful tracking what i eat the numbers are quite an eyeopener i wish u lots of success there are many people on here who are inspirational and have made me feel very welcome.
  • Kevster75
    Kevster75 Posts: 106
    Welcome to the site!!
    Now you can make loads of new contacts and get bullied, er I mean supported; about your whole diet and lifestyle! ;)

    Seriously, you're in a good place... make yourself comfortable.... :bigsmile:
  • Welcome to the site. My advice? Find some work out time anywhere you can. Early before the kids are up, late when they are asleep. Can they walk with you? Take them. There's always a way to squeeze exercise in, just gotta find it. Oh and I'm great at dishing out advice but not always doing it! That's why I'm here! Good luck to you!
  • Yes three of the kids can walk. I have started taking a walk with them yesterday and today. I end up pushing all three of them in a stroller because they get tired. Thanks to everyone for welcoming me to the site. I am so done with sitting around and letting the weight stack on. It is time to make a change.
  • I love your quote DanOhh! Mind if I use it?
  • Hello! I'm new to this site as well. I' 25, have a son, go to work.school, and also have to find time to take care of home. I just started (again) to watch my weight. I started paying attention to my weight on Monday (10/4/2010) with a combination of keeping count of the calories i consume on a daily basis. I really love this tool. I downloaded the app to my phone and it has helped me maintain my caloric intake. I trying to loose at least 50lbs after gaining 75lbs from the time i was 20 until now at the age of 25. Thats a lot of weight to gain over 5 years. My current weight is 255lbs but i would love to at least be down 50lbs by summer 2011!
  • Hi there - I'm also new to the site - I just joined yesterday. I've got 60 pounds to lose and I gotta say that it feels like a really overwhelming task so I'm going to break it down into increments of 0 and 5 milestones (under 200, under 195, etc.)

    Everyone seems really supportive here so I'm hoping that I can be successful this time.

  • I am so there with you. I also have 4 children, my youngest is 6 months, and have so far to go that it seems overwhelming! Usually I have lost most of the baby weight by 3-4 months...not this time! I have lost just about nothing and feel so gross. I also just started on Monday and would love some support.
  • daniellesite
    daniellesite Posts: 42 Member
    There's plenty of support here so you've come to the right spot. Just logging everything you eat is half the battle. I know it's hard with kids, especially four but I know you can do this!!!! There are lots of success stories on this site to movtivate you. Welcome! :wink:
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