Not understanding my issue!!

So I have been weighing my foods, measuring and counting calories on MFP since last November. I take my breaks at work and walk and have recently (week 3 almost done!!) started the c25k program to see if it would "jumpstart" my weightloss. In February, I was diagnosed with Celiac disease. Because of this, there are few things that I can eat and I try to avoid preservatives (accept the occasional Chickfila or Wendys GF meal). I have been eating around 1500 calories and also eating back most of my exercise calories. Does anyone out there have any advice on how I could FINALLY start losing again? I would appreciate any help in the matter!!


  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    How long has it been since you lost weight - or is it just that you aren't losing as fast as you want to? Sorry but you weren't very clear about this in your post.
  • LuckyMunky
    LuckyMunky Posts: 200 Member
    Have you been dieting the whole time? I find that if I don't take a break from the diet and eat at maintenance every couple of months, I get stuck in a weight loss plateau. Eating normally for a few weeks allows the body to reset itself. I find that after my diet break, I tend to drop 2 - 3 pounds within the first month of dieting again. Perhaps you have the same issue?
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    How are you determining your calorie burns from exercise? Is there a chance those are inflated? If you're fairly certain of those, then I recommend taking a couple of weeks at maintenance calories before going back to your weight loss mode.
  • ellew70
    ellew70 Posts: 222 Member
    So I have been weighing my foods, measuring and counting calories on MFP since last November. I take my breaks at work and walk and have recently (week 3 almost done!!) started the c25k program to see if it would "jumpstart" my weightloss. In February, I was diagnosed with Celiac disease. Because of this, there are few things that I can eat and I try to avoid preservatives (accept the occasional Chickfila or Wendys GF meal). I have been eating around 1500 calories and also eating back most of my exercise calories. Does anyone out there have any advice on how I could FINALLY start losing again? I would appreciate any help in the matter!!

    Is 1500 the amount MFP gave you?

    How do you measure your exercise calories to eat back?

    Have you figured out your goal calories using the TDEE - 20% method?
  • pianolover2012
    pianolover2012 Posts: 168 Member
    I have been at the same weight for 5-6 weeks. I do not "measure" my exercise calories- sorry about that. I use the MFP estimate, but I also under-report what I do to ensure that I am not overestimating the burn.
  • pianolover2012
    pianolover2012 Posts: 168 Member
    How long has it been since you lost weight - or is it just that you aren't losing as fast as you want to? Sorry but you weren't very clear about this in your post.

    5-6 weeks since I have dropped weight
  • pianolover2012
    pianolover2012 Posts: 168 Member
    How are you determining your calorie burns from exercise? Is there a chance those are inflated? If you're fairly certain of those, then I recommend taking a couple of weeks at maintenance calories before going back to your weight loss mode.

    What is considered "maintenance"? Would that be my TDEE?
  • lavaughan69
    lavaughan69 Posts: 459 Member
    I took a look through your diary and your processed foods are really elevating your sodium levels. Something to keep an eye on. I would try not eating back your exercise calories for a couple of weeks or only eating back half of them to see what happens.
  • ellew70
    ellew70 Posts: 222 Member
    I have been at the same weight for 5-6 weeks. I do not "measure" my exercise calories- sorry about that. I use the MFP estimate, but I also under-report what I do to ensure that I am not overestimating the burn.

    MPF's number are notoriously bad so it may be that you are overestimating despite your best efforts.

    The TDEE method of determining your calorie goal is different than MFPs in that it calculates in your exercise on the front end. That way there is no guess work involved in the exercise eat back. Very Generally, your TDEE is the amount of calories needed for you to exist living your life - so a baseline of the calories needed to breathe and keep your heart going PLUS the calories needed for your style of living (sedentary, active, etc.) If you then subtract 20% from that, you should be eating at a sufficient deficit to lose weight.

    I like this because it gives me a number (mine is 1500) and I don't have to fuss with inaccurate exercise calorie counts. If you also do the MFP method (eg, it tells you 1200 and eat back your calories) - you would be at 1500 if you also exercised 300 cals worth a day and ate them back. The methods are not totally analogous if you did MFP at 2 lbs per week, as I think the TDEE -20% method is geared toward 1 lb a week.

    If you figure out both of you them you should have a range to shoot for. From there - adjust your calories as you see necessary? Plateauing, maybe eat 100 less. Bonking out from being hungry, maybe eat 100 more. Its important to remember that both methods are based on averages for the populations. As none of us as average, you have to tweak it till you find what works for you.

    PS also remember that your TDEE will change over time as you lose weight, so you have to recalculate it from time to time. What was working before you lost weight may need to be changed, given your new weight.