Mom of two !

., i've just joined this today hoping that it's going to help me on my journey to lose the weight of having two children!! I just turned 30 and I was hoping that this year would be the year i got in shape and STAYED in shape ! I used to work out all the time and watched what i ate , but after having two kids that are 18 months apart and being a stay at home mom, i guess i" let myself go " so to speak.. I just joined a gym and have started to put my calorie intake into this website so i'm hoping it's going to work for me ! I need to lose 50 lbs ! wish me luck


    MANESSJ Posts: 3 Member
    best wishes!!! I've been on for a few months, and when I'm diligent to log in everyday it really helps me stay on track!:smile:

  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hi Mariam! Welcome to MFP! You will find that this website will help you stay accountable and in control! I've been using it for about 2 yrs now and love it! It's also great that it's available as an app on the droid phones too!

    I just turned 33 and for my 30th b-day I too decided to make a change for the better! I gradually started working out and started losing weight. Then, I found Beachbody. I don't know if you're familiar with their products such as P90X, Turbo Jam, Hip Hop Abs etc. But, like you, before I gained the weight, I used to be a gym rat! I knew I had it in me, it was just a matter of reall sticking with it this time! It has completely changed my life! I've done many of the programs and they work!

    Congrats on your two children! I have two kids of my own and stay at home as well; that alone will keep you busy but you need to make sure you take time for yourself as well. Because in order for you to take care of them, you've got to take care of yourself! I learned that myself going through my journey. I still have a little ways to go until I reach my goal but everyday will move you closer and closer!

    You can do anything you set your mind to and you'll find lots of support and motivation on this site! If you ever want to chat or just vent, feel free to message me!

    In the meantime, check out my sites for more info on Beachbody and how it's changing people's lives! Hope you have a great day!

  • carmonmurphy
    Hi Mari! Good luck to you on your weight loss journey!
  • Shannon821
    Shannon821 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm new as well. I'm 36 years old and have two boys that are 16 months apart. My oldest is 2 years old and my youngest is 10 months. Since turning 30, it's been a struggle to lose weight. I'm also a stay at home mom now and just joined the Y last week. I'm on a mission to lose 30 pounds. I'm here if you want to be weight lost buddies. It always helps to have someone along with you on this journey. Good luck to you!!!
  • mshrews1
    Good luck Mari! I hope you achieve your goals!
  • sjoy711
    sjoy711 Posts: 40 Member
    Well Girls, I've got you both beat. I have two boys that are 11 months and 10 days apart. My oldest was born in January 2009 and my youngest was born December 2009. ;) It is really hard to work out with two babies at home - the only time I've found is first thing in the morning. But it is nice that it is done and out of the way before I even eat breakfast. I don't have much left to lose and it feels so good to take my kids out in the evenings when I get off of work (I have to work FT, unfortunately). Best of luck and feel free to friends me or check out my food diary. Stay honest with yourself (about calories consumed) and the weight will just fall off if you eat under your calorie allowance for the day.
    Hope you enjoy MFP!
  • RedondoJen
    Hi, Good Luck to you! I, too, am a Stay-at-Home Mom to two kiddos. However, I am 41! It has become a lot harder to keep weight off as I get older. When I'm not consitant with my running, the pounds start to creap on and before I know it, I'm back up 5 pounds. This site is very helpful in keeping count of calorie intake. I used to use a site called "" that cost $9 a month. This is just as good...if not better!
  • Mickie1951
    Hi....I just joined today also. Hopefully this will help me to lose weight. I lost 90 lbs 3 years ago with a doctor who gives shots and medication and have gained more than half back. Sometimes I wish I would have never lost the weight. But.....I am going to do it the right way this time..............:-]
  • marijones
    Thanks for the encouraging words !!! I'm excited about using this site and starting back at the gym. I would love to have more energy because Lord knows, chasing my two kids around all day long takes LOTS of it ! Plus it's just plain depressing looking into my closet and seeing all the clothes i wore before having my kids ! My goal is to get back into those clothes as soon as possible !!
  • marijones
    lol thanks ! Good luck on yours too
  • kimbalee661
    kimbalee661 Posts: 16 Member
    Welcome! Glad you're here. This website has been so helpful in tracking my food and exercise. I LOVE IT!

    Best of luck to you.