Check my food diary please?

I hope this doesn't sound rude at all but would someone please have a little look at my diary and tell me where I'm going wrong? I have been trying to eat the 1200 cals a day, sometimes a bit more but often less (without meaning too), I exercise a lot (I think), when not at work but have a pretty active job. At first I was losing weight, 4lbs a week, and now week three and nothing!!

Thanks :)


  • Minnie2361
    Minnie2361 Posts: 281 Member
    First , you need more fresh fruits and more fresh vegetables.
    There is no where need the amount recommended in the five a day plan the UK is promoting.
    You are big on the potatoes which are full of nutrients but need more reds/greens/orange colored veggies in your diet.

    The White Bread switch it for Whole Wheat Bread

    For Extra Protein in addition to cheese, there is eggs, kidney beans, hummus. other legumes that are rich in protein plus quinoa/
    I add hummus to my pastas instead of alfredo sauces.
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    Well I only went back 5 days

    But it really is not balanced or healthy from what I see

    The only fruit is 1 banana, and no fresh veg at all [spuds do not count as veg in 5 a day , but baked beans do] however not really fresh or leafy green are they?

    I am not a food fascist, but sausage rolls, spud waffles, sausage, or cheese sarnies [I plead guilty to same& tasty sarnies]

    c'mon, you really do need to face up to your diet choices, more veg, more fruit, less packaged, or pastry wrapped & calorie dense stuff
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,028 Member
    Agreeing with earlier posters that you need more veggies, and protein, and if you're really recording accurately, you need more calories (so the good news is you could start adding stuff you need without radically reducing the stuff you're eating now -- although you'd do well to cut back a little on the processed, packaged, stuff and sweets and fried stuff -- if only because you could fit a lot more volume and mass of healthier foods for the same calories of small amounts of the other stuff, which might leave you more satisfied and less hungry, not to mention getting you some of the vitamins and minerals you're probably missing now.

    However, are you sure you're measuring and recording accurately? For example, a slice of garlic bread for 37 calories seems unlikely to be right.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    3 weeks isn't long enough to decide it's not working.

    But I would query some of the items in your food diary- how is a slice of buttered toast different from the named bread, toasted?
    i.m sure a cheese sandwich had protein
    Was your banana exactly 200g??

    These mY not matter, but I'd recommend being as accurate as possible in recording ( and yes where are your veggies?) then analyse.
  • steviex_xo
    Thanks all! I love fruit so could up that, but I'm not a big fan of vegetables if I'm honest. I'm really stuck on things to eat at work, so half a cheese usually fills me up in the day.

    As for the garlic bread, I thought that too! I just search for things on the app and add it in, so it probably is not that accurate, but I'm not stressing too much about that. When I'm at work, I'm lucky if I eat one meal haha!
  • Minnie2361
    Minnie2361 Posts: 281 Member
    How I got my veggies up was through crunchy salads that means red /orange/yellow /green bell peppers with broccoli slaw, throw in some grapes, mangoes, and other fruit in with the veggies, I like grated carrots, but baby carrots are just as good, flavor your salad by usina arugula {nuty flavor leaf} cabbage slaw, chunks of broccoli , red oninons, feta cheese on top ,
    spinach salad, with pan fried toasted slivered almonds, and apple and a hardboiled egg.

    I do have some steamed vegetables but crunchy salads with a tasty low fat salad honey Dijon or ranch dressing or homemade go down better for me and it cleans out the intestines so great bowel movements.
    You can homemake your salad dressing with lime instead of vinegar and honey to sweeten it with and egg and olive oil,
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    You're starving yourself. Eat more. If you're working out a lot and have an active job, you should probably eat at least 1600 a day, probably closer to 2000.

    Go to and enter your info, and eat what it tells you.
  • yasminhancey1982
    yasminhancey1982 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi Stevie, I not a professional,but i found this article if it helps I cut out all high sugar foods, and swapped them for fruits and veg. Made my foods all colourful, but I have a junk day at weekends, but I might stop them now after the last 2 days I was well over.

    How protein food helps you to burn fat

    Burning fat to reduce weight depends on the methods you adopt.

    Whether you do heavy exercises or you take less meal it all depends on you, how to lose weight.

    Some people add nutrients suggest that taking high fiber in the diet is beneficial for burning fat?

    This may be a swirling question in your mind. In actual high fiber reduce the calorie intake and controls the appetites which lead to a burn fat or in other words a lose weight.

    A balanced routine of high fiber diet with a low crab and simple exercise is an effective way to reduce the fats.

    When people take large intake of food in the form of fibers like me in their body will require large time in processing that food. It means large energy is consumed in digesting high fiber food hence as a result reduced fat from the body.

    Diets which increase the temperature of the body helps in reducing fat as these are considered as fat burring foods. Diets like meats, salmon, and tuna are effective food items for increasing the temperature of the body and a reduced weight. The higher the temperature of the body more fat is burned and your body will lose extra fat stored in the body.

    Eating high fiber allows the body to absorb less calories when it passed through our digestive system. Hence fewer calories are used by the body and less fat is stored. It is also considered that eating high fiber feels body full for a long time.

    Drink plenty of water when you intake large number of proteins. It may store in intestine leading to problems.

    Eat fruits, vegetables and whole grains that are considered as high fiber diets to burn the extra fat stored in the body. Try yogurt and brown sugar that also reduces fat and considered as fat burning food items.

    Check out this page I follow
  • jwbuild
    I would recommend lowering the amount of breads, and eating more protein. Calorie count is ok. Could actually eat a few more. But less junk food and more quality. My typical breakfast is a 35gram Protein Shake for breakfast with some Dry Roasted Soybeans (they are actually pretty good) and a banana or some pineapple.