Started MFP 3 weeks ago and gained.

Okay, so, I started using MFP 3 weeks ago and I have gained 10 pounds. Can someone explain this to me? I have been strict with the 1200 calories, that MFP suggested, and drinking more water. The more I research though, other sites tell me I need to take in more calories. I am exercising about 3-4 times a week. During this time, my doctor put me on birth control (to help with ovarian cysts), so that doesn't help but, seriously, why am I not losing and I am gaining???? It is getting depressing. My clothes are even tighter than before :( Thanks for any and all help :)


  • prettigirl01
    prettigirl01 Posts: 548 Member
    it may be the birth control. that contributed to my 5 pound gain in one week. I was considering going off the pill but I actually need it. give your body some time to adjust maybe another couple weeks and see what happens
  • sunsetzen
    sunsetzen Posts: 268 Member
    Well, if you're gaining, I would first look at your portions. Are you measuring with a scale or cups or eyeballing? You need to be precise. Also, do you log everything you put in your mouth?

    Are you eating your exercise calories back? Get a heart monitor to see how much you burn and eat back anything thattakes you below 1200.
  • notdieting
    notdieting Posts: 116 Member
    I note you have had a gastric bypass. Do you not have a post-op food/diet plan to follow given to you by your doctors?

    I would normally say that 1200 calories is not enough and you need to up it but your op will have effects on your ability to function in the same way as a non-op person so it may not be the answer for you. I think you should talk to your docs first x
  • If you could open your diary so that we can see it, we may be able to give more insight into why you might be gaining. Could be the types of food you are eating, an underestimation of calories, not enough calories, an increase in water consumption, and/or the birth control. I know that when I increased my water consumption, I gained 4 pounds. It didn't take too long to lose though. I also had to play around with the number of calories I ate as well as the types of foods. I'm still a work in progress myself (as can be seen in my diary), but finally the scale is moving in the right direction again.
  • Yes, I had gastric bypass back in December of 2007.
  • I don't feel like my portions are horrible. I do measure things out. Can you help me make it public so that you gusy can take a look and help?

    You will see the weekends are not good but, they are also not horrible.
  • And as far as eating calories back, no. I didn't honestly know I was supposed to :( I think one day I may have.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I note you have had a gastric bypass. Do you not have a post-op food/diet plan to follow given to you by your doctors?

    I would normally say that 1200 calories is not enough and you need to up it but your op will have effects on your ability to function in the same way as a non-op person so it may not be the answer for you. I think you should talk to your docs first x

    I was just going to post the same thing! I would also talk to your doc about the weight gain from the birth control. Could be that it's not the one for you and a different pill or other option would be better. Some bc options do have this side effect but usually with proper eating and exercise it's still possible to lose weight.
  • Weigh/measure absolutely EVERYTHING that you eat/drink - This has certainly helped me. All those little bites of things really add up and can be enough to hinder your progress.

    Drink plenty of water.

    How much, and what type of exercise do you do?

    Consistency and patience is key.

    Good luck!
  • I want to just go off of it (the BC) and let it be. I end up in the ER every 3-4 months with it and if it means that I am in the ER from it but, I am losing weight then, I will go off of it. I can't stand gaining. I have been there before. I was at 309 and with my gastric bypass, I lost 142 and now, I am back up about 30 and want to get back to where I was at my lowest.

    Please note** for those of you that wanted to see my food diary, I just changed my calorie goal to 1400 from 1200 today because I read that 1200 put me in starvation mode.

    Thank you SO much for help :)
  • My excerise since I started MFP is my elliptical for approx 30 minutes.

    Before MFP, I would take walks with my daughter.
  • pltjess
    pltjess Posts: 101 Member
    Go to settings.. .diary settings.. and at the bottom select public.
  • It should be public. Veiw away and any and all help/suggestions are appreciated!!!!
  • I checked out your food diary (well the last three days of it) and if they are any indication of how you are eating daily, I really don't think you are eating enough. Sounds counterproductive to weight loss, but there are so many posts on here about eating enough to lose and different sites that you can visit to help you find the amounts of carbs/protein/veggies... I'm posting (bumping) so that hopefully someone who is more educated on this matter will post some helpful sites you can visit. Best of luck! Don't quit though. You will figure this out. :)
  • Thank you! I was wondering if that was my issue. I am almost certain it is. I just don't to over eat either. This is difficult!
  • Julzanne72
    Julzanne72 Posts: 468 Member
    I would say you need to eat more. You should be netting at the very least 1200 calories, no less than that. I am not sure on the BC, I personally don't take them, but I don't have a need to either, don't like taking anything like that daily, unecessary chemicals, and when I did take them long ago I put on some weight.