How long is it going to be like this?



  • I just started working out get rid of my baby weight for good! I personally have no problem eating better once I start working out because I don't want to screw up all that hard work! My husband is a different story, though. He'll ask me not to buy specific things so he won't snack on them. If I want to keep whatever it is (as a treat for me or my kids), I have to hide it behind something in the pantry so he doesn't immediately see it and grab it without thinking. I guess everyone just has to figure out their own weaknesses and how to address them? Good luck!
  • Ivey05131980
    Ivey05131980 Posts: 1,118 Member
    "More natural" ehhh, still hard for me and I have been at this new lifestyle for almost a is pretty routine now, though, and I would say that took months for me. I am still learning every day, how to break through no weight loss, change things up. Just stick with it and know that in the end, it will all be worth it.
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    How long is a piece of string?
  • I lost 25 lbs on WW and now I am here for the last 10 maybe 15. I must say the high protein at breakfast really helped. Sometimes I do hear a growling before bed, but when I do, I make a cup of tea with splenda and have an apple. If I don't have the calories, an apple is not going to kill me and it helps. For breakfast, I now eat quinoa with cinn., brown sugar, 1.5 tsp of sliver almonds and some fruit (I switch it up). I add 1/4 cup of milk to my quinoa as well, this really holds me.
  • gracetillman
    gracetillman Posts: 190 Member
    I think the answer to this question might be different for everyone. I was a binge eater just like you describe. I would eat until I was physically sick -- I was not even hungry when I started I just wanted to taste food. Now -- 5 months later -- I am eating so much better and working out 5 days a week. I eat less but enjoy it more because the quality of the food has gotten better. I didn't feel hungry when I started because I ate a decent volume of food with the right balance of protein, fat and carbs. I wasn't eating near what I used to but it was still a good bit of food. I didn't really buy "diet" foods -- I bought better quality food -- no more heavily processed foods or artificial sweeteners or foods with ingredients I have a hard time pronouncing. I started to cook more and take pride in my food.

    It was a mental change for me much more than a physical one. Now I feel like my head is in the right place.
  • claudiakendall98
    claudiakendall98 Posts: 242 Member
    Soup before bed ,it is lower in calories than most foods and you will not feel deprived .Check out soup recipes at i have found a butternut squash soup for somewhere around 56 calories a cup and it tastes really awesome.It was also very easy to make.Good Luck
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I'd say it took about 1-2 weeks for the "hungry" feeling to go away.

    Protein & Fiber will help you feel fuller for longer, so try to get alot of that in.

    I had issues between meals, so I worked in snacks. In the beginning I would have a mid-morning snack to hold me over until lunch and then in the afternoon I would have 2-3 snacks. Now I'm more at 1-2 snacks in the afternoon, but I make sure at least one of them has protein. I feel 100% satisfied by the end of the day.

    It's alot of work, and you have to find that balance that will keep you happy. But once you've found it, it's all golden.

    Good luck!
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    I lost 25 lbs on WW and now I am here for the last 10 maybe 15. I must say the high protein at breakfast really helped. Sometimes I do hear a growling before bed, but when I do, I make a cup of tea with splenda and have an apple. If I don't have the calories, an apple is not going to kill me and it helps. For breakfast, I now eat quinoa with cinn., brown sugar, 1.5 tsp of sliver almonds and some fruit (I switch it up). I add 1/4 cup of milk to my quinoa as well, this really holds me.

    Okay, I'm going to have to try quinoa like that, because I really *hate* the taste, but it's an inexpensive GF source of carbs.

    OP: it only took me a few days, but you will get there. My hungry days now are my hiking/long walks days. (I say that as I am listening to my stomach growl. I have eaten a net of less than 400 calories today, but there is steak, salad and potatoes for dinner and my workout is in.)
  • My food diary is open to public. I made a boo boo yesterday...haha I didn't realize how high calorie my cereal was until I ate it! That is where most of my calories went...almost half of what I my goal was. :/ So far, today has been better. I am snacking, but they are relatively healthy and of acceptable portions. I just hope this becomes a routine for me soon. It shouldn't be too long and the size of my belly will shrink down closer to that of a normal person, but until then, it is not use to the empty space I am giving it. Most comments on here were VERY helpful. Only a couple of people misunderstood what I was saying. making better decisions about my meals and snacks is SO much easier with MFP. This is helping more than I had ever dreamed anything could (other than surgery, which I had considered) Last night, I took a shot of apple cider vinegar and drank some water, it helped me not feel like I was dying. Ya'll are awesome, thanks for all of the fabulous suggestions and support. I can tell already, this community is a must have for me! Thanks for being so awesome ya'll!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    If you're that hungry, change your goal from 2 lb a week to 1.5 or 1 a week. If you're so hungry you're going to give up, it's just not worth it.

    And check calories for everything before you buy them. Eat a lot of protein. I swear my first weeks all I was eating was plain Greek yogurt with fresh strawberries, a ton of veggies or chicken breasts to keep me full... You're still eating a lot of calorie heavy processed foods, which is why you're so hungry probably (crackers, McDonald's etc).
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