New Focus T25 Facebook Group

Hello - My son and I just started Focus T25. This will be our first workout program we're doing together. I am involved in a boot camp group as well that meets five days a week. I'm adding in T25 because the group focuses on strengthening intervals, and I love the cardio rush.

If you'd like to join us to encourage, motivate, and support, the FB group is simply Focus T25. It is a closed group, so your posts don't go on your wall or your friends wall - just the group's wall.

It will be group solely for motivation and encouragement. There will be no soliciting allowed of any kind. This is not a challenge group. I am a Beachbody coach, but I do not push products in any way, shape, or form. I became a coach for the discounts (honestly), and I love to help motivate people to work towards their personal fitness. My personal goal is also to get in great shape and eventually become an instructor.

Join us :)


  • esme_rom
    Hello there! i am interested in starting this program and i'd like to join your fb group except that i cant see the link to join? Can you please provide me with the link to join? Thanks!