How Long Did It Take You To See Results??? HELP...

I'll first admit, I'm inpatient...I'm almost to my fourth week of consistent almost daily working out....and I feel like I'm not seeing results fast enough!!! I lift heavy weights...and do cardio hard! I'm doing Lee Lebradas 12 week fitness plan which I hear is great. But after three weeks I guess I was hoping to lose weight faster. I'm sticking to my IIFYM macro plan and tracking calories...

I am 5'6 and 170 (after baby)

I want to lose about 30-40 pounds and get back to how I was two years ago

On my third week of working out consistently

QUESTION: How long of you consistently working out did you really start to see the difference??



  • init2fitit
    init2fitit Posts: 168 Member
    It depends on how much you have to lose.
    For example 10 pound loss from someone who was originally 110 would be noticeable, whereas that same 10 pounds coming from someone who is 200lbs would not be as noticeable.

    Just be patient.
  • sassysmom35
    sassysmom35 Posts: 130 Member
    I just finished my 3rd full week and have lost 7 lbs. I feel so much better and yes my pants are looser but in the mirror I look exactly the same! But I know its working and at my rate of loss I also know im doing it right. I too would love to see results faster but if you lose too fast the less likely it is that it will stay off. Of course I am sure you know this. Its just something I have to tell myself constantly to keep from getting discouraged. Also I took "before" pics and plan to take pics at intervals (and wearing the same clothes) just so I can actually see that yes there is progress even I can't see it with my own eyes. I love seeing other people's before/after pics...its amazing at the difference just a few lbs make. Also from your height/weight I don't think you have THAT much to lose and the less you need to lose the slower it comes off. I have a bit more to drop (Im 5'2 and currently 218). I lost 70 lbs a few years ago and the first 40 lbs dropped off but as I got to about 165 it really slowed down and I only lost maybe 1-2 lbs/month no matter what I did. Bottom line though...I am sure you are looking different and making progress. Its just hard for you to see because you see yourself every day and don't notice the small changes that are taking place.. Hope that makes sense lol. Good luck! We can do this girl!!!
  • norcaligirl72
    norcaligirl72 Posts: 34 Member
    Use clothes and the measuring tape. I am finally doing it the "right way", eating more calories than the recommended 1200 (TDEE -25%) and working out with weights and cardio. Scale fell 17 pounds and then went up 5 but my measuring tape says hips are 2 inches smaller, clothes feel different and hubby is seeing my shape change. Yeah, I am still weighing weekly but not so torn up about it. When I think this is a lifestyle change, as in the rest of my life, things are going to fluctuate all the time so as long as I keep doing it right it's all good.
  • My stepson gave me the best advice. I was frustrated that I'd only lost 1/2 pound in 2 weeks or something like that (it was last fall). He said, "it's still going in the right direction!" That is the thought keeps me going, even when the losing is slow going. I also accepted the fact that the 100+ lbs. I had to lose was going to (and should) take a long time and I just needed to keep going in the right direction. I always record calories, even on "cheat" days, which helps keep the reality of what too many calories will do in mind. This website/app makes it easy to get back on track. 85 pounds so far!
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    In 3 weeks I have lost 8 lbs and although no one notices, I feel great. Consistency is key, weight loss takes time!
  • RoyBeck
    RoyBeck Posts: 947 Member
    A month or so. Be patient - it's a marathon NOT a sprint.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    I was down about 16 lbs. before the most perceptive of my friends noticed something (and I think my wife had told her I was dieting). By the end of the school year (I'm a teacher) I had lost nearly 18 lbs. and only a couple more people noticed. But you can bet that a lot of my friends and co-workers I didn't see over the summer noticed the change over the summer, a total of 36 lbs. down from my starting weight, even though the difference from the spring was only 18 lbs. People tend not to notice gradual change, but a sudden change makes a lot bigger impression.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    If you are eating too much it doesn't matter how much you work out, weight loss happens in the kitchen.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Just a takes much longer...really, nothing happens in 4 weeks...hell, 4 weeks is only one mesocycle of lifting with my's nothing. Have some patience.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    At least several months. I really didn't start to appreciate the changes till at least a year I would say. 3-4 weeks is a drop in the bucket. No one gets in shape that fast.
  • mjf0461
    mjf0461 Posts: 470 Member
    I commend you for working at this as dedicated as you have done. But let me tell you something from my experience. You lose it fast and it will come back on you just as fast. Did you measure when you started? That's one of the best ways to judge your stats. Get that tape out and measure. I measure every 3 weeks.
    Good Luck
  • gypsyrose64
    gypsyrose64 Posts: 271 Member
    I lost 17 lbs the first month.... then spent another ELEVEN MONTHS pushing to get to the -30 mark! Three months of nothing while eating at a deficit. You have to invest in your future health, regardless of what the scales do (or don't)... and one day you wake up to realize your pants are falling off. Patience grasshopper. ;-)
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I was down about 16 lbs. before the most perceptive of my friends noticed something (and I think my wife had told her I was dieting). By the end of the school year (I'm a teacher) I had lost nearly 18 lbs. and only a couple more people noticed. But you can bet that a lot of my friends and co-workers I didn't see over the summer noticed the change over the summer, a total of 36 lbs. down from my starting weight, even though the difference from the spring was only 18 lbs. People tend not to notice gradual change, but a sudden change makes a lot bigger impression.

    Totally agree with this.
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    I've been at it for about two months. My scale says I'm 16 pounds lighter, but I don't see the difference it's made yet. Some of my shirts are baggy but that's about it. I guess it just takes time. A loooong time. (I'm impatient too!)
  • louanners
    louanners Posts: 3 Member
    OMG I ask the same question EVERY TIME (I'm a mother of 3, 29 yrs, 5'1 weight varies from 135-148) and every time personal trainers say "IT DEPENDS" of course speaking individually. Now something that stuck to my head was that the first 30-35 days are crucial in you sticking to ur life style change. Your body is like in, "Okay so what are you doing to me" mode. After those days then its important that you have a calorie intake plan set and choose from the healthiest and most micro nutrient fruits and veggies through out your day and try not to eat 2 hrs before you go to bed (many disagree)...but none the less...the next set of days up to 90 days is where you will actually feel and see that change you've been LONGING for! That's what I've been told over and here's to counting down the days!! I'm impatient too, but I wrote on my mirror, " Don't give up! Everyday accomplished is ONE more day closer to your GOAL!!!" We can DO IT!! ;-D Lets getter done together!!!
  • Three week is nowhere near long enough to see results. Did it take you three weeks to become 30-40lbs overweight?
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    Take photo's, you might not see results ever if you don't, depends though. I personally after 130 lbs lost, still look in the mirror and don't see it, just depends, the mind takes awhile to catch on. Though my pants know I've lost and changed. The only way I could keep going and know that it was working was taking photos.
  • g33kmommy
    g33kmommy Posts: 104 Member
    It depends. :) It took me 20lbs to notice a difference.
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    I was roughly 124 lbs when I started so my first 10lbs were instantly noticeable as I'm also a very short person.
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    I work for the school system and we are off for the summer,
    when I came back my boss said OMG where did you *kitten* go!
    I had not even know it had gone down.
    Walking is great for core building!