Body Media Fit Users - some help please?!

I just got a Body Media Fit. Yesterday was the 1st 24 hour period that I used it.

It tells me that when I am asleep I burn 1.1 calories per minute. Theoritically if I spread that out over a 24 hour period (1.1 x 60 minutes x 24 hours) does that give you a relatively accurate BMR?

See on MFP I had been using calculators that other users had recommended and put in my activity levels and come out with a BMR of around 1400. Body Media Fit puts me at 1584 (assuming my above calculation is correct)...

Soooooo...... what do you all do?

TDEE less a percentage?
or do you do BMR + a bit? <-- that is what I have been doing and now I am thinking that on paper I'm not eating enough. But the reality is that if I go much over that I start putting on weight? Have I messed myself up?

How do you all use the information that you get from Body Media Fit?


  • spangey13
    No one?
  • justformel
    justformel Posts: 193 Member
    I try to eat 1600 cals a day. But when looking at the numbers I'm burning through the day and I have burnt quite a bit more than 1600 I know that if I'm hungry, I have room in my budget to do that.

    So the way I use the data, is just comparing what I burn vs what I eat. I always want to stay in a deficit at the end of the day.
  • cjohn2278
    cjohn2278 Posts: 65 Member
    I tend to watch my burn vs intake all day...I try to stay at a 500-1000 cal deficit and this has seemed to work for me! Good luck!

    It took me a couple of weeks to figure out what worked for me...I know that the Body Media program suggests a 1000 cal deficit but some days that is just not feasible.
  • spangey13
    Thanks very much - was wondering if I had messed up the settings or something!
  • madtownjeremy
    Yeah, the difference between mfp and bodymedia can be a bit confusing. My advice is this: ignore MFPs numbers;they're generally way off and are the reason so many people around here aren't seeing results. What I did was wear my bodymedia for a few days and calculated my rmr based on my sleeping cal burn (which interestingly enough came VERY close to some other calculators out there on the net). Then, based on that number, I multiplied it by 1.5 (because I exercise every day) and that determined my TDEE. From there I knew that as long as I stayed above my rmr but below my TDEE, I would always be in a deficit. From there it was up to me to calculate my macros and figure out what to eat in order to lose fat but preserve lean mass. Oh, and I plugged all this into the activity manager custom goals and 68 pounds later it's still working well. :)
  • SJCon
    SJCon Posts: 224
    I think it will always be confusing if you don't have sedentary as an activity level in both to come close to leveling the playing field. MFP is not as flexible as BM for changing your goal so I then adjusted the slider in BM until they both match. This also gave me the most conservative estimate for my budget. With those set then any effort I do is determined by my BM and syncs over as extra calories to MFP. I can watch my ongoing deficit and see that I maintain my goal of 1000 cals, both stay in sync and play well together. After a few weeks you have a good idea of you TDEE and can use that to affect your goals as well. With this method I don't worry if I am sick, in a lot of meetings, traveling, etc. If you are not meeting goals, MFP does have some allowance even at sedentary< then just tighten it up a little.
    Love it now if it was waterproof and not so irritating after a sweaty workout I would be happy. Yes I know the new model is waterproof and smaller.

    BTW there is a Body Media group as well.
  • lexi1301
    lexi1301 Posts: 5 Member
    I have used a bodymedia for months and had great success with it. If i stay in bed all day, when ill, it also gives me a calorie burn about 100 calories higher than my calculated BMR, and i feel this higher number is more accurate for me personally.

    One thing to be aware of though, I have noticed that if i lie on my left side for a significant amount of time my supposed calorie burn goes up from 1.1 per minute to 1.3 or sometimes more. I am pretty sure this is because my arm is getting hot as i am lying on it and the sensors are measuring this as a higher metabolic rate. If this could be a possibility for you, you may want to be slightly cautious about the higher RMR that you have calculated.

    I keep an eye on my bodymedia burn several times daily and aim for a 7000 calorie deficit each week, as close as possible to 1000 calories each day. My calculated deficit over several months matches almost exactly with the 30lb i lost based on the 3500 calories per pound rule, allowing for a small amount of lean mass loss so i know it's calculations are working very well for me.

    i personally don't worry too much about the exact settings and just try for a 1000 calorie deficit each day. I prefer this to the TDEE average method as my activity just fluctuates too much.

    in terms of syncing with MFP if you set your activity level to sedentary and your weight loss to whatever your target is then my experience is after it is synced with BM there is around a 100 calorie difference, with MFP being the lower ( I guess it all comes down to the original bmr/rmr discrepancy) but really i think it all works out either way. I eat the higher number.

    I agree with the other posters that said just focus on your required deficit. I see from your profile that you want to lose 6kg, so you may only want to lose around 0.25 kilos a week and no more than 0.5 kilos. So for now I would aim for a daily deficit of between 250 and 500 calories.

    After a few weeks you will have built up enough data to have an accurate TDEE average and you could then take a percentage off that as required if you think it would work better for you to eat the same calories each day. Obviously if you already have a TDEE estimate you could use this for now and then tweak it if the bodymedia says you are averaging more or less burn.

    Good luck :)
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    When I got my BMF, I realized I burn a TON more than what I thought per day. I realized I needed to eat more, anywhere from 1000-500 less than my total burn for the day which is about 3000. I try an stay within about 700 deficit at the most on days im just not that hungry. I should add I am about 13 pounds from my ultimate goal weight and it is getting harder to loose the pounds. If my day is looking like i will be more active, I eat more. If not, I back off a bit. Hope this helps.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I eat to a 750-1000 deficit off what bodymedia says (although mine reads high so my actual deficit isn't that much). If I ever only ate my BMR (whatever it might be), it's because I'm too sick to keep food down. Since bodymedia is measuring your TDEE, there's no need to do additional calculations. I have my mfp set so that it works out that my net calories on mfp is what I should eat and maintain a 900 calorie deficit off bodymedia. It took a bit to get that all figured out though. But it really does integrated nicely.
  • spangey13
    Thanks everyone for your advice - Glad to know that I'm on the right track. After I've had it on for a couple of weeks I might work out what my averages are and go from there.

    Really appreciate the time that you all took to reply :smile: