Looking for Breakfast on the go ideas

vdub88 Posts: 79
edited September 21 in Recipes
I have 2 young kids - we are on the go I seem to take care of them fro breakfast but running out of the simple easy things for me for breakfast. I typically do a protein shake for breakfast and one of the following. bowl of high fiber cereal, granola bar, yogurt, low fat wrap with peanut butter, oatmeal. Kind of tired of these things. Remember we are on the go so I need something quick easy.


  • jwporcaro
    jwporcaro Posts: 2 Member
    If you have a Costco near by, they have a breakfast "energy" bar that's more like a cereal bar, but made with natural ingredients, etc. I have twin boys in elementary school and they will munch on them as they are running out the door. The name of them is Sunrise Energy Bars. You can find them near the bread. They are in a circular plastic container and there's probably about 30 or so in the container. I give them two thumbs up and they are a great "grab and go" food.

    The other things you mentioned are the other things we do for breakfast in my house on the busy weekday mornings as well.
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    I hate breakfast on the most part but I do eat Pure Protein bars. They are good tasting and filling. And they have a good amount of protein. You should try them. They have them at CVS pharmacy or Walmart. Walmart is cheaper. You can get a box of six for about six dollars.
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    My husband and I make smoothies every morning and then take them with us on our commute, usually with a piece of toast with peanut butter. It takes about 5 minutes and you can mix up the flavors so you get a bit of variety.

    Yummy breakfast smoothie for 2 people:
    1 cup milk
    1 cup orange juice
    1 banana (this binds it all together. if you dont like banana you can experiment with yogurt but you really dont taste it if you use a lot of berries)
    1-2 cups frozen berries.

    Blend on low speed for 1 minute, then high speed for 1 minute. You may have to experiment with the right amount of berry/liquid ratio to find an amount that doesn't make your blender angry but still holds together in a smoothie consistency.
    Sometimes I use carrot, apple, or grapefruit juice instead of the orange. You can also use mango or whatever frozen fruit you want, but we really like the berries. :)
  • xonophone
    xonophone Posts: 474 Member
    Try a 6 oz Chobani or Fage yogurt (with fruit flavor) and a piece of fruit for a healthy and quick breakfast for around 200 calories.

    Sometimes I get a store bought bagel (around 250 calories) and spread a laughing cow light swiss wedge on it (35 calories) Also quick and easy but not as healthy...
  • I eat 1/2 a whole wheat Nature's Own Wheat English Muffin (toasted) with JIF Natural creamy peanut butter & a cup of Oiko's greek yogurt with blueberry on the bottom. It's delicious and quick... also only about 200 calories.
  • egbkid
    egbkid Posts: 164 Member
    i don't go for nutrition bars and such, yuck. Last week i had to be at work at 7 am (thankfully i live a 10 minute walk away) i would pack a small ramekin (came with cover) of yogurt the night before, and grab it, a banana and a bagel on my way out the door. When i got to my desk i had my proper breakfast. Usually, i get up 2 hours before i have to be at work, but no way was i getting up at 5 AM!! I have no kids, though, so no one to rush along.

    I keep flavoured bagels in the refrigerator, usually blueberry. If i am running late i can grab one and eat that plain while walking to work...but it really grosses a lot of people out. Dry bagels are apparently not appetizing? (not a butter or jam or peanut butter person)

    A friend of mine went to see a nutritionist, and she told him to keep apples and oranges in the car (he is a late sleeper, usually out the door 20 minutes after waking up). That way, he is able to eat a couple while driving to school/work. He also keeps bananas on the counter by the door (to hot/cold in the car) and grabs a few of those some days.

    some people eat pop tarts cold, you could do that. Or, the night before make a breakfast sandwich (egg, with bacon and cheese on an English muffin) . Wrap it in wax paper, and pull it from the fridge and nuke it for a minute. Just like McDs but better!

    Best bet is to take 10 minutes before bed and prepare something that you can quickly microwave in the morning, if you want something hot.
  • monicawildonger
    monicawildonger Posts: 14 Member
    I eat a 4 oz Oikos yogurt with some fruit in it along with some ground up walnuts or almonds and a splash of cinnamon all this for under 170 calories, I also have a cup of tea to go with a splash of fat free lactaid. The other day just to change things up I had a subway breakfast, it was wonderful ( I didn't eat the bread) and I can't wait to eat it again.
  • I boil a bunch of eggs every Sunday. Perfect grab & go breakfast or snack. High protein.
  • ohmohner
    ohmohner Posts: 29 Member
    hard boiled eggs for sure (I make 5 every sunday night so that they are ready for the whole week)

    yogurt + berries (the night before I always put yogurt in tupperware with berries in it so I can grab and go in the morning)

    almonds (i buy the small pre-packaged kind and always carry a bag or two in my purse, its not exactly breakfast food, but it fills you up when you are starving)

    Mini cliff bars (another thing you can keep in your purse)
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    easy, hot and ready in about 1 minute!

    1/4 cup egg beaters - 30 calories
    (salt and pepper to taste)
    1 veggie sausage patty - 80 calories
    1 bagel thin - 110 calories
    total calories: 220

    I throw the sausage patty in with the egg beaters in a small microwavable bowl and nuke for apx. 1 minute then just scoop it onto my bagel! I use a small plastic bowl that fits perfectly onto the bagel to make it easier for eating on the run. If I have time I'll chop up some onions and/or peppers to add to egg mixture, but I usually only do that on the weekends. :drinker:
  • fitinyoga14
    fitinyoga14 Posts: 448 Member
    I love to eat something sweet for breakfast every morning. a great no-cook quick breakfast is my version of 'banana toast'. However, I don't mess with getting bread and a toaster out and waiting for the bread to pop out. So instead, I use crispbread. (Wasa Brand) Its all-natural and whole grain, and available in different varieties such as multi-grain, rye, hearty style, ect. To me, its a great alternative for toast and a versitile food item.

    Its so easy to whip together, just spread 2 slices of crispbread with a Tbls. of natural peanut butter each, and top with a peeled/sliced banana. That's it!

    It totals to about 380 calories.

    p.s.- This is the perfect breakfast for travelers. I've brought the ingredients with me to hotel rooms and camping. All you need is a jar of peanut butter, a bunch of bananas, a bag or package of crispbread, and a plastic knife!
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