Recovery for a Wedding!

Hey guys!

My name is Sarah and I'm about to get MARRIED! Well, not quite "about to". We just got engaged and the date's set for October 18th, 2014!

I am incredibly excited and also really scared! See, I was a bit stupid as a teenager (aren't we all?) and I bought a wedding dress for myself when I was 16. I found a dress, fell in love with it, and absolutely had to have it. But of course, I grew and grew and grew and now it's impossible for me to wear the dress.

As much as I'd love to be able to wear that dress for my wedding, I'm not going to be too sad if I can't because, after all, this is about way more than that. I've been trying to get healthy for as long as I can remember and, for as long as I can remember, I've failed. Over and over and over again.

Not only that, but I've been struggling with anorexia on and off for the last two years. And it sucks. I am so tired of these disordered thoughts ruling my life and I certainly don't want to take them into my marriage with me!

So basically, I need help! And all the help I can get!

Friend request away!


  • hollymartin90
    hollymartin90 Posts: 57 Member
    hey congratulations :D ,feel free to add me if u need support xx
  • slb573
    slb573 Posts: 18 Member
    Congrats hun, getting married and planning your wedding is quiet a challenge. I'd really recommend bringing your soon to be husband on board with the new health trend, remember he loves you for you not what you look like. I'm sure your gonna make a beautiful bride and if you need any help with anything feel free to ask me I just finished my wedding about a year ago (and I did EVERYTHING including the catering.)

    If you love the dress you picked out before you could look into getting it let out if it needs to be or taken in in places, but I'd say go look at dresses and take some supportive people with you no one who will be even slightly negative.

    So long as your a beautiful person on the inside the outside will show it too, even if the mirror lies.
  • kenbroz
    Congratulations Sarah,

    I hope October 18th, 2014 was the happiest day for you, and go as you wish. keep your diet is a must in order to get the ideal weight. may sound difficult but it will be easier when it is done slowly and becomes a habit.

    And do not be too quick ordering a dress for the wedding which was one year to the next, because you're still 16 years old and still growing rapidly. once again I say congratulations!!

    Good luck!
  • Sobeone