My Focus T25 Log

Hi All,

I'm new here and just posted in the 'introduce yourself' forum so read that for some backround info on me.

I have previously completed Shaun T's Insanity (3 years ago) and at the time, and probably still do, felt it was the best workout programme on the market in terms of intensity and results. I stripped alot of fat and retained most of my muscle muscle over those 2 months.

So now my situation has changed somewhat. I have a 2 year old boy now and also a good job that requires my time available to exercise is at a minimum right now. So this is why I've decided to have a go at Shaun T's T25 programme. From what I've read it's exactly what I'm looking for. Kind of an Insanity squashed into 25 minutes!

So today was my first day...started on a Thursday so I will just divert back the beginning on Monday.

Session 1 - Cardio
I really loved this workout. It's quick and intense (although I didn't find it as intense as Insanity...although another 20 minutes ontop would have killed me!). I was sweating like hell! My quads, my calves and my glutes were burning after the first 10 minutes. I impressed myself with how well I got through it as well. Considering I haven't done alot in terms of training over the past 18 months, I did good! I didn't stop nor did I follow any of the modified moves. I really enjoyed it and felt the burn!!

So far I'm impressed. I'm looking forward to tomorrows work out. I will comment on any physical changes I witness torwards the end of next week.




  • Cynnie20012
    Cynnie20012 Posts: 33 Member
    Great to read this, thanks a lot!

    I am currently doing Ripped in 30 and I am planning to do T25 straight after.
    I am so much looking forward to reading more of your logs!