new here!

Hi! I just joined today because my sis in law is harassing me to death :explode: to work out so I figure I might as well go the whole way with this and count calories and track my exercise....(ok so she really isn't harassing me to death but I like to tease her :tongue: and she keeps me on track even when I wanna give...which is ALOT!) :sad:
I am a nurse. If anyone should know about healthy eating and exercising it should be me, but let me tell you I do not practice what I preach, :noway: About 18 months ago I was 30lbs lighter, :smile: had a very busy nursing job, then my husband got laid off, I took a better job to compensate and wasnt so busy anymore at work. My sedentary life and job had me putting on weight 5lbs at a seriously i look at food and the weight just jumps on. ( come on you all know what I am talking about) So back to my point...what was that?... I forgot ...oh yes I have gained 30 lbs in 18 months and am sick of feeling like I can't breathe cause of the extra weight...don't want to do anything...:yawn: and here comes winter... so before I gain 30 more holiday pounds I am gonna get off the couch and do something. I think I am gonna be ok watching my eating but I need motivation for exercise and Lord I honestly don't think I can give up my large hazelnut coffe with extra cream and extra sugar (stirred please) :drinker: .(small steps here) 2x's a day...whew.. so I saved my skinny jeans and this time I am burning the fat ones when I meet my goal weight :laugh: wish me luck!


  • shawnaterry
    Good Luck! You can do it! I just went to the gym for the first time in a while and it feels great! The journal really helps to keep track of what your eating. It makes it a lot easier.
  • runcdizzy
    Hi! Welcome to MFP. Stick with the exercise and calories and you will do great. I've been overweight for the last 3 years & I've made a commitment to myself to stay accountable. I go through this weird losing weight for 3yrs & next thing you know I'm gaining weight for the next 3yr. I told myself no more! Hey if you live in SoCal, we can be fitness buds :-)
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Lord yes, I know all about the looking at food and gaining, Plus a good, deep inhale adds more! LOL OK, OK, so you don't have to give up the hazelnut coffee, just maybe instead of the large get the medium? I managed to give the lattes up almost totally. I maybe have one once a......oh MY, I just figured something out! I have not had one in almost......3 months? :huh: So if you need help, look me up.
  • jab2jad76
    just went to the gym today for the first time in 2 months, i always feel better after i go, it's the getting there that is the problem...i got a case of the lazy but i am trying to change that one cup of dunkin at a time, starting with a medium tomorrow :)

    I know about that weight gain, I lose and keep it off, then a year later i gain it back but I have never been this heavy and it makes me depressed so I am getting serious and I wish u all the best of luck and will help motivate back...we can do this ladies!!!!
  • jab2jad76
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    gotta start somewhere!
  • laurawright
    laurawright Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in the same boat! I need to loose 30 pounds also! we can do it together! I just started back up on MFP on monday. I hate working out, it is really boring and I am really lazy! But I have to just do it or I'm gonna stay the way I am and I dont want that! Good Luck on your journey!