Hello Everyone! I am here for weight loss!

Hi guys im 26 years old I weigh 340 lbs and I am on a journey to achieve good health. Join me ! Please add me if you need a friend, I sure could use as many as I can.


  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    IN for the journey! :smile:
  • I would like to join you add me :)
    Frend request sent :)
  • Smokink
    Smokink Posts: 12 Member
    Newbie Kristina, here lol..would love to add ppl for motivation..im toning up my arms and muscular legs.. I guess you can say" "trimming"the fat around the muscles.and counting calories with fitness pal app!:) lots of cadio.doing wonders!