Need new motivating Friends

Please add me to your friends if you are looking for the same. I am working hard towards my goals but would like a great buddy system.


  • phitandphree
    phitandphree Posts: 29 Member
    Hey! I'll add you! Also if your interested I'm an admin for a group on facebook. We encourage each other and most of us all use MFP , so it's a great way to get more friends. We all log regularly and give feedback on MFP. We share recipes on facebook, Mondays is motivational posts, Tuesday share a article to read that is educational. Wednesday is check in day see how everyone is doing, Friday is get to know you day. We start challenges on Monday either food related or workout related. The challenges are not mandatory, we just try to make this fun, learn together and give support. We have people sharing great before and afters.
    If this sounds like something you'd like look us up
    Facebook: MFP Group Challenges

    Monika :)
  • nomoremasa23
    nomoremasa23 Posts: 18 Member
    Looking for the same! I dont have as many MFPs as I used to. They just dont log in anymore and I am looking for MFPs that are as motivated like I am! If you ladies need someone thats in your corner thats me!
  • notreallychris
    notreallychris Posts: 501 Member
    I'm on everyday, add me if you'd like! I try to motivate all my friends when I'm on.
  • chelseac1014
    chelseac1014 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm looking for the same thing so I will add you !
  • I'm looking for the same!
  • I'm also looking for motivating friends :) I'm ready to reach my goal and would love some good support.