Counting Calories!! Please Help!

Ok I got a problem...I am ok with counting calories when I have the package to look at, and I am some what able to pick recipes apart and count calories that way as well, but what if I am out somewhere and I am unable to count the calories, or if I plain just don't know....then what do I do? Please help!!!


  • amscobra
    you can put the myfitnesspal app on your phone, or to be honest, the best way to do this is plan ahead. If you know your going to be eating out look up the restaurant online ahead of time to know what your better options are. It takes time, but it's worth it.
  • cmadden89
    I google the menu of the place that I'm going to and then I go to teh food tracker and look up what nutritional value the food I want to eat is.
  • dodoodoodo
    dodoodoodo Posts: 101 Member
    i agree! i'd like answers to this as well! usually i just guess but i could be totally off :ohwell:
  • artquiltee
    I try to go to restaurants where I can look up the calories before I go and then plan what I'm going to eat ahead of time. I frequently look at (Dottie's Weight Loss Zone) for restaurant information.

    If I'm not sure (it isn't on the list or it's at someone's home), I search for what I've had in the database and just choose something as close as I can to what I ate. I confess there are times I just do not know how many calories I've consumed or days when I go over, but I forgive myself and make sure I get myself back on track the next day!

    I bet you're doing a great job! All you can do is do your best. If you find you are gaining weight, then you need to be sure you aren't in situations where you don't know the calorie amounts of what you are eating. I'm no expert, but I hope it's helpful.
  • amscobra
    I can tell you right now, you may come across restaurants that don't post their nutrition facts, and if that's the case, AVOID IT. they are obviously hiding something. ha
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    Visit your local bookstore or Amazon and take a look at:

    "The Calorie King: Calorie, Fat & Carbohydrate Counter"
    Or visit their website at

    The book is small and compact and I carry it in my purse. Sometimes I can't find what I'm looking for but it has tons of foods listed in it so its great to have if you don't have internet on your phone and you need a quick guide. :)
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    I pretty much agree with what's been said. You can only do so much with what info is available. Sometimes, it's not possible to avoid a restaurant if you're in a group of people and you're outnumbered on the vote to go there. So, what to do? In cases like that, I search the database for something as close to what I had...size, the way it was prepared, etc.

    Regardless if you have the nutrition listing or not, the calories are all an average, anyway. Look at the numbers. I really doubt that many items hit dead on at say, 40 calories instead of 43 or 38. The same is true if you get 2 packages of something. They're all averages.

    I say do the best you can and be as honest as you can. There's also the feature to quick add calories, as well. Just be careful because it's easy to become obsessed by the numbers. I was obsessing in the beginning until I realized they're not exact calories and just averages instead.

    Good luck!!
  • Tuplatano
    Tuplatano Posts: 123 Member
    I downloaded the application on my Cellphone. That's how i learned about this website via my Android phone.