New Mom & Army Wife?

I'm not "New" to MFP, like many others here. But I AM a new mommy. I'm trying to get back into the swing of things & figured I should try and find others in a similar situation. So let's find some others like me.

- I'm 21 years old. (as of June.)
- I live in a cold state (for now.)
- I live in the country. (So a gym isn't really an option for me anymore, nor is outdoor walking because of a dirt road.)
- I have a gorgeous new baby. (My first baby.)
- I've got a lot of weight to lose. (100+ lbs.)
- I'm an Army Wife. (My husband is away at basic. I miss him dearly.)

Anybody else like me? Let's be friends. I'm gonna need some help.


  • _hesmy19dhero
    _hesmy19dhero Posts: 53 Member
    Nobody? :(
  • Nenor1234
    Nenor1234 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm a bit older,33, and my little boy is just turning a year(also my first). I've been on mfp for quite some time but have srtuggled hugely with losing the post baby weight, always good to have someone else on board;-)
  • _hesmy19dhero
    _hesmy19dhero Posts: 53 Member
    The way I look at it it age doesn't matter now that I'm a mom! Lol.
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    Hello you! Frend me if you like, I'm on here every day.

    I wonder what exercise you can get up to. Maybe throwing on two bras and running around the house paddock for 20 mins? My great discovery was wearing 2 bras at the one time, prior to that I couldn't do a single jumping jack.

    You can walk up and down a dirt road, or maybe bike up and down it. either way with baby on the back. Every day walk for the same amount of time, and mark where you got to before turning around and going home.

    I'm lucky now, having lived in the country and knowing how weird it can feel to go walking. I am now in a town where we have a town clock half way up a cliff. It's an easy 'i'll walk up to the clock' kind of decision. A destination. :)

    Other than that I've found even biking once a week is a good thing.

    Join your local women's support network, there will be a country extension group somewhere, in the local rag there will be all sorts of women's groups. go to them, get to know all the people and you will discover odd things, like some special water hole you can swim in, or tennis on thursday mornings, or something like that. :)