
Does anyone have any tips for plateaus? Before joining MFP I lost 32 pounds with Weight Watchers (still a member of)...but I have hit this rut for the past 2 weeks and can't seem to break out of it. I have worked out 2x harder than usual....watched what I ate more than usual and still nothing...any advice would be great!!!


  • deshaine
    deshaine Posts: 195
    Are you a beef eater? If so, avoid it for about a week, and then have a big steak. When I was on LA Weight Loss, that's what I would do when hit a plateau. You need to shock your system. You can go for an extra long workout, or have a "Free" day...

    GL... HTH.
  • littlemamajamie
    littlemamajamie Posts: 118 Member
    After I lost my first 30 pounds I hit a plateau for 2 months I tried everything but couldn't get out of it, Then I had to go be with a very close friend who's dad was in the hospital which meant taking a week off pretty much I had no where to workout and I had to eat what I could get...I did still eat healthy but I wasn't counting calories. When I got back home I jumped back into everything and started losing the weight again. Now almost 20 pounds later I have hit another rut so I am again kind of taking the week off. I am still working out because I love it and get crabby and feel horrible if I don't, but I upped my calories quite a bit. I will be going back down on my calories on Monday I had also started a new workout when I came back last time and plan to start a new one this time too. No matter what you will get over it eventually. I had a doctor tell me that as a woman its harder to lose weight especially if you are in your "child bearing years" because your body is programmed to hold onto the fat for the baby so you will hit plateaus often and it won't be easy to get over them. I'm not a doctor but that made sense to me and helps me not get so frustrated when I plateau. :) Good luck on your journey your doing awesome!
  • Ford4x4lady
    Go into Webmd & read up about Plateaus.. it will enlighten you.
    & hang in there.. they do pass :)
  • andersy
    My weight has been the same for the past 2 months and its frustrating! Ive lost 73 lbs and Im trying to lose 40 more lbs... I workout 6 days a week for at least 60-65 minutes, drink plenty of water, and watch my calorie intake... i'm not going to give up!
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    I totally just wrote a blog on this! lol. I have to say that the best thing to do is totally switch it up! or Shock Your System! (check out my blog tho! that would be cool!)
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I agree, you need to back off for a week. Your body is too used to your routine. Shake it up!

    good luck :flowerforyou: