Sedentary activity level

Over the last 24 days I've lost 7 pounds. I was already on a diet for a week or so prior to that and saw big losses then in the first week as is expected. I should be losing 0.14 pounds a day with my 500 calorie deficit, but I'm losing 0.291 pounds a day. I eat all my exercise calories back. I have my activity level as sedentary. Do you think these are still newbie losses or do you think my bmr is higher than sedentary?

I exercise about 300-500 calories a day, but as I said I eat them back.


  • Salkeela
    Salkeela Posts: 367 Member
    Things pan out over a longish period of time. The 7lbs total lost could be plus or minus a couple of pounds, which would alter your rather overly precise daily figures. I would say part of that loss could also be due to less food in the system if you see what I mean. And of course any single figure will also depend on how much liquid is in the foods most recently eaten. (I understand pasta retains more water in the digestive system than meat for example....)

    So I'd wait a bit, and re-assess after a longer period, by then the numbers are more likely to even out and the +/- error of the start/finish weights will account for less of the total loss, meaning your figures are more accurate.