How to space out my meals

Hi, everyone.

One of the main challenges I've been having with my weight loss since I've started my new job is figuring out how to space out my meals. Since I usually have to leave my house nowadays at 6:50am to be at work around 8, I wake myself up around 4:30am, perhaps unnecessarily, just so I won't be rushing around to get myself out of the house on time.

I really don't want to be eating breakfast this early in the morning. i figure that if I did, my eating schedule would look like this:

Breakfast: 6am, Snack: 9am, Lunch: 12pm, Snack: 3pm, Dinner:6pm

Should I eat breakfast before I leave my house or after I arrive at work? My concern is that if I eat breakfast before I get to work, what kind of snack would be able to hold me over for 3 hours until lunch and 3 hours after lunch until dinner? Fruits don't get rid of my hunger at all.



  • katierose67
    katierose67 Posts: 16 Member
    maybe have a really filling breakfast, like a massive bowl of carb filled muesli, then you will not be so hungry at 9 am for a snack, so you could probably have it a bit later deterring hunger. It works for me: I have a carb full breakfast at 7, banana at 10 or 11, and then a small lunch at 1. Its helped me lose weight. I hope this helps- let me know how it goes!
  • GryphonHall
    GryphonHall Posts: 17 Member
    Hello there!

    I have the same problem and my job doesn't allow me to have full 30-60 minute breaks for meals because it's in client service. I'm also diabetic, so I can't go over or under my blood sugar level but it's difficult to do this without setting a meal schedule which I can form my workflow around.

    What I found that works for me so far is to use the "Hobbit" mealtimes:
    • 1st Breakfast: a small "meal" that I take before my morning commute to work (around 7 am) that comprises around 3-5% of my daily kilojoule target for weight loss, like a nice low kj muffin and a coffee)
    • 2nd Breakfast: the main "breakfast" after I arrive at work (around 8 am) that's about 15-16% of my daily target, like a nice sandwich, sub or porridge; this I eat slowly throughout the hour
    • Elevensies: my "morning tea", except that it occurs 2 hours after 2nd Breakfast, which is usually around 11 am (which fits the name perfectly); this is around 13% of the daily target and I usually have one cookie, muffin, slice of toast or banana bread
    • Luncheon: this is the "lunch meal" and I do this around 1.5-2 hours after Elevensies (12:30-1:00 pm) and this is around 21% of my daily target.
    • Afternoon Tea: I admit that I sometimes skip this if I don't feel hungry, but if I do I take this 2 hours after Luncheon (about 4 pm) and have the same selection as Elevensies (and also is 13% of my daily target)
    • Dinner: This meal I take after I arrive home (or on the rare occasion that I have to go overtime) sometime around 6-7 pm; this is 21% of the daily target
    • Supper: The last "meal" of the day and done 2 hours after Dinner, I only take this if I feel hungry (which is almost every time) and I usually eat something that makes me feel full with very little (like nuts, a cup of soup, popcorn or something like that); restricted to 13% of the daily target.

    I use the insights from the "My Goals" part of MFP ( ) to determine the energy restrictions for each meal. It was a challenge at first but once you get into a routine I find it's incredibly liberating and I don't feel like I'm on a diet at all—just another bloke who eats as often as the Hobbits he admires.

    Essentially, I'm recommending that instead of choosing one time to have breakfast you can always space it out—it's what finally took care of the cravings.

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  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    I don't know if this'll help but - I always keep some Oatso Simple sachets in my bag at work for emergency hunger situations. Just add hot water & drink. One will tide you over for at least a couple of hours and your colleagues will think it's just tea or coffee.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    ? Fruits don't get rid of my hunger at all.

    Foods with proteins and fats are what will satisfy your hunger. Nuts or nut butter, cheese or yogurt, even some chicken. Sure, nuts and cheeses are calorically dense too, but better to eat 150-200 calories of something that will satisfy your hunger, than 75 calories worth of something that leaves you hungry and snacking more.