Umm Hi....

well Im kind of new to this but i dont know where to start it seems that most people focus on cardio and getting lean, but i kinda wanna be a beefcake lol does anyone know where i can start?


  • brockly25
    brockly25 Posts: 150
    i would say write down evething you eat so you can see what your doing right and doing wrong :)

    and find exercise that you like to do and that what is fun for you ....

    make alot of friends ... ALOT ... poeple wil help you out in the hard times and fun times ... if you have someone to talk to your going to be ok .... add me if you like :)
  • squishyfishy
    Hi and welcome

    I did body pump and weights throughout my weightloss and it completely changed my shape, I actually have some muscles now!. I'm sure there will be loads of people on here that can help. Good luck.
  • Beebee78
    Beebee78 Posts: 703
    Welcome to MFP! You will find lots of people here with similar goals. Good luck on your journey xxx
  • LuckyLondon
    i did start writing all i eat on the MFP app but the problem is that i stopped for about two week and i saw what a difference it made when i was paying attention to what i eat!