


  • redsnapper8
    redsnapper8 Posts: 31 Member
    vodka and soda water with a dash of lime cordial is a good option for drinking out, drinking at home I stick to dry wines with a low % (eg., 11%)
  • ilovemaisy
    At about 200 calories per pint, that's a crazy amount of calories. Not worth it.
  • burtnyks
    burtnyks Posts: 124 Member
    I was recently working with a nutritionist, and she told me alcohol is fine but you must track it as part or your caloric intake. So I kind of try to regulate my drinking. I've cut back though since I prefer food calories over liquid ones from alcohol. I usually will have vodka with water and lemon/lime or put some Mio in it. Also, Captain Morgan has about 60 cals per serving I believe and I will do that with diet coke. I can't think of anything that is lower calorie than those 2 options.
  • sarahf3092
    sarahf3092 Posts: 147 Member
    Vodka, water and squeezed lime :) You need to find a balance between drinking and social and being serious about weight loss - if you know you have a heavy night out at the weekend then maybe be extra good one day in the week? Its all about balance and moderation x
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I love wine, but I got to a point that when I went out to bars and parties, I couldn't do it in moderation. It was either one glass or 8. So I have almost completely cut it out for those reasons but also because I decided I would rather et than drink. :) I know it's hard in college though. Alcohol is served at 98% of the social events.
  • danofthedead1979
    danofthedead1979 Posts: 362 Member
    there's no getting away from the fact that you will either have to moderate the drinking, or burn it off the next day.
    burn those gained calories the next day by doing an activity, got any pals into sports? aside from going to the gym, i used to play 5 a side football and badminton at Uni which helped to burn off those cheap student drinks and kebabs consumed on a Friday and Saturday night.
  • EmilyJackCO
    EmilyJackCO Posts: 621 Member
    So learn moderation so you can enjoy alcohol your whole life... and btw, being the "designated driver" is fun within can be the one taking pictures ... I promise.

    So much this. Blackmail is so much more fun than being hammered. As someone who's been the designated dragger for almost 6 years. :D
  • RosyBest
    RosyBest Posts: 303 Member
    My favorite drinks were/ are margaritas and Long Islands...Those drinks are close to 500-700 cals/ glass. When I found this out I was like Wtf? Definitely stay away from drinks like's not worth it! Martinis are better, even some cosmos but none are healthy not even the Bloody Freaking Mary.
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,684 Member
    in a bar I stick to single shots of vodka with soda and lime. That's only 60 cals for the vodka.

    If you worry about not seeming like a party pooper by not indulging, you can alternate with plain soda every other round without anyone noticing. I have a friend whose job involves going out drinking beer with clients. Instead of a draught, he has a bottled beer, so that his rounds occur in a different phase than everyone else's. No one notices that he consumes much less, because he nurtures his bottled beer, and you can't see how fast someone is drinking from a dark bottle.

    I like to have copious amounts of dry wine with meals. To accomodate for this, I do big cardio workouts. An hour on the elliptical with my heart rate around 140-155 is approximately 500 cals or a bottle of wine.
  • MsJulielicious
    MsJulielicious Posts: 708 Member
    drink like this:

    Omg I thought you said you erased this video!
  • ironmonkeystyle
    ironmonkeystyle Posts: 834 Member
    drink like this:

    Omg I thought you said you erased this video!

    I didn't.... I have all the tapes actually...
    uh oh...