Ive lost 7 Stone......scared to put weight back on though!!

ryanbuckman Posts: 6
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
Hiya - this is my first post on here, however i have been using the Fitnesspal App since i started dieting - April 12th 2010 ( 6 Months ago ). I have lost 7 Stone 8/10 pounds - starting at 20.10 Stone (first weigh in) and now around 13 stone. I am feeling alot healthier, much more active and fitter and leaner.

I have worked super hard for the last 6 months and never expected to get down to such a low weight, but as i kept reaching goals (19 stone,17 stone, then 15 stone) i wanted to keep going and have done. However, i am now in fear of putting on weight due my inner thoughts that if i was to eat around 2200-2500 calories my body will gain weight, even though deep down i know thats what my body should consume.

I am still eating very healthy - with lots of Fruit, Veg, Turkey and Fish in my diet, which leads to a maximum calorie intake normally of around 1500-1800 and i exercise 3/4 times a week. I have been having a cheat day - which normally happens on a Saturday where i normally treat myself to a meal out, takeaway or sweets and i have read many articles in the health industry which state it is good to have a "Cheat" or "Fatty" day..............

.............but i am so worried during the week that i may put on weight if i was to eat 2000 calories a day, the reason why?? My body has been able to survive and lose weight by eating less and in my head its as though if i up my calories it will put on weight? For example, i treated myself to a piece of apple crumble and custard this week once after dinner, and yet even though still being 500-800 calories under my limit for the day i start to feel guilty.

Any advice, support, opinions would be welcome.......i have worked so hard to feel the best i have ever and weigh less than i did when i was 19,18,17,16 (im now 23) and i dont EVER want to go back to 21 stone.



  • Brilliant weight loss! I'm afraid I don't know the answer though. I find that as soon as I become complacent and stop watching everything I eat is when I regain weight...and more. Well done on your fantastic achievement though :)
  • DaveyGravy
    DaveyGravy Posts: 283 Member
    Maintaining your weight is probably even harder than losing it in the first place. You start to think that eating more than you have been eating will result in your body ballooning back to how it was when you started, and all that. Your 1500-1800 calories a day isn't enough to maintain when you are exercising that often, so you are definitely going to need to start eating more. 2200 calories sounds like a good daily target. Over the weeks, you will see what happens and if your weight remains stationary then you know what you are doing is correct. If you gain a couple of pounds, at least you know what to do to get the weight back off again. Everyone's body is different, there is no exact science...just a lot of trial and error.

    Oh and by the way...apple crumble.....mmmmmm.
  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    Like what DaveyGravey said, I've heard the best way to figure out your maintenance levels is just trial and error... so if youve been on 1500 until now, every week reintroduce 250 more calories. youll probably lose a little more until you hit your maintenance level. then once youve gained you know to go to the previous week's calorie allowance.
    and even if you put on a couple of pounds over the next few months as your body readjusts to not being on a diet, after losing almost 8 stone to drop those 2 or 3 pounds should be no problem for you! congratulations on the amazing weightloss!!!
  • Manuka
    Manuka Posts: 35 Member
    Well done! Amazing weightloss. When I got to my goal weight I felt similar, it's a big change so quickly. What I did was slowly increased my calories over I'd guess about a month. I increased by about 100 calories or so, then waited to weigh-in and see what a difference it made, then after a few more days added another 100 calories or so. I basically carried on doing this until I was at my maintenance calorie allowance and my weight settled within a couple of lbs either way. I don't know what other people do, but I felt it might be a bit of a shock to my body if I suddenly went from 1200 calories a day to close to 2000, so figured it would be better to steadily increase my calorie allowance, thereby giving my body and also, importantly, my mind a chance to readjust.

    P.s. re: squishyfishy's post
    Adding full-fat or higher fat versions of what I'd been eating while on 1200 calories is one way I added more calories too, so I'm not trying to add more food or bigger meals as such. Just adding more calories to meals.
  • Thank you for your support - much appreciated. Well my aim is to not go above 13 Stone 10....im at 13, and i aim to stay under 13.10...if i go up a little up to near 13.10 then i know that i am able to cut and taper to lose some again.

    Thanks Again
  • I have the same problem and an unfortunate part of losing weight and weighing less is that you now need less calories a day - it is just not fair. I set out to lose 10 lbs last year and ended up losing close to 20. I am now fighting to keep it off while eating a healthy diet but not feeling deprived. Part of it is psychologic but your body does get used to the lower calories. Try going up to 1800 calories see how your energy is, watch how your weight responds, and adjust from there. Maintaining is tough!! Know you have friends in the same boat.
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