How do you stay motivated?



  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    this is a whole other way of looking at it.

    for me it is a game that i have to win.

    ive started couch 2 5k. i must finish it or i lose.

    i have a "high score" to acheive.

    if i "lose a life" (gain more weight), then i start the game again.
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    In for a penny, in for a pound.


    I've come this far I may as well go the rest of the way
  • mitche96
    mitche96 Posts: 4 Member
    how about short term goals? It works really well for me. Maybe something like if today is a Saturday, my aim for next Saturday would be 0.5-1lb less.
    and I use pinterest too-- looking at all the healthy photos and motivational posters really help me alot
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Motivation is worthless. It's temporal. A fleeting moment that isn't sustainable.

    If you fail at something enough times eventually you get tired of failing. The only alternative to failure is succeeding. To succeed you have to set your mind on doing the things required for change.

    Where are you mentally?

    Here: i want to lose a little weight

    Here: I want to lose weight!!!



    Internal drive and determination will produce the long term results. Motivation will get you through a short weekend.

    Very Nicely Said.... People are looking for this magic elixir that somehow will force them to own up to there actions and help solve their problems. When ultimately you and you alone have to do some soul searching and figure out if failing one more time is the pattern that will define the rest of your Life or will you take responsibility for once in your life and make the change necessary to finally make this about you and just do it. This is the rest of your life and no one is going to be there holding your hand the entire time. You just got to want it bad enough this time and do something about it... Best of Luck
  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member
    Yes to all of the above. Motivation is indeed a fleeting quality and takes a back seat to the habit and immediate gratification of eating. Your motivation will eventually fly out the window and the more restrictive your "diet" the sooner it will disappear (sorry, but true). Beyond that, you just do it one day at a time because ______________ (you fill in the blank).
  • stand in front of mirror n say that u can do yes ur serious about weight loss
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    I just set myself a new goal/challenge. I hit goal weight in December then set myself a challenge to run a half marathon (never done one before), therefore I had to train or fail, then I signed up for another half, then another and then a Marathon therefore either I stay motivated and train or I let myself down and fail. Let's face it the human instinct is to do everything in our power to succeed.

    That might just be me
  • It's definitely a personal thing.
    I have a lot of motivation.
    I like to be able to go hiking with my family without feeling winded.
    I'd like to feel happy about my appearance and be comfortable.
    I want people to stop giving up their seats on the bus for me because they think I'm pregnant when I'm not.
    I want to be in shape.
    And most of all, I want to look killer in my bridesmaids dress for my brothers wedding in July. I'd say that is my real motivation... The idea of these pictures being around forever. I want to feel and look good on that day.

    Just decide what you want and go for it.
  • Lemongrab1
    Lemongrab1 Posts: 158 Member
    By keeping in mind how awesome it feels to be fit and wear what I want, and how crappy it feels to be a chunky monster.
    Also: when I was a kid I was bullied endlessly. I promised myself that when I was older I would make child-me proud of adult-me then I could let the chavvy *kitten* regret their mistake.
    Doing it for Child-me!
  • When I was losing, I didn't really worry so much about the actual weight and number on the focus was and remains to be on my nutrition and fitness...losing weight and looking better was just a really nice bi-product of both of those things. I focus and strive to be better today than I was yesterday..and I plan on being better tomorrow than I am today. Next week I will be stronger and faster than I am this year I will be more awesome than I am this year.

    I don't think in terms of the day to's today, and tomorrow...and next week and next month and next year and 10 years from now, and the rest of my life...everyone says "lifestyle", and I really think that term actually goes over everyone's head.

    Personally, I found very little motivation in simply "losing weight" or vanity or anything like motivation is my health (which is vastly improved from a year ago this coming Wednesday) and my fitness...I'm about where I was in my late 20s fitness wise at 39's take a year, but I'm here...and next ytear I'm going to rock it even harder. Externally, my motivation is my kids...I got my **** together primarily because I want to stick around awhile and watch my boys grow up...the road I was heading down would have had me very sick in my 50s/60s best case scenario...dead worst case.

    This is very true.... When ever I do things thinking about "I have to lose weight" I end up doing creepy diet, over workouts, or stress my self in some way which will surely make me quit in a short while....but thinking like I wanna be healthy and eat healthy I feel a very happy mood....actually this mode makes me enjoy cooking healthy eating healthy and suggesting my family eat healthy ! I am still learning but I bet starving is waste and cooking and eating healthy is wonderful, it does not even make me think of junkys!! :D
    So I suggest change that mindset, focus on being healthy rather than weight loss...either way the result will be reching a healthy weight right? :)
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I just watched "300". The men kicked *kitten* and were crazy fit. Also, it reminded me of what my female friend told me "It had nearly naked, ripped man in it. Of course I was going to go and watch a violent movie"
  • Great question. it's not as cut & dry as some make it out to be.

    I try to keep things as fun and varied as possible. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. From what I've read, your muscles benefit from variations as well, making it a win-win in the end.

  • Froody2
    Froody2 Posts: 338 Member
    Meh, motivation lasted only for about six months by which time it was kinda habit - been doing this for 14 months now.

    ETA - forget about losing weight quickly. The more you punish yourself by cutting calories to very low levels in the hope of losing weight quickly just makes you hate life and everything in it. Think instead in terms of the rest of your life - eat food you enjoy, in moderate amounts and get some daily exercise. Doing this will mean you won't have to go to extraordinary lengths to motivate yourself - it all just becomes what you do, part of life.

    I wish you well.
  • Love life, wear a smile, help others, join a yoga class take up a martial art join a gym/club/team etc and hang with fit and motivating people...take part be hungry for physical and mental activity not food! You want to be a better version of you, go be that! :happy:
  • I completely agree. If you are like me you have to remind yourself everyday why you are trying to lose weight. I also pick a motivational picture or saying during breakfast and put it as the wallpaper on my phone. That way I can look at it during the day when I get a little weak. I also try to set a goal for that day because that is what I have to concentrate on "today" and not my goals for two months from now. I figure my future self is made with a lot of "today's". My motivational saying for today is "You don't have to be great to start but you have to start to be great."
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i sign up for races. i like having a date to be ready on that is more about what i can DO rather then what i look like. appearance is the result of hard work.
  • jadedhippo
    jadedhippo Posts: 95 Member
    I just keep having small goals. Once I reach it I move on to another.
    For me I want to lose 10kg (22ish lb) and my main goal is a big event I have in a few months. So my mind is on that.
    In the meantime I have smaller goals. For instance.. fitting into certain clothes, being able to do the next yoga level/workout, being able to do x amount of squats, walk uphill for x minutes without stopping.

    I do have motivational quotes and pictures on my phone/mirror/computer that I look at every so often.
    Every time I'm like "i want to eat my weight in potato chips" or "i dont wanna exercise" I just think of my goals and how much faster ill be there if I suck it up and keep going.

    It also helps to realise that its not the end of the world if I go over my calorie limit or if that chocolate somehow makes its way into my mouth. Its good to be focused, but still be kind.
  • Every time I start to hurt on the X-trainer, bike etc I think about every bad bit of food I've ever eaten. Usually keeps me going.
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    You just need to want it.

    Not being motivated really doesn't work as an excuse, as only you are in charge of your feelings. If you want to be more motivated, actively be more motivated.

    Perfect answer. You have to choose it.
  • kaylacollinscna
    kaylacollinscna Posts: 102 Member
    Lately it's been the looming deadline that has been created.
    I'll backtrack.
    Ultimately I want to join the Navy, which means I must get down to 160 lbs or (I think) 32% body fat. I was doing this at a leisurely pace, however I got a letter in the mail recently that has stressed the importance of meeting this requirement quick.
    I work float pool at a long term care facility. I can pick my own hours, I get paid extra than regular staffing, and I still get overtime pay. According to the letter float pool members will only be able to work 25 hours a week after October 1st, though I did talk to the scheduler who said that for 12 pay periods out of the year the hours can be over. I normally work at least 36 hours a week, that's the minimum I need to be able to pay all the bills and live with a little comfort, but it's not uncommon for me to pick up 50+ hours in a week. So my deadline is set - about 6 months after October 1st. I don't know if it's possible for me to lose the 60 lbs in 6 months or for me to even get down to that body fat percentage in that amount of time, but I'm sure trying! I can always fall back on the fact that if I don't make it to 6 months I can apply for a part of full time position (I guess I'll have to go for full time....) They always have positions open. I don't want to do that though. I just want to move on to the next phase of my life.
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