cant find an excersise i enjoy



  • crose0056
    crose0056 Posts: 105 Member
    I personally love walking have a fitbit flex that gets me motivated. It's so good for the mind and stress deliver.
  • 1capybara
    1capybara Posts: 162 Member
    can you afford the YMCA its typ about $1/day. try the treadmill, plug in your mp3 player to listen to, and challenge yourself to go a little further each day. Running on the treadmill to music is fun 2 me!
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566
    I have done a ton of workout dvd's. I didn't always enjoy it but it was something i needed to do. Commit yourself to 1 hour a day regardless of whether or not you like it and once you get used to it, it won't be so bad. You may even start to look forward to it.

    If you don't like dvd's, you could try biking, skating or rollerblading, walking, jogging or things like badminton, tennis, swimming, or you could turn up the radio and dance around the house. Whatever makes you sweat will work.

    I think the key is to mix it up too, that helps so you don't get too bored with a workout.

    Best of luck
  • apedeb09
    apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member
    Have you tried turbo jam? It's the only workout that actually gets me pumped up. I like the music. :)
  • TheBoev
    TheBoev Posts: 58 Member
    I loathe the first mile of any run I do. But I do it, and eventually enjoy it. Sometimes I loathe the group class I am taking but after I start, I get into it and enjoy it. There are days I hate exercise in general, but I do it because it is good for me. Eventually I snap out of it and love it. Like Tony Horton says "I hate it....but I love it".
  • carriesea
    try hula hooping! it's a lot of fun, and can be done alone or in a group. if you get a heavier hoop you burn more calories but as you get better you can get a lighter hoop for more dance-ability and endurance. you don't necesarily need a gym membership for it so it can save you some money too :)
  • Rai007
    Rai007 Posts: 387 Member
    find one which is challenging. when it is challenging it is keeping u busy mentally and physically.
    and listen to songs if it is still boring.!!
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    Try something that at least gives you a little lift or satisfaction with yourself and try it for several weeks. I started running in April and really loved the way I felt after but not so much while I was running. I'm still running 5 months later and just recently realized how much I really do enjoy it!
  • tonynguyen75
    tonynguyen75 Posts: 418 Member
    Co-ed sports.
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    I like doing Billy Blanks DVDs Tae Bo they are fun
  • hjy319
    hjy319 Posts: 269 Member
    Become a Zumba instructor, teach the class you love, while working out you can make extra $$ getting a class in your area that isn't there, do a workout you love and have motivation to go, since you will be instructor
  • TaxPrepLiz
    TaxPrepLiz Posts: 28 Member
    I agree with jacksonpt 100%!! We don't always enjoy the things we need to do. I used to hate exercising....Like, really, HATE it. I did it any ways. I love it now. I crave it. I miss it when I am gone.

    I think what helped me the most was lots of variety and really small attainable goals. Because we all like to feel like we're achieving something, right? I have a list of 100 fitness goals. Some are "attendance" type goals. Ones I can cross off EVERY DAY. Most others are achievement goals. I know I can do ALL of them! So excited to cross the whole list off. I plan to frame it when I'm done!

    Exactly. While I can't say I love it. My body does miss it when I don't get a workout in. I think it is also a matter of getting used to a workout, not necessarily loving it. I just do it anyway most days. Lord knows I don't like sweating or huffing and puffing.
  • MrsKKat
    MrsKKat Posts: 4 Member
    Me too! Like you I have tried everything. The only thing I can stick at is my elliptical trainer which is now in our spare room. I spend 45 mins a day on this - first thing, otherwise I won't do it - going as fast as possible while watching TV. The time simply goes if you have a recording of your favourite program on the box! You can pick these up pretty cheaply and definitely works for me :smile:
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    Build something around your interests! Do you like being outside or inside? I think that will determine a lot of where you need to start. Group X is fun, but if you don't have access to it, what about a running or walking club? Do you have a rock wall you can climb? Sometimes, a great way to decompress is to just take a walk, and you'd be surprised at how quickly a short walk turns in to an hour long walk which winds up being 200 calories burned! If you like pets, you can go to your local animal shelter and help walk dogs, or if you're in a rural area, horseback riding? Lots and lots of ideas out there and if you think about it, you should be able to exercise on the cheap with a little creativity!
  • SkinnyFatAlbert
    SkinnyFatAlbert Posts: 482 Member
    Threads like this (I don't like vegetables/exercise/water) always come off a little like the OP is asking for permission not to change something. So I'll take the opposite route everyone else probably is and say you have permission to not exercise. Feel free to watch TV or play video games to your heart's content instead since those things are way more fun usually. You'll still be able to lose weight if you eat at a deficit so no worries. Exercise makes things easier but it's absolutely optional.
  • hopefaithlove24
    hopefaithlove24 Posts: 454 Member
    I don't enjoy all my workouts either, but I def enjoy the results! Look at what you are going to gain through doing it, you'll start liking it eventuallly because it'll make you look better!
  • Tiff050709
    Tiff050709 Posts: 497 Member
    i have tried pretty much everything, i love zumba but there isnt a class near me and the dvd's just arent as fun. and because i cant find one i enjoy i just give up. i had to cancel mmy gym membership because it just cost too much, so the odds really arent on my side.. any ideas of something exciting and fun to do ?

    thank you for your time xxx

    Do you enjoy cleaning the basement? Do you enjoy washing windows? Do you enjoy vacuuming? Do you do them anyway? Sometimes it's not about enjoying everything you do, sometimes it's about doing what needs to be done.

    Yes, Ideally you'd want to enjoy what you're doing. But a lot of things become more fun as you get better at them. And few people start something new being better at it. Sometimes you have to bite the bullet, do something for a week or a month or whatever, and grow to enjoy it.

    I agree with this. Sometimes you just have to do things. I like working out better now then I did when I first started. And I like the feeling afterwards, which is what I try to focus on.
    I like playing just dance. There are songs I know and I try to beat my old score. Wii Fit and other games. You can get your heart rate up and play games at the same time, win-win!
  • riccoismydog
    riccoismydog Posts: 319 Member
    Do you have an xbox? Do you have a kinect? I have Jillian Michaels, some kickboxing mma thing, and some other fitness games. They do in a pinch, and if you have kids you can compete with them. My family always gets sucked into doing it with me...I just look like I'm having too much fun...but they really kick my butt. :) I'm sure they have them for whatever the playstation has too. Some of the games are older, but you can still get them online or through a used game store.

    Also, 30 day it. You won't be sorry. I also have a Jillian Michaels app on my tablet. I haven't done it yet, but it is all hand weights and body weight exercises. Looks like a solid work out to me.

    As for the xbox, even some of the non work out games get you moving. And you can play with the kidlets, and they like it.

    You can also walk. It's free. Its easy. Your dog will love it. You can go somewhere neat, like downtown to window shop or to the park. Kidlets usually love it too.

    Play in the park as well. Works if you have kids under 7 or so. I used to run after my son, do the monkey bars, do some chin ups, run up the slides (such a bad influence) He loved it. It tired him out, and I was the coolest mom there.

    Not too long ago, life was as such that we didn't need to look for exercise. Maybe just let go of some luxuries, such as driving to work, parking your kid in front of the tv and just get active.
  • riccoismydog
    riccoismydog Posts: 319 Member

    Not everyone who is at the gym sweating their butt off is enjoying it. If you wait until you enjoy doing your taxes, your gonna have a bad time, but you do it anyways. Exercise is like that. I hate squats, step ups and lunges. I do them because I want a nice butt more than I want to sit on it...

    I love being on the elliptical with loud music pounding going as fast as I can. If you love music, maybe make it all about the music? I'm probably going deaf, but I'm fit. :)
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    i find walking free and fun. for me.