How to loose alot

DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
edited September 21 in Chit-Chat
Please please please… no one take offense by what I’m writing. This is meant to be a 'light hearted' way to help you remember to spell things correctly. I by no means am perfect, with the written word, and have committed these ‘crimes’ in the past myself. These are just observations I’ve had reading post here on MyFitnessPal (MFP) that have 'jumped out' at me over and over again (no thanks, to having two English teachers as parents and being 'force fed' these rules through out my youth).

First off, you do not ‘loose’ weight here on MFP, you ‘lose’ weight. Here are a couple of proper ways to use them e.g., "The belt to your pants will get ‘loose’ here on MFP", OR "You will 'lose' weight with MFP". A good way to remember this is; that when your belt gets ‘loose’ you ‘lose’ an ‘o’ to spell ‘lose’.

Next, I see ‘a lot’ of you who think that ‘alot’ is one word. The web site, Hyperbole and a Half, has a very funny article on the imaginary ‘Alot’ creature which you can find here;

Finally, there is the article “Ten Words You Need to Stop Misspelling” (which happens to have lose/loose and a lot/alot on the list) by the wonderfully bizarre web site ‘The Oatmeal’. Which you can find here;

Remember, this post is meant to be friendly reminder on spelling mistakes, often made on posts here. I’m in no way a ‘Grammar/Spelling Nazi’ and if you choose to pay no attention and continue to write 'a lot' as one word just remember that I’m not 'alot' better than you.


  • ldkalleck
    ldkalleck Posts: 10 Member
    Haha. I love this because when I first read the title I was thinking "I was sure he was more intelligent than that."

  • Haha, love it Danohh..that's one of my pet peeves! Although, I admit, I've made those grammar mistakes as well it bugs me when I know it's used incorrectly or misspelled. Another one I've been pondering lately...I have a friend that posts pics all the time and she always says "my friend and I". I know the general rule but is this correct? It just looks funny I guess.
  • lol love it. my kids call me the spelling nazi. I sometimes find it hard to bite my tongue when people repeatedly misspell words even after being corrected on it. I am in no way perfect and happily proclaim myself queen typo. it is called spell check people. and lets not get into chat speak.... ugh... makes my head spin. I love the sites you posted. I really needed the giggle.
  • Thank you for this post! You say what I'm thinking and get to be the jerk for me!!!

    Can I just say...........

    your = your
    you're = you are

    its - possessive
    it's = it is

    there = "The chair is over there."
    their = "I'm going to their cottage."
    they're = they are

    *deep sigh* I think everything's gonna be okay!
  • Memah
    Memah Posts: 129
    Growing up with two English-teacher parents instilled many good qualities in you. My poor husband is stuck with an English teacher, and let me tell you, he is long-suffering!

    I am a writer, and it hurts me to see things like "alot," or incorrect use of "lose/loose," along with the many other errors. Our English language has descended to a new low.

    Anyhow, I appreciate seeing good and correct writing. A writer friend and I call ourselves "English Nazis," but in good fun. I do NOT go around correcting people.

    I am in the final editing stage of a book I began a year ago, and hope to publish it.

    Correct English rocks!

  • trisha329
    trisha329 Posts: 266 Member
    I am a spelling and grammar fanatic as well! I think my biggest pet peeve is the "it's" and "its" one! I am especially "peeved" when I see it done incorrectly on an advertisement or a billboard. Honestly, I refuse to buy a product from a company that can't get "it" correct!
  • smfabrizio
    smfabrizio Posts: 5 Member
    Your to funny. LOL

    Hopefully, everyone gets my sense of humor!
  • Eye halve a spelling chequer
    It came with my pea sea
    It plainly marquees four my revue
    Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.
    Eye strike a key and type a word
    And weight four it two say
    Weather eye am rong oar write
    It shows me strait a whey.
    As soon as a mist ache is maid
    It nose bee fore two long
    And eye can put the error rite
    Its rare lea ever wrong.
    Eye have run this poem threw it
    I am shore your pleased two no
    Its letter perfect awl the weigh
    My chequer tolled me sew.

    Sorry, couldn't resist. lol :wink:
    I think if people had spell checker, things would better.
  • I don't think he was being a jerk. just speaking out on behalf of the intelligent people of the world. plus like he said it was meant in a light hearted manner. I am just glad to see that it is not just me that hates it.
    oh and to dmcbeauty yes your friend is correct. you use I or me depending on the rest of the sentence. if you are talking about yourself and another person in the picture you would say my friend and I.. take your friend out of the picture and you would say I am in the picture. you wouldn't say me is in the picture. or for example you say give it to her and me. you wouldn't take the other person out and say give it to I. it would be give it to me.
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    Thank GOD someone said it! WTG!!! :)
  • smfabrizio
    smfabrizio Posts: 5 Member
    Very good explanation on the "I vs. me" topic! I was trying very hard to figure out the best way to explain it, but you got it!
  • There is also no such word as 'gotten' You've got it or your getting it.
  • katkat987
    katkat987 Posts: 100 Member
    Haha I tend to get a tad peeved off about incorrect use of grammar and spelling too =)
    (Too being another word spell wrongly. You can't be 'to tired'... YOU MISSED AN O!)
  • I luv it. Gr8t post Dan! Now can u pls post some websites on proper IM writing!? Not sure about ur kids but I am constantly correcting mine to make sure they spell correctly when not in "IM mode". lol

    Seriously though, I always notice spelling errors and was taught at a very young age that a lot is TWO WORDS! I also had an English teacher who begged us to never use the word "got" ever, and told us that if we found writing to be easy, that we were probably writing rubbish.

  • simplyshannal
    simplyshannal Posts: 188 Member
    Too funny! I feel the same way about so many of these words. The one that gets me is "to" and "too". I just don't understand how grown men and women can't spell or place these simple words. I am so glad that someone finally brought this to the attention of the individuals here on MFP. :smile:
  • batty5
    batty5 Posts: 193
    Bosslady1 that is brilliant. As a retired lecturer of English I agree completely. Makes it worse for me though when I see I have made a typo & someone may think I don't know the difference!
  • oh my gosh yes.. someone mentioned the one that drives me nuttier then a fruit cake. the misuse of to too and two.
  • trisha329
    trisha329 Posts: 266 Member
    I luv it. Gr8t post Dan! Now can u pls post some websites on proper IM writing!? Not sure about ur kids but I am constantly correcting mine to make sure they spell correctly when not in "IM mode". lol

    Seriously though, I always notice spelling errors and was taught at a very young age that a lot is TWO WORDS! I also had an English teacher who begged us to never use the word "got" ever, and told us that if we found writing to be easy, that we were probably writing rubbish.


    Doug, that makes me CRAZY as well! Okay, maybe I sound old, but, what is it with kids these days?! What is with the texting in regular writing? Good job correcting your kids on that one!
  • Eye halve a spelling chequer
    It came with my pea sea
    It plainly marquees four my revue
    Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.
    Eye strike a key and type a word
    And weight four it two say
    Weather eye am rong oar write
    It shows me strait a whey.
    As soon as a mist ache is maid
    It nose bee fore two long
    And eye can put the error rite
    Its rare lea ever wrong.
    Eye have run this poem threw it
    I am shore your pleased two no
    Its letter perfect awl the weigh
    My chequer tolled me sew.

    Sorry, couldn't resist. lol :wink:
    I think if people had spell checker, things would better.

    This made me :laugh:

    When I first saw this post, I was thinking ..oh god ..someone spelled loose/lose again!!! I seriously rolled my eyes.
  • Raina0512
    Raina0512 Posts: 216
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: *gasp* :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: *sigh*
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