TDEE - 20% - how on earth!!!



  • AnneU93
    AnneU93 Posts: 114 Member
    OP did you read this?! this is correct. If you have a thyroid condition you cannot use TDEE calculations.
    If you have a medical condition you cannot rely on the TDEE calculators. They are averages for people with normal functioning metabolisms. I would suggest asking for a referral to a dietician to figure out what is right for you in your specific case.

    Edited to change can to cannot.
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 897 Member
    OP did you read this?! this is correct. If you have a thyroid condition you cannot use TDEE calculations.
    If you have a medical condition you cannot rely on the TDEE calculators. They are averages for people with normal functioning metabolisms. I would suggest asking for a referral to a dietician to figure out what is right for you in your specific case.

    Edited to change can to cannot.


    And if you are unable to afford specialist advice, then try starting at a number and stick with it for a few weeks and then reevaluate where you stand.

    This is just suggestions! I am not a medical proffessional or an expert. I am using numbers that are generally accepted as not very extreme, and should not give you very fast weightloss. There are people here who will tell you that eating at 1200 calories is fine, I disagree but it does work for some. My advice is based on my own experience, I am 5'6 and started above 200lbs, I have a sedetary life except for exercise. With this example I assume that you keep exercising 30minutes pr day but do not eat exercise calories back, as it seems you are doing a bit every day but not overdoing things.. if you get into heavier exercise then you need to consider fueling that.

    for 4 weeks eat at 2.000 calories. This should either make you maintain or give slight weightloss. With thyroid issues it might even make you gain but please dont panic, this is to give you a base to work with and you will be able to get rid of any weight gain at a later point.

    You might gain and lose the same few pounds over those 4 weeks depending on your cycle. Dont panic. Look at the overall pattern of the weight: is it going down, up, or not much movement at all?

    If you are gaining or maintaining, lessen the calories down by 2-300 and see how you are after 4 weeks again.

    If you are losing weight, then yay. If you are losing less than 1lbs/week on average then you can probably make it a little less (1-200 less) but anywhere between 1-2lbs/week average is good.

    If you are losing more than 2lbs/week on average and/or feeling like **** then increase the calories by 1-200 per day and see how you feel after a week.

    Re-evaluate every 4 weeks or so.

    Keep record of weight, calories eaten, and exercise for every day in excel/open office calculator. This will let you create graphs and calculate averages.

    Being over/under your goal for 1 day is OK.. its the average for a few days that counts

    ALSO: Please make the calories nutrient giving food, and not sugary salty crap ;) calorie = calorie, but in terms of how we feel in our body it makes a huge difference to get good quality nutrition.
  • scdsuccess1985
    I didn't mean for my post to make MFP members attack each other.

    I was just seeking advice.

    Just a quick review of my condition.

    I have to take Cellfood several times a day, so that my body can have enough oxygen and that my organs can do their work properly. That is the one medical condition that no one understands or know what caused it. My body don't keep oxygen. Doctors did tests etc, couldn't find a reason for this. And I am not going to waste money on more tests!

    Been 8 years now - still alive and kicking with the obesity and all!

    And due to this occurrence, no dietitian is willing to work with me. Keeps saying that I will give them a bad reputation if we fail.
    The few that has worked with me - after not loosing weight or losing weight but gaining it back and more - they believe I am cheating. Which I am not.

    Now I know because my organs are under pressure that this can be a great reason for me not being able to loose weight and for being nausea most of the time. having an under active thyroid with it - almost a guaranteed no win situation.

    Like i said before, doctors said I have to make peace with the fact that I cannot loose weight. Doctors also said I will never have children - I have 2!!!

    I absolutely refuse to believe that I cannot loose weight. I have been a normal healthy person for 4 years in my early 20's.

    I have tried in the past to loose weight - with small success - but there was success.

    I don't deny that there was times that I went overboard - but not everyday! The point is, yes, overeating might have had a part, but certainly not the main reason why I am where I am. I was weighing about 198 lbs before this condition. After giving birth for the 2nd time, (weighing about 225 lbs) it just went uphill for me. 3 months after giving birth - I landed in hospital - my body didn't had enough oxygen. Body parts was shutting down. And since then - no solution = gaining weight. I have been maintaining my weight for about 7 months now which is a great success for me.

    I wish that people could just get by the fact that if you are overweight, that is because you eat to much. Medical conditions play a big roll with obesity as well.

    I am no expert in weight loss - and having an under active thyroid complicates things - But I can only try. I've been reading a lot about weight loss - maybe too much - because it is quite confusing to me now...

    :-) That is why I posted this topic... the support on MFP is one of the best on the internet - every question you google - MFP pops up :D

    @iceqieen - Thx for the great advice. Don't think I will be able to get to 2000 cal right away, but will work my way up there and then work it down again :D
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 897 Member
    Best of luck :)

    the 2000 number is an arbitary number though. you might want to take it slowly with upping it or choose a different number. Do you have any idea what caused the successes? F.ex. do you know how much you were eating and exercising then?
  • ShannonKelliG
    ShannonKelliG Posts: 70 Member
    As far as I'm concerned the 'road map' is the font of all weight loss knowledge.
    I got as far as the word "coma"

    Try actual science like with 1555 calories a day giving good fat loss and preservation of lean body mass.

    If you put a body fat figure into the fat2fit calculator it gives you the Katch McArdle value, and says

    "Katch-McArdle Forumla
    The numbers above are fairly accurate, however they don't take into account your lean body mass. A more accurate formula that does take your lean body mass into account is the Katch-McArdle formula. Since many of us have scales that will tell us our current body fat, this formula may yield more accurate results."

    Try it with 50% BF and you'll see the effect I'm referring to.

    I just put my numbers in on this and got basically the same as the other tdee calculators. I do like putting in the bf%, but not everyone knows theirs or they aren't accurate. Very interesting though!
  • ShannonKelliG
    ShannonKelliG Posts: 70 Member
    I have similar starting stats to you, op. I started here 29, 275, 5'4. I've been eating over 2000 cals, currently doing 2100, and have lost almost 70 lbs since I started in Jan and over 90 total from my highest weight. Good luck!
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I didn't mean for my post to make MFP members attack each other.

    I was just seeking advice.

    Just a quick review of my condition.

    I have to take Cellfood several times a day, so that my body can have enough oxygen and that my organs can do their work properly. That is the one medical condition that no one understands or know what caused it. My body don't keep oxygen. Doctors did tests etc, couldn't find a reason for this. And I am not going to waste money on more tests!

    Been 8 years now - still alive and kicking with the obesity and all!

    And due to this occurrence, no dietitian is willing to work with me. Keeps saying that I will give them a bad reputation if we fail.
    The few that has worked with me - after not loosing weight or losing weight but gaining it back and more - they believe I am cheating. Which I am not.

    Now I know because my organs are under pressure that this can be a great reason for me not being able to loose weight and for being nausea most of the time. having an under active thyroid with it - almost a guaranteed no win situation.

    Like i said before, doctors said I have to make peace with the fact that I cannot loose weight. Doctors also said I will never have children - I have 2!!!

    I absolutely refuse to believe that I cannot loose weight. I have been a normal healthy person for 4 years in my early 20's.

    I have tried in the past to loose weight - with small success - but there was success.

    I don't deny that there was times that I went overboard - but not everyday! The point is, yes, overeating might have had a part, but certainly not the main reason why I am where I am. I was weighing about 198 lbs before this condition. After giving birth for the 2nd time, (weighing about 225 lbs) it just went uphill for me. 3 months after giving birth - I landed in hospital - my body didn't had enough oxygen. Body parts was shutting down. And since then - no solution = gaining weight. I have been maintaining my weight for about 7 months now which is a great success for me.

    I wish that people could just get by the fact that if you are overweight, that is because you eat to much. Medical conditions play a big roll with obesity as well.

    I am no expert in weight loss - and having an under active thyroid complicates things - But I can only try. I've been reading a lot about weight loss - maybe too much - because it is quite confusing to me now...

    :-) That is why I posted this topic... the support on MFP is one of the best on the internet - every question you google - MFP pops up :D

    @iceqieen - Thx for the great advice. Don't think I will be able to get to 2000 cal right away, but will work my way up there and then work it down again :D

    No one is attacking, one was questioning the other answered.

    Honestly - it is impossible for you to not lose weight. Medical factors may make it more difficult for you than others but it is not impossible. It will make it much harder if you choose to believe you can't.

    What is cell food and who put you on it?

    You may also want to open your diary.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    If you have a medical condition you cannot rely on the TDEE calculators. They are averages for people with normal functioning metabolisms. I would suggest asking for a referral to a dietician to figure out what is right for you in your specific case.

    Edited to change can to cannot.

    I agree. If you have medical issues related to metabolism or hormones, all bets are off until those things are stable, you cannot rely on the calculators.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member

    O my word - after calculations, My TDEE is 2962 - 20% = 2369 calories per day!!! Have checked several TDEE online calculators.

    Could this be right??? How on earth am I going to consume so much calories a day. I never eat that much a day!
    I will surely gain weight by eating that much calories per day - well in my logical world.

    Now I'm not trying to be nasty....but you obviously have been eating more than 2369 calories a day or you wouldn't be 273lbs
    This is just not a nice thing to say (I'm not trying to be nasty either) but not knowing enough about a person and automatically assuming they are eating an exorbitant amount of calories indicates all overweight people are gluttons.

    That discounts any and ALL medical issues, of which it turns out the OP has which can stymie weight loss.

    Just because someone is overweight, doesn't mean they are sloths & gluttons. Maybe that's the reason the OP used the word 'attacked'....
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member

    O my word - after calculations, My TDEE is 2962 - 20% = 2369 calories per day!!! Have checked several TDEE online calculators.

    Could this be right??? How on earth am I going to consume so much calories a day. I never eat that much a day!
    I will surely gain weight by eating that much calories per day - well in my logical world.

    Now I'm not trying to be nasty....but you obviously have been eating more than 2369 calories a day or you wouldn't be 273lbs
    This is just not a nice thing to say (I'm not trying to be nasty either) but not knowing enough about a person and automatically assuming they are eating an exorbitant amount of calories indicates all overweight people are gluttons.

    That discounts any and ALL medical issues, of which it turns out the OP has which can stymie weight loss.

    Just because someone is overweight, doesn't mean they are sloths & gluttons. Maybe that's the reason the OP used the word 'attacked'....

    The Op replied to that question
    Natural reply Symonep. I would also have replied that.

    I was under the impression that the attack was reference the exchange over formulas.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    I didn't mean for my post to make MFP members attack each other.

    I was just seeking advice.

    Just a quick review of my condition.

    I have to take Cellfood several times a day, so that my body can have enough oxygen and that my organs can do their work properly. That is the one medical condition that no one understands or know what caused it. My body don't keep oxygen. Doctors did tests etc, couldn't find a reason for this. And I am not going to waste money on more tests!

    Been 8 years now - still alive and kicking with the obesity and all!

    And due to this occurrence, no dietitian is willing to work with me. Keeps saying that I will give them a bad reputation if we fail.
    The few that has worked with me - after not loosing weight or losing weight but gaining it back and more - they believe I am cheating. Which I am not.

    Now I know because my organs are under pressure that this can be a great reason for me not being able to loose weight and for being nausea most of the time. having an under active thyroid with it - almost a guaranteed no win situation.

    Like i said before, doctors said I have to make peace with the fact that I cannot loose weight. Doctors also said I will never have children - I have 2!!!

    I absolutely refuse to believe that I cannot loose weight. I have been a normal healthy person for 4 years in my early 20's.

    I have tried in the past to loose weight - with small success - but there was success.

    I don't deny that there was times that I went overboard - but not everyday! The point is, yes, overeating might have had a part, but certainly not the main reason why I am where I am. I was weighing about 198 lbs before this condition. After giving birth for the 2nd time, (weighing about 225 lbs) it just went uphill for me. 3 months after giving birth - I landed in hospital - my body didn't had enough oxygen. Body parts was shutting down. And since then - no solution = gaining weight. I have been maintaining my weight for about 7 months now which is a great success for me.

    I wish that people could just get by the fact that if you are overweight, that is because you eat to much. Medical conditions play a big roll with obesity as well.

    I am no expert in weight loss - and having an under active thyroid complicates things - But I can only try. I've been reading a lot about weight loss - maybe too much - because it is quite confusing to me now...

    :-) That is why I posted this topic... the support on MFP is one of the best on the internet - every question you google - MFP pops up :D

    @iceqieen - Thx for the great advice. Don't think I will be able to get to 2000 cal right away, but will work my way up there and then work it down again :D

    holy moley this is a fast moving thread!!! :laugh:

    OP; in light of the information about your medical health, this is the LAST place I would seek advice :blushing: If I were you, I would find a medical professional who can help you and THEN come to MFP with your information. There are variables here that we cannot possibly account for.

    Having your RMR tested would be the first place I would start. Since you have problems with retaining oxygen, this may prove problematic, but the folks who administer the test may be able to help re-direct you to a professional who can help you. Your issues sound too complicated to be answered by a bunch of folks on a weight loss board, if you don't mind my saying so :blushing:
  • hovercar
    I want to put this as kindly, and as forcefully as I can: Cellfood is a scam. You cannot get oxygen to your body by eating it. If you could, you still wouldn't want to, because there is only so much oxygen your red blood cells can carry- any oxygen in the blood other than that would be somewhere it wasn't supposed to be. Also, its "active" ingredient is sulfuric acid (aka Drain-o), which (as far as I know) is NEVER something that you should drink.

    I can promise you that it's not helping you; I can hope it isn't making you sick.

    If you need more red blood cells (if you are anemic), take small amounts of supplemental iron and/or eat lean beef.
    If your circulation is poor, and the oxygen in your blood isn't getting where it needs to go (you have diabetes), treat the diabetes, lose weight, and stabilize your blood sugar.

    Best of luck with your journey. Be well.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    three weeks is not enough time to see any kind of change. Before you change anything, you should wait until you hit four to six weeks and then if still no changes make an adjustment.

    TDEE - 20% is just a method for creating a deficit, it is not a cure all. At the end of the day, it boils down to calories in vs calories out and eating in a deficit.

    Online calculators are just estimates based on a mathematical formula so they will never be 100% right for everyone. The only way to f ind your true maintenance, bulk, and cut calorie intake is to weight yourself at least three times a week and take an average each week to account for weight fluctuations in water weight, bloat, etc.

    IF you are currently eating 1400 and weight 273, then you will start losing weight. .unless you somehow defy the laws of math and thermodynamics...

    so my advice would be to stick with your program and see how it goes...
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    This is just not a nice thing to say (I'm not trying to be nasty either)

    I would have kicked off more at the 'fat suit' comment personally - fortuntately the OP is smart enough to rise above it, it would seem. :smile:
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Options I understanding this correctly?

    OP are you anemic and using 'shakes' that are not Rx for nutrition?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Natural reply Symonep. I would also have replied that.

    After replacing 2 meals (which i didn't had in the first place), I am so full. I am struggling to eat an apple in between meals to keep metabolism up. I am trying my best to eat something every 2-3 hours - but gosh, my tummy ache when eating so much.


    meal timing and metabolism are a myth....and eating snacks to keep metabolism going is a myth as well. If you are not hungry in between meals then do not eat ...and you can eat one meal, three meals, or 24 meals spaced out every hour and it will have zero impact on only eat when you are hungry.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member

    Don't be silly, 0.8 * 2150 = 1720

    Yeah but how on earth did you arrive at 2,150 for TDEE? I got it at 2,772. She's 28, 273 lb, 5ft 5, setting 'lightly active'.

    You're asking the poor girl to have a 1,000 calorie per day deficit! It's really important that the advice you give on here is correct.

    yet, more proof that TDEE is just an estimate and not the end all be all ...
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Natural reply Symonep. I would also have replied that.

    After replacing 2 meals (which i didn't had in the first place), I am so full. I am struggling to eat an apple in between meals to keep metabolism up. I am trying my best to eat something every 2-3 hours - but gosh, my tummy ache when eating so much.


    meal timing and metabolism are a myth....and eating snacks to keep metabolism going is a myth as well. If you are not hungry in between meals then do not eat ...and you can eat one meal, three meals, or 24 meals spaced out every hour and it will have zero impact on only eat when you are hungry.

    while that may work for some people, it doesn't take into account gherlin, leptin as well as other things that can affect overeating.

    edited for typos
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    three weeks is not enough time to see any kind of change. Before you change anything, you should wait until you hit four to six weeks and then if still no changes make an adjustment.

    TDEE - 20% is just a method for creating a deficit, it is not a cure all. At the end of the day, it boils down to calories in vs calories out and eating in a deficit.

    Online calculators are just estimates based on a mathematical formula so they will never be 100% right for everyone. The only way to f ind your true maintenance, bulk, and cut calorie intake is to weight yourself at least three times a week and take an average each week to account for weight fluctuations in water weight, bloat, etc.

    IF you are currently eating 1400 and weight 273, then you will start losing weight. .unless you somehow defy the laws of math and thermodynamics...

    so my advice would be to stick with your program and see how it goes...

    Pretty much this.

    For a person with hypothyroidism, they are going to be 300-500 less calories, than a person without a medical condition. Second, TDEE-20% is more for people who are fairly lean ( 50lbs to lose). The more weight you have to lose, the larger the deficit, so a person your size could go 30-40% in terms of a deficit.

    I would stick it out though. 1400 calories isn't a bad option for hypothyroidism. If anything, I would recommend going low carb as you don't have a lot of calories available. This will also ensure adequate protein intake which is important for muscle retention. And high fat/protein foods are great for satiety.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    I'm 28, female, 5'6, and 235ish and I eat 2500 calories a day to lose weight. So no, it's not crazy!