My name is Kevin, and I am overwight



  • kreene1987
    kreene1987 Posts: 40 Member
    Anyone working out with the Zombies Run! app? So much fun workout stuff!
  • sillyrichie
    sillyrichie Posts: 34 Member
    Anyone working out with the Zombies Run! app? So much fun workout stuff!

    WHAT on earth app is this?!?! Never heard of it before!
  • terri_journey
    terri_journey Posts: 287 Member
    Congrats Kevin to you and your wife on the birth of your new baby and to you for starting your new weight loss journey.
    I'm sending a FR to you now.
  • pari_06
    pari_06 Posts: 109
    First of all.. Congratulation for 2nd baby!!
    And all the best..being here on mfp will definetly help you. Welcome!
  • leapsonbounds
    leapsonbounds Posts: 77 Member
    Hey Kevin - my cable company (Comcast) has a "sports & fitness" network, where they have a slew of free exercise videos. You should check yours for that. Walking (pushing a stroller as someone suggested) is awesome. So is going for a bike ride. Congrats on the new baby and the positive changes you are making. Good luck!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    time for you to kick some butt KEVIN!
  • kreene1987
    kreene1987 Posts: 40 Member

    Day 3 - Ran with the dog! C25K W1R2 link above!

    Dropped a minute off of my mile time :).
  • sillyrichie
    sillyrichie Posts: 34 Member
    NICE job! That's awesome - how'd the dog like it? :)
  • kreene1987
    kreene1987 Posts: 40 Member
    He only made it through about .9 miles. I am working on his fitness as well :). He is a great dog with a TON of energy and has been cooped up with the new arrival.
  • I have the zombie app! Love it!! I am on week one, tried to bring my dog last night but he wanted to run the whole thing. Congrats on babies, wedding and weight loss!
  • sillyrichie
    sillyrichie Posts: 34 Member
    He only made it through about .9 miles. I am working on his fitness as well :). He is a great dog with a TON of energy and has been cooped up with the new arrival.

    Then, I'd say he did pretty good! Doggy fitness is a really good idea - my lil pooch just LOVES to sleep on "Daddy" lol. Energetic dogs are more fun (especially when they greet you at the door :) )...
  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
    My goal weight is 189, which puts me at the max weight to qualify for the BMI discount through my insurance for 2015 (weigh-in is Oct 2014).

    Hi Kevin -- sorry for the little rant here, but I came across your post. Is this BMI discount through your employer's insurance? Has anyone told them and the insurer that is a really stupid idea because the BMI is a crude and, to my way of thinking, useless tool. There is not a competitive bodybuilder in the history of bodybuilding who would qualify -- they would all be considered obese according to the BMI charts. Arnold Schwarzenegger, when he was winning his bodybuilding titles, was 6'4" and competed at 260 pounds, which gave him a BMI of 31.6. You think he was obese? The BMI will overestimate body fat in any athlete or anyone with a muscular build. I'm 58 years old. 5'6". I fluctuate right around the normal/overweight category but will be bulking back up again and definitely into the overweight category. And I'm in a size 28 jeans. Do you think you can be overweight in a size 28 jean? There ought to be other ways to encourage healthy lifestyles other than using a tool that is as flawed as the BMI..
  • congratulations on new baby, good luck and never give up! Take it one day at a time!
  • I think BMI is the 'best' cheap method they can use without being too intrusive. It is flawed and all but they cannot start taking fat% etc etc, people will start complaining that they are being intrusive
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    good on you guys for changing things up a gear - and felicitations on the little family. :D

    You can certainly do it for free. I'm doing it for free - i have no money either. I walk a lot, and I have a really really nasty hill in my town I can go up. I also find biking burns lots of calories.

    Too fat to run, I value my knee cartilege, but I am very keen to start when i lose enough weight.

    All the best, remember to log everything and it gets easier to log with time, as you build up a body of recipes and foods you commonly eat. :D
  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
    I think BMI is the 'best' cheap method they can use without being too intrusive. It is flawed and all but they cannot start taking fat% etc etc, people will start complaining that they are being intrusive

    Chest to waist measurement is just as indicative. Waist size is another. Fortunately my employer doesn't use such flawed tools for discounts for insurance purposes. They calculate them and offer counseling, but the counselor looked at my numbers and laughed. Using one flawed number to offer discounts is simply wrong in my opinion. It is a lazy man's way and really does little to encourage better health.
  • kreene1987
    kreene1987 Posts: 40 Member
    I think BMI is the 'best' cheap method they can use without being too intrusive. It is flawed and all but they cannot start taking fat% etc etc, people will start complaining that they are being intrusive

    Chest to waist measurement is just as indicative. Waist size is another. Fortunately my employer doesn't use such flawed tools for discounts for insurance purposes. They calculate them and offer counseling, but the counselor looked at my numbers and laughed. Using one flawed number to offer discounts is simply wrong in my opinion. It is a lazy man's way and really does little to encourage better health.

    My opinion is that it got me up and working out again to lose weight. Flawed or not a TON of people are getting motivated to make changes.

    I also agree that if the BMI is off there should be a second measurement that you can apply for. The BMI isnt the only factor, its bloow pressure (Mine is great), cholesterol (mine is pretty bad due to genes and my current stature), and a few other blood results I think?

    Either way the BMI thing is working for my company, and as a group of engineers, there are a lot of us that are obese!
  • pltjess
    pltjess Posts: 101 Member
    Hi there! I sent you an add after finding you on the 20s something thread. It was only afterwards that I realized how close by we are, as I'm in Olathe!

    Anyway, I'm 27 and am starting out again alongside my boyfriend to try and lose a considerable amount of weight. I'm all for keeping each other motivated! Best of luck!
  • Congrats on the 2nd baby! And you'll love the Couch to 5K! I never thought I would enjoy running, but I started the C25K before my auto accident and was at a 12 minute mile - all jogging - never thought I would see that day! (I'm 5'1 so my strides are a lot shorter)....and now I've decided to get back to the C25K program and lose what I gained after my accident.

    Best of luck! Keep updating!
  • kreene1987
    kreene1987 Posts: 40 Member
    Update: 15 lbs down and slowing down a bit. I went out for pizza and ate 4 slices without even realizing it until I was done... pizza is my weakness for sure.

    Also losing motivation to track my eating. My losses have been great, right on track for what I would expect in the first month and a half, and I am really struggling to continue tracking. Perhaps it was a weekend at the lake with no internet, who knows.

    I am feeling like my stomach is smaller, being satisfied with smaller quantities of food. I am continuing to weigh as well as mentally track my calories. As long as I am losing, what am I not gaining by just mentally tracking?

    Also, I am sticking with C25K pretty well, using the fun runs and other stuff as motivation on off days.

    Been using since September 9th, feel like my life is completely different already, pants are fitting better (or too big) and my labido is better! I can also run an average 10 minute mile on intervals, could probably drop into the 9's on a solid mile, who knows! Thanks for being here peeps :).