Chalene Extreme or Chalene/Turbofire Hybrid?

Hello! I am currently 160 pounds and I have a goal weight of 135. For weight loss and toning, would I be better off combining the cardio of the turbo fire with Chalene Extreme or should I just stick with Chalene Extreme> Thoughts? Thanks!


  • Daytonsmommy
    Daytonsmommy Posts: 162 Member
    I think doing a combination of cardio and strength training is usually the best way to go. I am currently doing a "hybrid" of Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones and Turbo Fire and in 3 weeks I've really seen some positive changes in my body. I'd really like to start the CXT/Turbofire hybrid when I can afford Chalene Extreme because I want to start lifting heavier, but for now, this seems to be working pretty well.

    Hope this helps!
  • Yes it definitely does! Thank you :)
  • Have you considered their newest program Focus T25? I just completed the initial 10 weeks of the program of Alpha & Beta and lost 20 pounds. In Alpha you focus on cardio and endurance, then in Beta they add some weights with cardio. I am just about to start the last add-on phase of Gamma where its mostly lifting. I can not wait to see the final results in 4 more weeks :) Let me know if you would like to chat more :)
  • Oh is that the new one with the guy from insanity? I would love to give that one a try because 25 minutes a day means less excuses. Do you think it would be possible to do a hybrid of Chalene with that?
  • kmillers
    kmillers Posts: 144 Member
    I loved Turbo Fire. Most fun I ever had working out. I am currently doing T25 with a 25 minute lifting program that I came up with but if you have 35 extra minutes, do it with CLX. I am loving the results from T25. You have to push yourself but it is only 25 minutes. No cool down, no warm up. Really not much different than month one of Insanity.
  • Do you have access to Beachbody Super Gym? They have hybrid calendars of all sorts of programs, you may be able to find a hybrid for T25 & CLX. But once you get into T25 it also has lifting. 5 weeks of Alpha phase is endurance & cardio, 5 weeks of Beta has more lifting with cardio & you can add on 4 weeks of Gamma that has mostly lifting. Its an amazing all around program with the benefits of an hour long program in 25 minutes!!! Look me up for my success story:

    If you dont already have a coach you can click on "Join" and chose the Free option to have all the benefits of the SuperGym. And you will also get access to my Facebook group (come back to join once you completed the SuperGym part) for more motivation & inspiration for others just like us :)

    Hope to see you!
    You would love T25, I sure did!!!
  • jjwalker77
    jjwalker77 Posts: 22 Member
    I did 10 weeks of Turbo and then added CLX planning to do a hybrid. Even with the hybrid calendars I found, (which listed Turbo videos I don't have like Core 20 etc.), I felt like I Wasn't getting enough of the weights...

    SO - I just followed the CLX schedule with the Circuit (Burn/Push/Lean) days 3x a week and did either a longer Turbo cardio (usually Fire 40/55) or the Burn Intervals for cardio 3x a week. Every once in a while I would do a shorter 15-20 minute HIIT before doing the weight circuit to burn a few extra calories, and since the circuit videos are all 30-45 minutes, there was time for both.

    Good luck! Loved it!
  • Thanks everyone! I should have my dvds within a few days, I am excited to give the hybrid workout a try!
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    I did 10 weeks of Turbo and then added CLX planning to do a hybrid. Even with the hybrid calendars I found, (which listed Turbo videos I don't have like Core 20 etc.), I felt like I Wasn't getting enough of the weights...

    SO - I just followed the CLX schedule with the Circuit (Burn/Push/Lean) days 3x a week and did either a longer Turbo cardio (usually Fire 40/55) or the Burn Intervals for cardio 3x a week. Every once in a while I would do a shorter 15-20 minute HIIT before doing the weight circuit to burn a few extra calories, and since the circuit videos are all 30-45 minutes, there was time for both.

    Good luck! Loved it!

    Firstly, OP- are you doing this hybrid?

    Secondly, I am doing the TF/CHX hybrid and have previously done just the CHX program stand alone. I find that I don't care for the TF workouts too much and have started to sub in workouts from P90X and Brazil Butt Lift to mix it up. I'm 3/4 done with month 2, which is the Push Month. I'm starting to be concerned because the next month is ALL TurboFire and NOT any weights.
    I tried to do JUST TurboFire for almost 2 months and didn't realize much of a change/loss, so I may have to just skip to the next cycle with Lean.
    Also considering doing a 2nd month of PUSH which is where I'm starting to have changes.

    JJWalker77-- Any recommendation?