HRM Calorie Counter Polar F6 Question

silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I know there are other topics on this, but I wanted my own answer, so I am making a new topic, sorry for that...

I just got my Polar F6 in the mail today. I took it for a test walk for 16 minutes and it said I burned 165 calories from walking. Earlier I had walked for 31 minutes and used the 2.5 exercise on the search on this website and it guessed 171 for that, that was before I got the Pola F6 in the mail.

I felt like I was walking the same speed both times but the number from here and the HRM is way different.

I know I am overweight by alot, 253 lbs at 5'6 age 25, so I might loose more calories than a slightly overweight person, but that seemed like a large difference to me. I knew there would be some difference.. because the number I was using was from the database that someone else computed and they can't really guess that without an HRM... but the number the HRM said I lost is almost double.

Do I need to subtract some calories from that total, like the total I would have lost w/o exercising or do I use that full number here? Is that number right? I have tested it 3 different times.. the average is 10-11 calories a minute... I can't tell you how fast I am going, but I was using 2.5 on here.. because I used a pedometer once that averaged me to 2.5 and I walked on the treadmill at 2.5 and it felt the same speed... but I guess I could be going more.

Anyone have a clue?


  • plcarpenter
    plcarpenter Posts: 83 Member
    One thing about heart rate monitors they do not base the calories burned by your heart rate, they only do a simple estimated calculation based on time and the information you entered into you HR monitor. So when you use the myfitnesspal exercise feature by entering the time exercised it will give you approximatly the same number. Not to mention most HR monitors over calculate calories, but they are a great too to have to monitor your heart rate, I think it would be a great feature for this site to have people track their min and max HR so you can tell if you are getting more fit

    Keep it up, and don't worry about if your HR montor is calculating the correct calories just enter what you have and go with it, at least that's what I do :)
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    The only problem is they DIDN'T give me the same number at all... the HRM is almost double what MFP said when I looked up walking... I like to eat some of my exercise calories and so far I have been loosing weight doing that.. but I don't want to over eat.. so I need to know if the HRM is accurate or not.
  • kspeach
    kspeach Posts: 179 Member
    My HRM and what MFP said for calories burned were way different on some things, and very close on others. However, I have followed it since I got it; I did compare for a long time, and when I input my workout here, it automatically figures cals burned...but I always have to change it.

    I have been using my HRM for burned calories and the food counter on here for eaten calories, and my weight loss is right on pace, so I'd say it's pretty close.

    It's probably not 100% accurate; nothing will be, unless you were hooked up to a machine, I think, and I don't mean your hands on the treadmill. ;)
  • kspeach
    kspeach Posts: 179 Member
    Oh I went back to when I first got my same HRM, and I weighed slightly less than you do now.

    HRM: 51:40minutes, 2.8 MPH, 396 calories, Average HR 80%, Maximum 86%, in zone 48:14
    MFP: 51:40, 313 calories 3.0mph

    HRM said I burned 83 more calories. That's about 1.52 calories more per minute I believe.

    I generally hit my calorie goal here within 100-200 calories to spare, but sometimes over by some too.
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    Those numbers help alot.. and maybe I have been going faster than 2.5, but doing the math you gave me.. if I went 51:40 it would be around 525 calories burned based on the 16 minutes I played around today... you said your MFP was around 313 and HRM was around 396.. How the heck is my monitor reading that I'm burning over 10 calories a minute.. there is no way I'm going faster than 3.0.. but I can't figure out how to tell for sure.. but it doesn't feel like I am.
  • I trust my HRM over the numbers generated by MFP. I am not sure it truly matters which one, as long as you use that one consistently. Switching back and forth would cause the big differences I would think.

    Make sure your HRM is programed correctly, with height, age and weight, as that will make a difference.
  • CombatVet_Armywife
    CombatVet_Armywife Posts: 300 Member
    If you have a quality HRM and you enter your info (age/height/weight), the calorie burn is usually pretty accurate. You can't base your calorie burn off of what you find on the MFP database, those estimates were entered by other people. Your calorie burn will differ from theirs since your age/height/weight is different. There was a post about this awhile ago, I will see if I can find it. You're not alone, many people have been confused by this!

    Here ya go...
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    Thanks for the link... I just tried again on the treadmill this time since it's dark outside going 2.7 for 10 minutes (no holding on!) and the treadmill said 49 cal, this said 55-60 ( according if I use walking 2.5 or 3.0) and my HRM said 113. A huge difference again.... But the average a min is the same as the first few times I tested it. The link said it cam be 40 percent off but in my case it appears to be about 50 percent... Is this because I am like 100 lbs overwieght and still not used to exercise as much as normal ppl? The gap still seems way large to me.. But yes I double checked, I entered everything right and it's a quality monitor... I just wanted to make sure it is accurate in case some days I use th all, I don't want to gain weight back!
  • CombatVet_Armywife
    CombatVet_Armywife Posts: 300 Member
    I absolutely understand! I am very careful about getting my exercise calories and food intake as right as I can. From my experience, I would not use the MFP database. Those exercises were entered by other people. I will tell you...Initially, I was using my treadmill's calorie count which showed me burning about 350 calories in 30 minutes. I started using my HRM, doing the exact same exercise for the same amount of time and it showed me burning over 700!! I was floored!!

    I asked around, asked the MFP community for help/ the end, after a bit of time and experimentation, I found my HRM is the accurate count. Still, to be safe, I don't eat ALL my exercise calories. I burn too many anyways, I could never eat them all....I'm struggling to eat half of them. I usually get about 200-300 of them eaten.

    I just figure as long as I'm eating the right foods, eating a portion of my exercise calories, drinking my water, and not hungry, then I should be okay! Again, this is just my experience....I hope it helped you in some way. What I've noticed for everyone is it takes time to figure out what works for wishes! :flowerforyou:
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