Water, Water, Water



  • Great article!! I have noticed that I eat much better when I am drinking my 8 glasses of water. When I forget or get busy or lazy then I tend to eat things that I really shouldn't be eating.
  • Some days I'm good about getting my water in, others, not so much... I'm 4 glasses in for today though! Need to go grab another! Oh, and I too, drink it out of a pint glass, makes me feel liek I don't have to drink as many glasses!
  • nursesarah79
    nursesarah79 Posts: 42 Member
    AWESOME ARTICLE! Thanks for sharing!
  • Awesome article. Thank you so much for sharing!
  • AmberBarrios
    AmberBarrios Posts: 394 Member
    i hardly ever drink water...diet coke addict. thanks for posting this, because you did, i'm actually going to grab some water right now. :flowerforyou:

    I was the same way I would grab a diet coke before grabbing water till a friend told me how she broke the diet soda habit. She challenged herself to drink atleast 64 ounces of water before drinking a 20 ounce diet soda. I have been doing this and finding that I now will drink very little diet soda. I went from drinking almost 2 liters of Diet Coke or Diet Dr. pepper a day to not even really wanting to drink it anymore. GOOD LUCK!!!
  • Excellent article, it really helped me understand a few things. Thanks for sharing!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Bump! I will need to re-read this for motivation!!

    I just finished 20oz. According to the article only....... 120 more to go:laugh:

    Thanks; I better get going!!

  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    ok another 40oz down - that makes me halfway there !
  • 33casey
    33casey Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for posting this! I used to get terrible headaches every day without fail and I could never figure out why! But when I became serious about getting healthy and started to drinks tons and tons of water, my headaches dissapeared! My poor body was probably so dehydrated it was trying to tell me "GIVE ME WATER!!!" I am such a firm believer in water's healing powers! Try it!
  • Bumping this back to the top :)
  • Thanks a lot for posting this article. I drink my 8 glasses of water a day, but I didn't know you're supposed to drink more if you're overweight. So thanks, I'll give this a try!
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