3 pounds weight gain after cheat meal


I had a cheat meal yesterday and went to the local carvery for a Sunday Roast Dinner with Gammon, Turkey, Beef and Pork, I had a really big Sunday dinner and 2 bottomless ice creams at Crown Carvery.. but I didn't think I'd gain 3 pounds the next day!

Is this right? I feel awful..


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    no you did not consume 10500 calories over your TDEE.

  • JuliMagenta
    JuliMagenta Posts: 79 Member
    I gained 3lbs without any cheat meal...

    it's probably water :) relax!
  • pscott822
    pscott822 Posts: 16 Member
    The Roast dinner was probably high in salt. I've seen high salt intake increase the % water in my weight for days.
  • Pork and Gammon are quite high in sodium.... you will be holding water weight and probably food weight as well if you ate a lot but it wont be fat! Just think 600grams of anything is in theory would add 1.6ilbs on the scale even if you were holding it in your hands and not in your stomach

    Relax, drink lots of water and weigh again in a few days =)
  • rhondatime2chg
    rhondatime2chg Posts: 92 Member
    I did the same thing for my husband's birthday. The day after splurging I was up by 3 pounds. I knew I needed to drink drink drink lots of water. Today the scale is back down 1.5 pounds. I know it is water weight from all the sodium but it still gets discouraging. Just keep chugging that water and don't give up.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Water Retention from the Sodium....... It will pass in a few days...... Best of Luck
  • nicoleisme
    nicoleisme Posts: 95 Member
    It's probably just food and water inside your stomach! Make sure to relieve yourself before you weigh yourself! Haha. & only weigh yourself in the morning after you pee I'd say.
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  • paleojoe
    paleojoe Posts: 442 Member
    1. Water retention
    2. Waste has still yet to leave the body

    This is why I never get down about a 2lbs weight gain or get to excited about a 2lbs weight loss. You are looking for trends sampled over time.
  • OMG_Twinkies
    OMG_Twinkies Posts: 215 Member
    go poop. pound water. you'll be back to normal in a couple days. you're welcome.
  • MissKitty9
    MissKitty9 Posts: 224 Member
    Water retention like everybody said--- but may I add, don't weigh yourself right after a cheat meal? I mean, way to torture yourself :wink: Try just weighing once a week, & if you, say, tend to cheat on the weekend, weigh-in on Friday morning after a week of "being good" The number will be more consistent that way.
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    Water retention like everybody said--- but may I add, don't weigh yourself right after a cheat meal? I mean, way to torture yourself :wink: Try just weighing once a week, & if you, say, tend to cheat on the weekend, weigh-in on Friday morning after a week of "being good" The number will be more consistent that way.

    Yep! This is why I didn't get on the scale this morning! Sodium is a b****!
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    Water Retention from the Sodium....... It will pass in a few days...... Best of Luck

  • floop1207
    floop1207 Posts: 194 Member
    try not to worry. i had a major junk food splurge last wednesday - a medium domino's pizza, 2 cinnamon buns and 5 bakery cookies. i felt so ill afterwards i thought i was going to be sick.

    obviously the scales weren't happy for a few days but i got back on track, upped my water intake and this morning, i am a pound down from my last weigh in. i'd like to say lesson learnt but i've just scoffed a couple of fresh cookies......
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    I ran a half marathon on Saturday. Afterwards rewarded myself with a huge, salty Chinese buffet luncheon, and many wonderful beverages. Yesterday sat around the house resting (yes there was some muscle soreness). Today, I am supposedly up 8 pounds from my pre-half-marathon weight. There is absolutely no way I could have eaten enough calories to make 8 pounds of fat in the last two days after running 13.1 miles.

    Pound the water down, let your body clean itself out. Food weighs something, whether it's inside your stomach or on a plate, and you just have to wait for the waste to leave, as well drinking plenty of water to flush out all the excess sodium. Give it 2-4 days, sticking to your food plan and any exercise you regularly do; check your weight again; you should have some good news.
  • SkinnyBubbaGaar
    SkinnyBubbaGaar Posts: 389 Member
    I gained 3lbs without any cheat meal...

    Damn, you got hosed.
  • lsorci919
    lsorci919 Posts: 772 Member
    Agree with everyone else... defiantly water retention. Drink lots of water and you'll be back down again. :) Don't dwell on it too hard.
  • Nireedk
    Nireedk Posts: 36 Member
    Same for me -- I just dropped to the 16 lb mark and felt so good that when we went to my Mom's for a Sunday dinner (and we hadn't been out there in a long while) I had a small portion of everything ... kind of like Easter or Thanksgiving! KFC breast, pork n beans, mac n cheese, mac salad, potato salad, some chips, 2 lite beers, a couple candies, a couple baby gerkins ... boom ... gained 2 lbs. I guess I will drink a lot of water and see if I can get rid of the salt/water retention that everyone commented on to you. Ugh. It feels like it put be back a week.