3 letter "F" word

Lisamarie1226 Posts: 335 Member
edited September 21 in Success Stories
We all know the word… Starts with an "F". Ends with a "T". Has a vowel in between.

Well, yesterday someone called me that 3 little "F" word. Right to my face! I was aghast! I was shocked! I was surprised! My mouth flew open, I smiled this big cheesy grin, and said, "Wow! Really?? THANKS!!!"

So here's my story.

Yesterday I was sportin' my size 8 trouser jeans which I love! Not only because it took me…ohhh?... forever and a day to go from the 10s to an 8 but because said jeans look great! It's a very flattering style, I must admit.

So after work, I headed to the gym and ran into my gym buddy, Mary Jo. She looked me up and down and said, "Lisa! You look great!" So I whispered to her (keep in mind that little Mary Jo is somewhat older than me…maybe in her early 40s and a size…nothing! Tiny little thing, like maybe a 2, if even that, but she works out!) "Mary Jo! These jeans are a size 8… Me! Wearing a size 8. Never been in single digits my whole life!"

Mary Jo smiled at me and said, "You, know, I'd been meaning to tell you. I saw you last week in your workout clothes and you are looking so FIT!"

Whoa, Nelly! FIT? ME? 23 lbs (still) away from my goal weight and I'm looking FIT?

Awwww…. Shucks ***blushed** BIG TIME ;-D

I smiled so big and wide, I thought my face was gonna freeze like that! I have never, ever, in my entire life been called FIT.

112 lbs ago, at my heaviest weighing 265 lbs, and wearing 22/24s (and the occasional 26/28 :-( , I never would have dreamed that some tiny little gym rat would be saying I looked great and FIT.

I never realized how such a small, 3 letter word could have such a HUGE impact on me. (Yeah, I know how the other, 3 letter word made me feel…I lived with that my whole life). I literally felt like I was walking on cloud nine. I know that little compliment pushed me, motivated me, and inspired me to have an amazing work out.

I had planned to forgo the stair machine (hamstrings were still a bit sore - OYE! Is that ever gonna feel any better?) and use the elliptical. But I decided I needed that stair machine workout. So I completed 35 minutes and went on my merry way to my 90 minute spin class…. And reveled in every sweaty second ;-)

FIT! ME!!! I'm still flashing a cheesy grin ;-)


  • That's awesome! I'm just starting out on this journey, but I'm hoping to having the same results as you eventually. It's amazing how the simplest compliments like that mean the world to us. Personally, it just fuels the fire to keep doing good and improving myself. Congrats!
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    Funny how close Fit and Fat seem to be. I admit I thought you were referring to the latter at first, but it is an awesome feeling when other people validate your work by making a comment on your appearance. It's a great motivator to keep going, so just don't forget that feeling! You're doing awesome!
  • Isn't it amazing how long the smile can stay on your face hearing something like that! This past weekend a friend of my boyfriends parents had seen me after quite some time and she said "wow you look great, no actually you look sexy!" I could not stop smiling and felt great for the recognition! Good job on your weight loss and keep smiling at that comment you definitely deserve too!
  • bjerkins
    bjerkins Posts: 107 Member
    I am so smiling at your story. Good for you. I too can fit into a size 8. The first time in my life too. It is so ego boosting when people notice. Good for you and keep up the good work.
  • Vmcd
    Vmcd Posts: 33 Member
    And here I was, ready to come to your rescue with positive words of encouragement for you if someone was rude.:flowerforyou: LOVE the story. And you are right, just a few unexpected positive words from someone can make all the difference. We should all remember that we have great power with the words that come out of our mouth . . . both negative AND positive. If we could all make someone else feel today, the way that woman made you feel yesterday, think how many more people would be on cloud 9 today! Great work on your weight loss journey, and thanks for sharing your story!
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    I thought this was going to be a "FAT" rant. lol I'm so happy for you!!! Isn't it great to get those compliments?
  • karot32
    karot32 Posts: 46
    Clever story! =) You have achieved a lot and should be proud of yourself!!!!! Keep up the good work!
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    AWWW! That was a great story! I'm so happy for you!
  • Great story! I think that after a while we exude health and fitness in our faces, demeanour, etc. as well as our overall appearance body-wise. Sounds like you have got there. Well done :)
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