Newbie here...could use some friends for support and motivat

Hi, I just joined this site yesterday. I have about 20-30 lbs I would like to lose. I have hit the age where it is just so hard to get it I am hoping that this site will give me a little extra. I could really use all of the support I can get. Thanks.:tongue:


  • BettyBeth14
    BettyBeth14 Posts: 171 Member
    Friend request sent :-)
  • qwants2bslimmer
    qwants2bslimmer Posts: 55 Member
    Good luck on our journey, I have the same problem as you hit 40 and my scales are just beeing kind to me or my clothes come to think of it!!:laugh:
  • LindaSueBakk
    LindaSueBakk Posts: 145 Member
    I joined 3 days ago and also would like to lose 30#s. I just reviewed my menus and realize I'm high on carbs and low on protein. I think that might be one of the good things about this site. If I was just keeping a regular food diary, I wouldn't have noticed that. I'm not a strict vegetarian, but do eat several non-meat meals a week - not really sure how to get the protein without the fat. Losing weight is always a learning process. I lost weight several years ago and kept it off for a few years, but especially for women, I think emotions are a major part of the problem! We moved about three years ago and that really threw me off kilter. Hopefully, with online friends, I can get back on track. Have a good day! Hope to hear from you soon.
  • sutehi
    sutehi Posts: 36 Member
    Hi LindaSueHall,
    I'm not a strict vegetarian, but do eat several non-meat meals a week - not really sure how to get the protein without the fat.

    Quinoa, lentils and chickpeas are my top choices for low-fat veggie protein. They are still carbs, but have a low glycemic index rating, and are nutrient-rich.
  • queeny1
    queeny1 Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome ! I am sort of a newbie too with just joining last week after a couple of friends in the office told me about the site. Everybody is very supportive and positive so it is great to have each other - it can be hard but if you keep your goal in site you can do it!!
  • Ford4x4lady
    I joined the site yesterday.. I also need friends also.. please add me. & Welcome!!