hye im hiza n im new here =)

im 18 years old n i used to b kinda chubby, so i started to control on whut i eat n i did lots of workouts. i lost 10 kg in 4 months after 5 years of struggling wif my weight, i know it took a long time n i find it really2 hard to leave all my fav food. but lately, i tend to eat a lot n i eat food dat ive been tryin to avoid, n i do scared dat i'll put on weight back... so here i am trying to find my spirit n support back :smile:


  • talzybob
    i am the same i always revert back to my old ways. even though i am happy am never happy with the way i look. i put the weight back on when i went back to university and although i have a man in my life, i think to myself i know i can look better.
    from your pic i think you look great as you are.
    you can add me as a friend on here if you wish. ill help you get the support you need. i know what it is like to have lack of support. all we need is for someone to be interested and to help us feel good.
  • hizatul
    hizatul Posts: 12
    owh hye, ive added u as my friend already.. yea i face lots of challenges too trying to control my weight in university. it is really hard seeing my friends eating chocs cake n cookies plus fast food.. i have a small waist and really big n flabby thighs n i hate them.. i wish i can hv a better body figure..
    ur lucky to hv a man in ur life, at least he can support u dear :flowerforyou: