Can't reach 1500 calories, hitting fat/prot limits.

MizSookeh Posts: 106 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
Hi everyone,

I've recently started on a 1500-calorie a day plan, aiming to lose 66 pounds by my 30th birthday (June 2014). This is close to the recommended amount I was given when signing up (1600).

I feel like I have been eating amazingly well (especially compared to before!!) but the weight isn't budging. Looking over my meal planner, it looks like I'm not eating enough calories.

It would be an easy fix to eat more, but I am already hitting my recommended targets/limits for fat and protein. I've seen suggestions such as 'stir fry with oil' to bump up the calories, but this would push me over my recommended fat limits.

Based on the example below, I'm hitting just above 900 calories, but walking off almost 300 due to exercise. My protein is almost bang on recommended, and my fat consumption for the day is about 50g out of 60g.

Any suggestions on where I can safely bump up calories, or possible other causes for weight not moving? It's only been a couple of weeks, so this isn't a plateau.


An example of a days meal plan;

2 eggs, scrambled with skim milk, basil and chilli
1 piece of soy & linseed toast with avocado

Lemon Pepper Tuna with salad (mostly greens)

Protein either in the form of grilled chicken, baked ricotta mushrooms, fish, lean red meat
Salad (mostly greens) with homemade dressing (balsamic, ginger, mustard, tiny bit of light oil)

2x Black coffee
Mineral water
Filtered tap water
1x Homemade 'energy ball' which is a big source of fat (good fats, only a small amount of saturated) and fibre I'm not getting elsewhere - almonds, sunflower seeds, pepitas, oat bran, honey, flax, dark chocolate, cinnamon, ginger.

Home to train and back.
Train to work and back.
30min walk at lunch
Totals about 2.5 miles daily.


  • sunsetzen
    sunsetzen Posts: 268 Member
    It'd be easier to give advice if your food diary was public.
  • LJSmith1989
    When in september did you join?

    Your probably not giving it enough time.
    Or you joined today and trolling.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Options said you are on 1500 a day plan ..but then the example you give is 900??? Is that 900 in one meal, per day?

    Do you weigh all your food?
  • Maaike84
    Maaike84 Posts: 211 Member
    It would be easier if your diary was public - but going by your example meal, I'd say you could eat more carbs...?
  • BabyNurseJen
    BabyNurseJen Posts: 64 Member
    You're starving yourself. Have some fruit.
  • StangMan12
    StangMan12 Posts: 15 Member
    Not sure how recently you started your diet but most of us don't gain weight over night so losing it overnight is not going to happen. Have some patience with your body and figure out what it needs to burn the fat. Walking is good and if you're comfortable try adding more distance, Add some upper body exercises to let the rest of your muscles help burn those calories up. You are right in there for the "safe healthy weight loss" average of 2 lbs a week.

    June is a long ways off (My goal as well) but I just started recently too and find myself getting on the scale at least 4 times a day. It's kinda funny now that I look at it from this angle but it's true. I am going to ween myself to twice a day and in a week or so once a day and hopefully get down to once a week as time goes on. The big emphasis is always calories in vs calories burned but what you eat plays a big part. Learn what you need to do to make your body do what you need it to. There aren't a lot of things in life we can control but being overweight is something we can control. Take it easy, pace yourself and stay on track, let time do the rest. Good luck, hopefully come June we will both have reached our goal.
  • FrankiesSaysRelax
    FrankiesSaysRelax Posts: 403 Member
    Well, you mention nothing about carbs. So how about adding in some fruit to your diet? Even things like bread/pasta/rice/potatoes. You don't need to low-carb to lose weight (unless your doctor has said otherwise).
  • FourIsCompany
    FourIsCompany Posts: 269 Member
    If you're eating 900 and working off 300, that means you're eating 600 calories a day. :noway: Not enough to keep a bird alive. You have to fuel your engine. Eat more fruits and vegetables (I don't mean greens, I mean broccoli, green beans, asparagus, cauliflower, etc.). Add some brown rice, beans and sweet potatoes.

    And make your diary public so we can see what you're eating. That's really the only way to give good advice.
  • danabartocci
    This is one of my favorite posts to explain why you need to eat more.

    Your body needs it, try fruit, it is also a recommended fat/protein ratio, often people suggest more protein. Try greek yogurt, but get the calories in otherwise you may not be successful.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    If the concern is that you're keeping your calories low in an effort not to go over on your protein/fat levels, don't worry about it. A lot of us think MFP sets those defaults too low. Look at them as a minimum goal rather than a maximum and keep eating!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Add some veggies other than leafy greens to your diet. You need a variety of vegetables to get proper nutrition.
    Have a piece of fruit.
    Add some whole grains to your diet.
  • jameshinton7503
    Everyone on these pages gives some really good advice, but don't weigh your self every day or even every other day! it takes approximation of 2 weeks for you to rep the rewards of any work out.:grumble:

    Try taking a photo of your self in the mirror once a month to have a proper visual aid as to how you are doing.

    If you are able to speed up your walking this will help you improve your cardio which will lead to you doing other things as you fell better.

    God luck and don't weigh your self for at least a month or at all! If you like what you can see then that's all that matters don't worrying about numbers. :smile:
  • tavenne323
    tavenne323 Posts: 332 Member
    I don't pay too much attention to those fat/carb/protein "limits". I try to make sure my protein is high. And then depending on what I do that day deal with the rest of it. I have a friend who is an exercise physiologist/personal trainer. She recommends higher fat diet on non-workout days, and higher carb diet on workout days (especially cardio). All within your calorie deficit. It seems to be working for her and her clients. I try to follow it as best as I can.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Where are the healthy carbs?

    Also, you can up your protein percentage and be alright. I'm on a 30-30-40 plan (30 percent carbs, 30 fats, 40 protein).
  • junoja
    junoja Posts: 25 Member
    You can also change your % of fat, carbs, protein where you go in and set your goals to fit the way of eating that works best for you. I have my fat and protein set fairly high and my carbs set fairly low because that is how I eat. I look at my total calories and make sure that I am getting close to the recommended value and don't stress if I am over carbs or one of the other macros for the day. I have a goal set for carbs and am thinking about readjusting because I am usually over it - but what is important to me is where those carbs come from. If they are mostly from fruit/veggies - it's a good day - even if I'm over.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    If i am reading your post right you are worried about eating 1500, because 900 already puts you over protein and fat? :huh: You have to properly calculate your calorie and macro/micro goals and eat far more than you're eating now. This is a great post on how to do so.

    Take a look at my diary if you like, I eat lots and still have a deficit for weight loss (thanks to exercising) and I usually hit my macro /micro targets. It is far easier if you make it more about sustainability than about getting quick results.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Where are the healthy carbs?

    Also, you can up your protein percentage and be alright. I'm on a 30-30-40 plan (30 percent carbs, 30 fats, 40 protein).


    Is there a medical reason for restricting carbs?
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    MFP's nutrient percentages are notoriously off.


    It's a great thread for explaining how to set up proper nutrient goals for your body.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    The protein recommendations on MFP are quite low. And healthy fats are not bad for you. Worry about hitting your calorie goal first, and then work on tailoring your macros (carbs/protein/fats).
  • WannabeStressFree
    WannabeStressFree Posts: 340 Member
    i smell a troll
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